So.. truetalent is going to try and prove leatherface is underrated and he has a point.
Seconded, VOD link?
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Sry, cba wasting more time looking for it. The guy's not worth my time.
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I actually cannot believe that when he does consistently well at all you'd rather say that the majority of every single person in red rank, hundreds of people, are bad at the game rather than that the killer could possibly be decent with enough time and understand
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Most of the people who don't like Tru3 because he has an overinflated ego and blames his mistakes on everyone but him. Add to that his community is pretty toxic and it's easy to see why people dislike him.
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I've been saying Leatherface is underrated for a long time. I would play LF over Clown or Legion any day
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Have to agree with you on this. I used to watch Tru3 livestream a lot and at first he seemed a decent player. Seemed to know his killers and survivors. But as the weeks went on I started seeing his excuses for things. He focuses far too long on a single survivor in a chase, then blames SWF Gen rushing. Or, he makes a huge mistake somewhere and says they're 'Optimal players'. I've watched so many of his streams and you see the instant he makes a mistake and tries to play it off as something else. Not to say he's a bad player, far from it. He does have skill, and this is in no way an attack on him, but he really does look for any excuse to blame and it really put me off wanting to watch him anymore. It wouldn't be so bad if he could just accept that he made a mistake, but he never does.
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As much as I love his content,
so far, all the Leatherface videos I saw, were against low to medium level survivors. I like when he goes against those really sweat teams, cause then we can get a real look at the killer's true viability.
About the hate he gets, I believe he's a bit self centric (dunno if thats the term), and very much closed to a debate, unless you're aligning with his opinion.
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Thing is,most survivors in red ranks ARE bad.
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Top 3-4 ghostface , wraith ? Did he face potatoes ?
In my country , Thailand has many good player. M1 killer in red rank would be loop for age.
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That’s the point, GF and wraith can’t be looped the same when played correctly.
Use cover, catch survivor out of position, free hit
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And I didn't say every red rank I said the majority :-)
You're absolutely right that it's too easy to rank up but saying that the majority are bad survivors just because a killer the fanbase constantly disregards and only ever considers as underperforming actually isn't underperforming consistently at high ranks in this instance is not accurate either
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Yeah. I think he is good to watch when someone is new to the game. But the more other Content Creators I watched, the more I disliked tru3, because I saw what mistakes he did and that he was blaming them on other factors. I unfollowed him basically when he was the highest with his complaints. And because his Chat is a toxic Bubble. There was one game where he lost (got a Viewer Build), and one Survivor wrote that they are lucky that it was a paid build. And well, the Chat was all about Streamsnipers (which his Chat does often - accusing people of Streamsniping or using the words "toxic" and "SWF" together basically all the time), where I was like "Eh, he knows tru3 and so it is not really a miracle to get that this was a paid build".
God, I got insulted that day in his Chat. So yeah... Never again.
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Not up to ewhat a red rank/top standard should be? A lot of them sure, I completely agree with you.
Bad? Not at all. You still have to play on a regular enough basis to retain a high rank and that will make you a better player over time. If it was true that red ranks are mostly bad survivors we shouldn't have an issue with red ranks being matched with yellow and grey ranks who are also supposed to be 'bad', but we know this IS an issue because current problems with matchmaking are highlighting it.
It's more that a lot of red ranks don't meet the skill level they should to be in that bracket but that does not make them in any way 'bad' survivors and definitely should not take away from a killer performing well consistently and just have it put down to bad opponents.
In that case there's no real way to distinguish between good killers and bad killers because they're all going up against bad survivors apparently so it can never prove anything?
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Yeah his chat was something I never liked. It felt like there was a huge visable divide between the fans and those who just wanted to point out how he could improve. The second someone had an opinion that wasn't directly matching Tru3's, the chat just seemed to turn nasty. I personally wouldn't allow that to happen if I was a content creator. I prefer to watch others now, such as Tofu for his videos since he will openly admit when he makes mistakes, and he does have good advice. Angrypug is also a good one too, mainly because he's just hilarious to watch.
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Bubba's garbage
Yet, I still love playing as him
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C mon. You can't stop good loopers with LF. Even with 20 perk slots. You can run LF for 5 gens. He has no mechanic to stop good loopers.
He mostly plays with potato red ranks so yeah, LF is underrated.
I used to watch him but i stopped like a year ago. Too much negativity on his streams and kinda depressing to watch.
He blames the game for his mistakes and when he loses "Yeah, that's a 4 man on comms. Nothing to do about it.''
Let's to be honest here, LF and Clown are the worst killers in the game.
They are out years, facts are speaking.
Against LF just try not to get caught when the last gen popped. 8/10 times facecamp with chainsaw revving at 100%.
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Well if it's with specific builds, that's for any killer really.
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This is my conclusion too, of course when I said anything I was always bullied by chat. Tru is really good, there’s nothing wrong with being really good and still admitting you got beat though.
We don’t need the excuses of SWF, meta builds, streamsniping, etc and even when you can clearly see he made a mistake he covers it up with an excuse and chat buys into it
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I like to main Leatherface myself, but I agree he is very dependent on specific builds and add-ons which is why he needs buffing. Killers should able to hold their own, and Leatherface can't really do that.
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Every killer has strengths and better than people make them out to be. And if they need a streamer to tell them otherwise, something is drastically wrong. I personally dont care for Tru out of all cause he is an ignorant killer main that pretty much whines about everything against him while being hypocritical in his approach as he will exploit every perk to the full I.e dodge DS, dodge BT.
Seriously, watched him play Bubba at an Autohaven garage where the whole the game was that garage. Not cause he locked them down, because the survivors were stupid to keep coming back. And proceeds to call them sweaty toxic survivor mains. They got 2 gens and all died.
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Well I hold a very small opinion of his skill and his comments. Especially after he insulted his own viewers saying they were all less skilled than him and wouldn't understand the other day. I really wish my friend would mute his mic watching him especially since I have made it clear I don't like him and I think he is worthless.
He is most likely going to use the build twitch streamer named "Fungoose" uses who has mained Plague, Clown, and Leatherface to a astounding success. Who is a killer main educational streamer worth watching.
While i personally don't like TrU3Ta1ent. I do have to admit due to his large following (god knows why people enjoy him) it will help get Leatherface either the rework he needs for his addons or more people playing him.
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The amount of critical mistakes i see survivors doing,especially when playing killer is absolutely staggering.
We are talking about survivors that are running in a straight line,wasting pallets when i'm not even near them,survivors that avoid pallets and windows like the plague,survivors that try to hide in plain sight.The list goes on.
And since the change the devs made to rank reset,it's even easier to stay at high rank.
Also play time doesn't always equal better skill.You could play a game for hundreds of hours but still be bad at the game.
What do you consider a "bad" player?
And well it is harder to tell if a killer is bad or good when the other players are bad because in that situation the killer isn't really able to apply his skill.
For example being able to perform mindgames shows that you're good killer but if they survivors are just running forwards without a second thought then you are not able to apply that skill in this situation.
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I love Tru, but I sure wish he wasn't encouraging Leatherface play. Leatherface is one of my least favorite killers and is so hard to play against. Kills me instantly much of the time.
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Honestly he's not that hard to play against. Bubba is very much dependent on specific perks and add-ons for him to be effective, which is why he has to practically be on your ass before he activates his chainsaw. If you find him being able to catch up to you quickly or activate his chainsaw quickly it's because of add-ons or perks like play with your food.
Keep your distance as best you can and work on staying as close as possible to walls and objects when looping him. This will force him to rely on his m1 attack and not his chainsaw.
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i can tell you why people hate him. before i start keep in my i was a big fan of him and watched him for 2-3 years every day.
BUT tru3 is a very biased guy. and he knows that. he is complaining a lot about survivor things and 90% of the things he is right not gonna lie BUT he never talks about the survivor experience. i can remember when they reworked the item system for survivors and he made a video about this patch and was so dissapointed about how unfair it is that killers cant keep their addons but survivor the items when they escape. just watch the video and look how he acted about that, like there is a big advantage and made a big thing about something tiny change like that.
he also attacks people in his stream a lot when they have a different opinion. now here is a conversation about me and him in the twitch chat.
after he talked so negative about the survivor side i said "Why do you have so much hate to survivors and open your mouth only when its about them and are quiet when its about the killer side"
his response : it makes no sense what you talking about just watch my stream and you'll understand
my response : i thought you're open minded and ready to have a discussion as long nobody is offending and BMing you?
his response was to give me a time out for 10 minutes.
that is how true is unfortunately i couldnt see it how BIG his ego is over the years and such a elitist is.
that happend just 3-4 months ago.
im sure Tru3 is a good guy in real life but his personality is disgusting when it comes to DBD. He acts like he knows everything better and is a GOD.
he is ignoring and acting like an elitist when it comes to other people with different opinions.
Honestly i prefer Otz he is atleast not biased and a nice dude. and as long tru3 is like that he will get a lot of hate.
im not hating him but i can clearly say i dont like his behaviour when it comes to this game.
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I'm a red rank survivor and this is true.
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just here to see the forums get super toxic over a guy they don't have to watch or engage with. 🤷♂️
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My only issue with Tru3's LF "experiment" is I've only see him using insta-saw addons in every video. The perk build is fine, but realistically, if LF requires his best addons to be "viable" or "high tier", then you have to judge all killers by the same criterion.
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But what does the tier list for someone that plays the game for a living look like. Possibly 4,000+ hours.
Someone who has put in hours (like 1,000-2,000 maybe a bit higher) but didn't make it a career, which is what I think most of us fall under.
Someone who plays it on the occasion, has put some decent hours in, but doesn't commit to the game a whole lot.
Just saying, the extreme top 1% players wouldn't be better with Leatherface or Ghost face, that most of use would be with Huntress. or Billy. I feel the tier lists would very quite a bit. At least for certain killers.
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he`s still the weakest killer, need to run the same double green add-ons and the same perk build to even have a chance shows the killers issues, not to mention the fact ranking is messed up, alot of these red ranks belong in green if not lower... iv played a plague just using M1 no ability and no meta perks and i still won. a strong killer can run multiple add-ons (or doesnt need them at all) and can be used with a huge range of perks as well. i have respect for true and he is a great gamer but leatherface`s ability is trash versing actual red rank players and you will see in alot of his games some of the survivors have no idea how to loop, not to mention base bubba without add-ons is weak af
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Look, what his experiments previously proved, was this: using particular perks and particular add-ons brings out the best in that killers gameplay. There is a huge difference between that and proving the killers strength. How much do you wanna bet, in Tru3's Bubba experiment, the perks he uses orientate around Nemesis, PWYF, Ruin, Surveilance, PGTW, Nurse's Calling and Corrupt Intervention; with fast charge, fast movement and fast cooldown add-ons. This would then back me up perfectly. Proving that a particular build on a killer will not prove anything about how underrated they are (Bubba). If anything, it'll show more proof to how lackluster the killer (Bubba) is. Bubba is the worst killer in the game. For the very reasons that his power is restricted by distance between you and the survivor, the tile you're in, and the lack of mindgames and outplays his power grants the killer. I hate to burst your bubble, but any killer player that relies on slowdowns, slugging and hand-holding perks/add-ons the majority of the time, is by far, not the best player in the game. Otz is the same, has great game knowledge, but the way he plays consistently just ruins it. Constantly slugging, using the brainless perks and add-ons etc.
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It was like that with his Wraith experiment too as he was using the silent bell add-on iirc.
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I agree that if True wants to show just how underrated Bubba can be, then he needs to show what it's like to play with him without using Nemesis and PWYF, and especially without add-ons. Strong Killers can hold their own without the need for specific builds and add-ons, but Bubba isn't one of them.
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With a very specific build and addons yes leatherface is good. But thats true of all killers and thats what makes the weak killers weak. I can run whatever dumbass meme build i want on Freddy and there are people that can do tge same with nurse billy spirit, and well still do fine in game. Thats not true for LF.
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Clip? That sounds hilarious
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I believe he has said that he deliberately makes his titles as clickbaity as possible to troll people who twist every little word he says. It's fairly similar to how former Smash Bros. pro ZeRo goes out of his way to make his titles/thumbnails as clickbaity as possible purely for the memes.
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I dont really like ZeRo either, but still better thank True.
But everyone have different opinions but anyway, good to know.
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I mean, from what I'm reading, the conversation seems to be:
"You're obviously biased against Survivors."
"No I'm not. If you watched my stream, you'd know."
"You're closed-minded."
So...I dunno.
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I couldnt have said that better.
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You cant change the mind of people who see him as a GOD. So i let you be and think whatever you want.
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I absolutely do not agree with a decent amount of what he says balance-wise (and there's no way he's going to convince me that Leatherface ain't trash), so don't go telling me that I see him as a god. :P
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Here’s the thing, whatever results he gets with Bubba doesn’t prove Bubba is good. If he gets 20 straight 4ks I’m sure you could watch those games and say “well had he been Nurse, spirit, huntress he would have gotten 4k as well and probably easier.”
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Killers are only as good as their players. If a player is excellent, then Bubba or Legion or any "lower tier" killer can be a nightmare for survivors of all ranks.
Whether Tru3Talent proves it or not, it'll only prove he can make the Killer work. Others may have trouble with him, but be experts at others.
The good thing about this though is that it will dismiss the idea of some that Bubba is crap, and may make people re-evaluate the potential in killers as a whole.
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ZeRo was actually the best Smash 4 player for a while, unlike Tru3 is nowhere close to being the best DBD player.
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Yeah, I didn't post this for hate, I just wanted to point out a discussion that he had, which I agree with.
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Is the discussion “Bubba is decent enough to get pips/4k” or “Bubba isn’t one of the bottom three killers?”
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I Love this Thread.
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When they remove the slowdown and charge bar issue for Bubba, he'll be a better killer.
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The problem I see with Tru3's 'underrated' series, is that to make bad killers 'better,' it requires a specific build, both perks and addons. Plus, it requires survivors to be unable to connect the dots as to what they're up against.
I respect the mans opinion, but claiming a killer is 'underrated' while using the only setup that can make them remotely viable, relying on survivor rng, and being as skilled as he is, doesn't make them suddenly good.