Help us getting Springtrap ♥️

This is a petition for Springtrap as a new killer, please if u can sign the petition and show devs that we really want him in game ♥️
While I still firmly believe that FNAF is simply not scary enough to be in DBD, I do think that if a FNAF chapter happens, Springtrap is the best bet.
How would his power work? How would he attack? Hes never seen attacking anything in the games. Would his M1 be bitchslapping a survivor with his hand?
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Oh my, I thought this was going to have no more than 100 signatures, but I've been pleasantly surprised.
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I don't think Ghostface is scary. But he's in the game. He just seems like some normal dude to me.
Springtrap would be creepy as a Legendary Skin. But I wouldn't want a whole character based on him.
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It doesn't have to be scary enough to get into DBD. At this point DBD is no longer a 'scary game'. Stranger Things isn't necessarily scary yet they changed Demogorgon to be scarier. If need be they can amp up the characters horror aspects to fit what they want.
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What made Ghostface scary in Scream was his anonyimity. He could be anyone, and anywhere. Of course, this aint Scream.
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You know, he is a dead man in a suit. SO his arm can be a weapon, sharp suit fingers etc. Something like claws to mke him more creepy.
Power is 100% devs idea, and beacouse they are very Creative, I believe that they can do something good.
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I'm very scary about giant plush, so I would say yes!
But is he famous enough? , I know him but..
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Well, i would like some original killers so i can spent those 70k shards i have on anything
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I mean you can get as much signatures as you want but that doesn't change that he's licenced
On top of that licenced to a franchise that is still throwing out games/books/movies like nobodies bussiness. Not a horror icon that stopped making revenue ages ago
This licence would be a fortune. And seeing how this community already was crying about one 15 dollar skin to make up for it I wouldn't get my hopes up.
Would like it though but still I'm not seeing it happen. Fnaf doesn't really need the publicity so there would be no reason for Scott to not milk any potential licence transaction for as much as possible
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Honestly I like fnaf but I wouldn't really want it in dbd. I feel like they're 2 completely different franchises and wouldn't mesh (though that can kinda be argued about stranger things, I do see how they linked slightly).
Edit: Also you want to give MORE skins to legion? Please, no; doctor, wraith, (if licensing is sorted out) Freddy, Nurse- more killers deserve new skins more than Legion do.
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You kind of self sabotaged yourself by being too specific. While most people who want FNaF are going to want Springtrap as the killer. Michael Afton as survivor is a bit of a stretch. It's not that different from saying that you want the puppet as the survivor. Though having non human survivors would be a new twist for the game.
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A fortune? Scott isnt a multi billion dollar company jesus. Hes a normal guy who made a few games on his own.
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11 games with one made for charity. 13 books with more on the way. Tons and tons of merchendise including plushies Funko pops, board games.
I think you are heavelly underestimating just how popular Fnaf is. I can assure you that Scott never has to work another day in his life if he chooses to
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Seems like my previous comment didn't get posted?Umm well I'll keep it short then.I like the idea. The fear of animatronics/living dolls/plastic mannequins etc. hasn't really been present in the game. So it could be an interesting chapter.
As far as the survivor goes, idk who would fit the best? Was thinking of Charlie from the books and I'd think the devs would be able to ask Scott what her appearance would be like, exactly. This way she could have some more cosmetics. Like Cheryl does.
Edit: spelling
Edit 2: my previous comment ended up being posted. So this a more of a TL:DR
Post edited by rottmeister on0 -
No, thanks.
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That one Ghostface movie was pretty scary for its time. Pretty sure it had a couple sequels, as it was heralded as revitalizing the pretty scary genre.
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I find it hard to imagine an animatronic chasing you, but then again we have a fat middle aged cannibal clown walking faster than most people can run who throws liquid drugs at people that makes them trip hard.
So why not?
I know that the fear of animatronics/plastic mannequins is real (it's why I liked watching Markipler play the games >:) ) and this fear isn't really presented in the game at all.
I wonder what survivor would fit the best? A nightguard? A character from the books?
I liked the idea of having Charlie as a survivor. I bet the devs could ask Scott what she would have looked like exactlyand make outfits that would fit her character.
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Edit: double post
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Can you tell me a little about the characters, how he attacks does he have control over electronics, what's his deal?
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That's fine and dandy. But in the game hes the least 'scary' to me. He almost seems comical....At least Springtrap 'looks' creepy.
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Message to every one who thinks that this is my petition.
Venom Xenomorph started this petition, but not the idea. I just showed the link beacouse I think that this idea is brilliant.
And I also think that the survivor idea is bad. But the Faazbear fright map and Springtrap is an amazing idea
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Ye going off the games it's not that scary. But looking into the lore and stories of the characters, especially Springtrap it's pretty scary. In the game, a big bunny just jumped at you. Behind the scenes he just shoved you into an animatronic suit full of wires and cables and sharp #########. Alive. Imagine that. That's a pretty scary thought
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What about a killer from the conjuring universe??
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Hag seems to do just fine using Slappers only as her method of attack. :P
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Exactly, he is not scary when u look at him, but when u know his story, and know what he did.
Perfect target for the entity
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We should do a Fortnite killer next /s
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My top comment on the petition is well received, so I'll repeat it here (not word for word):
I'm all for Springtrap being added, but besides him, a map is the only other thing that would be fine to incorporate.
Including the other animatronics that are too goofy for the game, or survivors with no concrete designs, is just stupid and to be honest I really dislike this dude for popularizing that. If it was just Springtrap, or Springtrap and a map included, I'd be 100% on board. I'm not too into the FNaF games and don't like them that much (except for Help Wanted), but the character could totally fit, coming someone who loves DBD and has a ton of hours in the game.
Some people are arguing that he wouldn't be scary, but I honestly think a rotting mascot suit with beating organs would fit better (even just color wise) than the Demogorgon. I just don't really see why people are making this argument when Demogorgon is in, and Demogorgon isn't even part of a horror franchise.
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FNAF isnt scary enough but stranger things was?
Wheres my LoL button....
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I dont think Demo was a good add either
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I figured, was just pointing out the whole "horror as a key is gone" part of their roster nowdays.
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I wish it wasnt.
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on the site it says Venom started this petition to Behaviour Interactive and 2 others
When I click the 2 others it says Scott Cawthon and Mark Fischbach (Markiplier)
Are we trying to get Markiplier as the survivor? cause if so than Im all in
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Then tell me what wpuöd his power be? And his add ons and perks?
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I mean it doesn't really matter like I never really knew pyramid head until he come out in the game
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Dear God no...
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I don't see why not. Signed.
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Bring him Home boys, to the real hell he belongs in... being Palleted and Flashlit every day. Signed.
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Ew no, how can anyone think this game is scary or good is beyond me lol. That'll be a waste of a license just like Jason. Legion just got a bunny skin use your imagination and pretend u are whatever that thing is
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I dunno man, this seems pretty f*cked up and just disturbing to even look at.
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You know, the new killer would not necessarily have to be brought in with his power. The developers can get the license and put it in the game as a legendary cosmetic as they did as the legion and they can also put the other animatronics to give more variety. it's just an idea i don't mean it.
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Just make him a skin for the Legion. They already have Silent Hill mascots. $15 Legendary Skin.
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Terrible idea, any licensed killer has too much potential for being just a cosmetic, and also, Springtrap can be a paragraph not a chapter, so only one killer, but please not a skin
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And that's why he should be in this game, imagine being chaised by something like that on the closed map, beetwen corridors
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Hope this is a joke, I mean yeah 15$ only for a skin is a joke.
But Springtrap, the dead man in suit, without escape has too much potential for being only a skin.
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Here are my ideas for some of springtraps abilities and perks:
Jumpscare - When used within a 10 meter radius of a survivor, your power begins to grow. Once at least 5 survivors are Jumpscared, Phantom Fright and Fazbear activates. [90 second cooldown]
Phatom Fright - Terror radius of all survivors are constantly on for 30 seconds.
Fazbear - All survivors have 90 seconds to get to a mask placed on 5 different desks randomly generated on the map. If a survivor is unable to do so, the survivor is instantly Jumpscared and put into a dying state.
Ventilation error - when a survivor is hooked, all generators regress by 10% / 12% / 15%
Nightmare - When a dull totem is cleansed, all survivors suffer the exposed effect for 10 / 12 / 15 seconds
Hex perk (Haunted pizzeria) - Once the exit gates are powered, if there is a dull totem on the map, this hex perk is applied to it. Your movement speed is increased 5% / 7% / 9%
These are just my ideas, feel free to change or criticise my perks or abilities
I really would love a fnaf element added to dead by daylight as its one of the most popular franchises out there.
- Cam3r0n
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No no no no no...
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no jumpscare please please no jumpscares, i want Springtrap but please ######### no
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I just don't want to deal with the furries. It's going to be torturous if they start invading DBD.
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I swear, I'd honestly be fine with his addition and think he would add variety, but some of these concepts I see really make me cringe. (Also, I don't really think there's a lot of furries attached to it? If so, bleach time.)