Rank vs perks/character level for matching

Tldr: tier 3 purple perk stacked killers against my barely level 5 survivors from having a few at level 11/12 with base perks is discouraging me from playing entirely
I have this same frustration.
I could recommend choosing one survivor with good perks and just keep using that one survivor. Then use the blood points to level up the lower level survivors.
It sucks when I am trying the Test Build going in with a level 3 Adam and a basic Tier 1 perk, going against the Spirit with Tier 3 Rancor and Devour Hope, among other perks. I ended up being the obsession, so this killer REALLY wanted to make sure I could be killed.
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I think the matchmaking works that it factors in the killer's rank, since they are hosting the lobby, and I think it tried to get survivors that are around that rank, being a difference of at least 4 ranks. I was casually playing Trapper for the BBQ event getting survivor chops, but I rarely play killer. I was a Rank 20 killer going against usually Rank 16 survivors. I let them all escape as long as I got my chops. I only killed one person on accident because there were 2 Claudettes and 3 BBQ hooks, and I thought I had hooked each of them once, but I hooked the Claudette I had already hooked twice.
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I have the same experience as a killer. I used to play only survivor, so I didn´t put any BP into killers. But nowadays I´m also trying to play a killer. I have lvl 5 on my killer (and of course a terrible rank too), but I get all the time full tier III perk survivors, usually some flashlight clickers and toxic BM behavior. It´s like most of the time one of the sides doesn´t get the equal opponent.
@kone19 speaking of you being a survivor with this kind of disadvantage, what about other survs in your game? Do they have tier III perks or not?
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@Yrwenn some do but usually just one, two if I’m lucky. It’s usually stacked killer and low to mid perk set survivors and one high tier. Some we win but most of the time the favor is highly skewed to the killer especially if the match starts to snowball early. The stacked killers are usually high skill as well. I can usually work around high tier Hillbillys and trappers but those are easier with my play style. Once they have the screw every generator perk, see everyone for fixing a gen or one getting hooked, etc. and I have to search for totems and avoid stuff at baseline it’s very difficult to make headway unless all the survivors are on their game.0