Deathslinger fixes that could be useful to make him more balanced

I just posted a discussion in general to see what people thought about him and how he could be balanced. Honestly, talking about a killer to be "not strong enough to beat the best SWF" doesn't seem to be a good reason not to balance a character tbh. I seriously believe it should be taken objectively and balanced for solo Q players that are the only one who really play this game for the challenge and not just "for fun". so these are the fix i would do:

His terror radius as it is is too low, saying that you can pair it with Monitor & Abuse that would lower it to 16 meters, in certain maps it's literally impossible not to concede the first hit to him and be immediatly wounded at the start of the chase, and this would make the chase unfavourable for the survivors since he would have his ranged shot to catch up on you immediately so i would increase the base TR at base OR add a "humming song" like the huntress has. Also, if you wanna play "dirty" with your TR he has addons that lower your TR when aiming down, so it would not break the "stealthy builds" at all.

I would give an audio or video cue for speared people to better understand whats going on, like the doctor shocks for the most part.

I would maybe add a cooldown AFTER the gun is reloaded for the shoot ability OR decrease the reloading speed given by addons, but i'm not that sure about the first one. The base reloading speed is fine as it is, but with addons it becomes very stressful to play against.

Those would be my suggestions to make him a still viable and balanced killer. it will certainly be nerfed in terms of SWF, but that's a SWF problem not a DS problem, that will be fixed WHEN and IF SWF gets nerfed.


  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    I agree with you with DS being a very weak killer and i agree with you with making some more practice. But i still believe that something is wrong in him, dunno why

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474
    edited June 2020

    But also i really believe that gettin rid of quick scops could be a thing. Like a little delaying on aiming or a charged shot, something that gives you a bit of counterplay to it....

  • FranzDerPalme
    FranzDerPalme Member Posts: 75

    Actually the only thing, that really bothers me, is that he can shoot pretty much instandly. I could live with the small terror radius, even if it is kind of broke with monitor, but I really hate, that he doesn't have any kind of sound or anything if he wants to shoot, like the huntress does this sound, like she would lift something heavy. Because that means, that you have to look behind you the whole time, and even if you do you still can get hit, because he can shoot pretty much instandly.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    And when you waste every pallet on the map or when he shoots you in 0.5 seconds before you can reach a pallet sounds like you dont face good death slingers.

  • LastShoe
    LastShoe Member Posts: 1,183

    In what world can you waste every single pallet? Unless no one is doing gens of course...

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    The Deathslingers primary strengths are his low terror radius and quick scoping. If you rebalance him around not having those, then what you are left with is the Huntress.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807
  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    Something that in solo Q happens every time? :'D All pallets wasted and no gens done is my every day routine :') Also i keep gettin chased and still gettin the most gens done, i wonder how but it always end up like this xD

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    its 110% speed like the huntress and the chase is always in survivors favour. the only thing that change is the survivor skill in looping and planning a good chase, something that maybe the 10% of players is able to do perfectly (maybe even less) Even tho you think to be good in chasing is almost always up to the survivor to commit a mistake like falling in a dead zone or making bad reads on what's your move or going too greedy on dropping a pallet or not and all this stuff ( OR LATENCY FOR FREAK SAKE )

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    He will never be the huntress, unless his shots dmg people directly instead of dragging them in. Anyway the quick scope is too strong and it should be rebalanced, but whatever

  • Calchexxiss
    Calchexxiss Member Posts: 43

    This is my point, mate. You can't balance a Killer around players being BAD at the game. You can't nerf a Killer because you're playing with bad players. Do you think I don't get those games to? Because I do. I never said that you can survive every single game doing this stuff. I'm saying 'This is how you loop Deathslinger'. It's a team game, if your team sucks, then you all lose. Nerfing Deathslinger because he scares you is not the answer to that.

    You're just like every other Survivor Main, mate. All you're thinking about is escaping. I'm talking about winning chases. I'm talking about finishing generators and getting safe unhooks. I'm talking about the fact that I can pip in about 85% of my games regardless of my survival. If I'm in a game-long chase and my team doesn't finish 5 generators, then OF COURSE I'M GETTING CAUGHT AND KILLED.

    Jesus christ, mate. You act like the only thing that matters is getting through the gate. You're aware that surviving is only 1/4 of your score card right?I face plenty of good Deathslingers, and maybe I flatter myself here, but I'm a pretty good Survivor too, and I've had plenty of them just give up chasing me to go after weaker loopers who don't know how to do what I do.

    Try playing Killer now and again. It will open up your mind.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474

    "It's a team game, if your team sucks, then you all lose."

    I hate team games. But i love them. So i hate myself.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    I worry about escaping because like you said it is 1/4 of my score and I would like that. Don't say survivor main as an insult I play killer too and at rank 1. And I also pip nearly all my games even against deathslinger, but denying the fact that deathslinger has no counter play makes you seem ignorant. Once again a good deathslinger will shoot you over a loop or before you get to a loop making winning chases against deathslinger solely off of guessing whether or not he is gonna shoot or not. One more thing about killer I have been playing killer alot more recently to see more of the problems with the killer side of the community and it only is gen speeds and some maps like ormond and haddon field.

  • BaroneMaximus
    BaroneMaximus Member Posts: 474
    edited July 2020

    Another thing that came up on my mind was: You aim and to be able to shoot you have to press M1 and it starts charging your shot, the more you charge the further it goes and ofc the survivors would hear a "spring metallic noise" that make them undertand he is charging his shot