New Chapter Idea: The Unchained Chapter

2 New Survivors:

  1. Dr. King Schultz: A former dentist and bounty hunter from Germany. His perks "Smooth Business", "Pre-Planning" and "The Dentist" creates solutions for tought times and helping teammates.
  2. Django Freeman: A former slave and the partner of Dr. King Schultz. His perks "The King", "Unchained" and "Like The Way" makes him brave at comfrontations and rewards bold plays

New Killer:

  • Calvin J. Candie (The Candie): A slaver and Mandingo (Slave Fighting) fan who owns the cotton plantation Candyland. His power "Mandingo" allows him to send dying survivors to a fighting pit where they have to fight against slaves and win in order to escape. If they win the fight, thay have to find one of the wine storages spawned in the map and drink a bottle of wine before timer ends or they will get to the fighting again. Both the power cooldown and the timer is long so the killer has to plan ahead.
  • His perks "You Deserved It", "You Have My Attention" and "Incredible Deal" makes him able to see the survivors who drink his wine for a brief time as well as rewarding devious actions, slowing progress undirectly by keeping survivors busy.

New Map: Candyland

  • A huge cotton plantation with open cotton plains, a storage (barn) shack and a big mansion building with a basement inside. The hatches can spawn randomly in the cotton fields or the rooms inside the mansion. The mansion has 2-3 flors where there is oppotunities for vaulting and jukes via blind corners and the indoor objects. Gens also can spawn in the fields or the mansion. There is always a guranteed gen in barn.

The idea ain't perfect so yeah. Also my first post, lmao.


  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    Everything but the slave fighting seems okay to me. Just something about the thought of fighting a slave just feels a bit odd tbh.