Show SWF and Allow Hiding Nametags

Show SWF:
I think that showing who was SWF with who in the endgame lobby could help killers know what they were up against, as to judge more accurately how they performed in a match. Could help people see how many people play in a SWF and how many of those don't really tryhard that much. - It's not like they couldn't just look at people profiles in the first place.
Hiding Nametags:
An option to hide all nametags, including your own, could help streamers avoid stream sniping and witch hunting. That would include them appearing everywhere, including in chats, of course.
Personally, I also would feel better if I couldn't see the name of the person being toxic in the chat since it would make it easier to forget.
Show it in pre and post match.
Most killers are ok with 2-mans and some will even take 3 for a challenge. 4 is downright unfair and stressful. It'll also prevent unnecessary dodging so technically less waiting times.
Otherwise well said lad <3