Flip-Flop and Tenacity buffs

In the light of the Knock out buffs I feel like it is time Flip-Flop and Tenacity for surivivors to get some buffs too. Both perks have very little use compared to Unbreakable esp Flip-Flip it is just terrible. I had some ideas in my mind for very long time for these perks and now that I saw how many effects they would add to Knock out I thought it is time to share it since it is very similar as ideas but for the surviviors
Flip-Flop - should also have crawling speed same as Tenacity, it can be on a timer similar to knock out for 15-20 sec/or perma/. And also the perk should have aura reading immunity from the killer while on the ground - it may be on a timer again or perma or while recovering. The idea is if you are left on the ground to have time to recover while you can also counter BBQ so you can at least attempt to use the perk / which is not guaranteed cause hooks are everywhere/
Tenacity - add noise and blood removal effects while on the ground so if the killer leaves u even for a bit he will have a hard time finding you since you wont make any noise/or leave blood which will work well with the crawling speed. Again either perma or for a time. Or one perma one timed/ I think the blood can be perma/