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We Nerfed Billy But Not Freddy or Spirit?



  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    No, there is no 'know what you're doing" is the entire point. You can't know what to do because there is no way to tell what she's doing what so ever. She was barely nerfed in any significant way. The window vault thing was just really dumb and inconsistent, prayer beads made her 12x worse than she already was and obviously the collision thing wasn't intended.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    People are crying because she has no legitimate counter play. Standing still is also not a mind game. All you have to do is run stridor and sloppy enjoy free 4ks

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    Ok then record a gameplay against a good spirit and outplay her every time. Second off pallet fames and window fakes arent guessing games they are mindgame which means you use the previous encounters with your opponent and make a move based off that. Also you do know if they vault, atleast when they have an item it will disappear. I'll be waiting for that video make sure to link it to me.

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    So what are these buffs and dont say use a certain perk, or try to condition your self.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Um the fact that you can walk right through her now if your smart and throw her completely off, or stand still when she phases? If she's not running stridor, she's not gonna hear you. If she's running stridor,which most do, iron will is your friend. Sounds for killer are already bugged as it is. It's a guessing game on which killer you could face. Most vets run iron will anyway to counter a lot of killers, but... What do I know. I've seen plenty of videos of people out playing good spirits, and that was before the collision and prayer bead nerf. There are some good players with her, but people act like everyone is playing as her, and are god killers that 4k everytime. Most the ones I verse suck. I call Horse ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ๐Ÿ’ฉ

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    So how do I walk through her if I dont know her location or which direction shes coming from? That is a guessing game. And sure sounds are bugged but I have yet to experience it which will be fixed in the next patch. And I already told you dont name perks because if you need a perk to counter a killer that's unhealthy in its self.

    I dont run iron will mostly because I want to use different perks and what does it matter with stridor it completely counters iron will. I don't understand how you defend spirit when you literally have to GUESS. The odds of your survival are a 65/35 split spirit has all the information she needs and what do the survivors get nothing.

    Record a game of you going against a good spirit and outplaying her consistently no short chases long extended ones. Link me videos of people outplaying the spirit that gives commentary on consistent counterplay. The reason billy is balanced is because he has counterplay that you can actually explain and makes sense.

  • aNAAA
    aNAAA Member Posts: 36

    We await the NERF of the spirit...

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    So use the meta? I thought you were complaining about that before? You shouldn't need to run a perk just to counter a killer. "If you're smart" is completely redundant because you cannot make a smart choice since you have no information. Standing still is also a horrible strategy since she either has already seen you, or you've left something for her to follow i.e footsteps, grass and other environmental ques. Bugs shouldn't be taken into account as a nerf since they're not intended. The sound bugs nerfed ALL killers, not just Spirit. Stridor also counters Iron Will, so that's why Spirit players run it. Spirit and Freddy are all I see because they're extremely easy for super good results. If anything I just want Freddy to get his animation fixed so that you can accurately judge how far away he is. I also think a band-aid fix for Spirit right now would be to play the phasing sound in chase, that way you can try to do something. The whole guessing game thing with what killer you're going to face isn't that important either, especially since most of them are getting custom terror radius anyways. If you don't hear a terror radius for a while, then its a stealth killer. The process isn't that hard to work out on it's own. I also see videos of people getting a 5 gen 4k on Ormond but is that consistent? I've done it a few times but does that mean I will always do it? No. There is no consistent way to counter Spirit. Which means you're guaranteed to die most of the time. It's like the old Legion where once you got into a chase with them it's more of a cut-scene than it is anything.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Dude, quit tagging me, watch some damn counter videos on YouTube, and get good bum... Damn!

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    Dude, make a legitimate argument then. "Get gud xDD" or "Do it yourself, gawd!" just show that you can't actually prove anything you've said. There is no getting good against a threat you can't even react to. It's like telling somebody to just ignore a heart attack.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    Because I'm tired of arguing with a "know it all" when there's PLENTY OF YOUTUBE VIDEOS of people embarrassing spirits. Your point is the same as every other half assed player that whines because they actually got challenged and there BS brain dead tactics didn't work against a killer that wasn't a potato. Now, like I said, quit your belly aching, WATCH SOME YOUTUBE videos on how to counter spirit, and wa-la. Tru3 was embarrassing rank 1 spirits before the spirit and ruin nerfs when she WAS actually hard ... Get good dude. I'm done. Comment if you want, but I got nothing more to say dude. โœŒ

  • BubbaMain64
    BubbaMain64 Member Posts: 546

    Yet again, you have nothing valid to say other than "get good". Clinging to bias is never going to help you.