Offerings not always being applied.

Pinkahchu Member Posts: 2

Platform: PC

Sometimes, when putting an offering on, it is not being applied. Does not show on the offering screen prior to loading in game, but shows as being on in inventory. Myself and friends have experienced this within several games whilst using the Ghastly Gateau. This is extremely inconsistent as some games it works and others it doesn't. Some people it applies and some people it doesn't.

Steps to reproduce:

Simply apply offerings prior to a game (happens with Ghastly). Happened during SWF online. Occurred several times within a matter of game, but was inconsistent.

3 votes

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  • Mehukani
    Mehukani Member Posts: 1

    I have the same issue. What I think causes is that if I'm playing as survivor, after a match I go use bloodpoints on another survivor. When I return to my main character to play the next match, it somehow doesn't register my offerings. When I don't go spend bloodpoints on another character my offering is applied correctly. i haven't tried this on killer though.

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    It’s when you switch your character in the lobby. It doesn’t register the new character’s offering properly, so until it’s fixed you can avoid this happening by not switching characters.