'Cruel Limits' Perk needs to change.

ItzNobody Member Posts: 185
edited July 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Before I begin, I have made this post before on General Discussions and am posting again under Feedback and Suggestions in hopes of getting the attention of our developers of Dead by Daylight. This is not to say my proposed idea should be made, but rather to spark interest in making a change for the perk being discussed. Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy the following.

'Cruel Limits' is a killer perk belonging to The Demogorgon. Each time a Generator is repaired, all Windows and Vault Locations within a radius of 24 meters from the completed Generator are blocked for all Survivors for the next 20/25/30 seconds.

Cruel Limits is a unique concept in of itself, a perk which reacts to the Survivors completing their objectives rather than hindering their progress. Though the idea has been implemented in other perks, examples being Fire Up, Hex: No One Escapes Death, and Blood Warden, Cruel Limits offers its own response in blocking half of a Survivors defenses. A default Survivor stripped of perks and items is offered two means of defending themselves against the Killer, a Vault Location/Window and a Pallet to drop/vault over.

Unfortunately, Cruel Limits suffers from several flaws based on my experience.

The numbers.

By itself, Cruel Limits sounds appealing when you leave out the numbers detailing its range and lasting effect. One can argue that 24 meters is a wide enough range, close to the terror radius of an average Killer, and should remain in that form. However, maps such as The Game, Rotten Fields, and the Yamaoka Estate are a few examples of realms that offer very low numbers of windows and vault locations, therefore Cruel Limits may rarely come into effect at all. On the other side, maps like Lampkin Lane and Léry's Memorial Institute offer a high number of windows and vault locations, so Cruel Limits will provide an outstanding effect on those maps as well, correct?

Well, in theory yes. That is when we come across the second flaw, it's usage.

Even if Cruel Limits were to block nearly a dozen windows/vault locations for 30 seconds, the Survivor(s) is still offered plenty of space to escape. A pallet if utilized correctly can postpone the Killer for close to or around 30 seconds, thus after the first attack the Survivor may use their increased speed effect from being damaged to escape the confined space and seek shelter elsewhere, where the perk has no effect. That is to say the Killer would be present at the completed Generator to savor the full 30 seconds of Cruel Limits, which again would only function in theory.

I have learned from usage/experience from this perk is that Cruel Limits can only partially guarantee the promise of one hit attack to a Survivor, and that is strengthened when the perk is supported by Tinkerer so that you may utilize all 30 seconds of its blocking effect. Even then, the realm you have been given might not be in your favor, the selected Generator spawned in may not have windows/vault locations nearby, and the effect can only do so much to halfway promise you one hit on a Survivor or two.

In short, Cruel Limits does not offer much to promote its usage. So how do we fix this?

I have wondered if buffing its effects would be the correct solution to this, simply increasing the effect and range of the perk would not be enough in my opinion. A rework would be needed. A quick overview of The Demogorgon shows that it focuses on impacting both the environment and its inhabitants in unexpected ways, damaging nearby Generators through its attack in Surge and exhausting Survivors repairing Generators through Mindbreaker.

So, let's offer new ideas for Cruel Limits which affect either the environment or the Survivors.

My idea would be this.

Cruel Limits: Gain a token every 20 seconds to a maximum of 1/2/3 Tokens. When a Survivor uses a Vault Location during a chase, Cruel Limits activates and a Token is consumed. The Vault Location will be blocked off for survivors for 20 seconds. Auras of Blocked Vault Locations will be revealed to you in a Yellow Aura.

This would allow Cruel Limits to be much more reliable for chases and offer it better perk synergy, while in theory remaining true to the Demogorgon's focus on impacting the environment and the Survivors in unexpected ways. The idea is that this perk lives up to its name, limiting the Survivor(s) from using the same vault twice while in a chase, forcing them to be on the move or make better use of any pallets nearby. To keep Cruel Limits from being too much, Tokens will be consumed which will take some time to retrieve passively. If you believe passively earning tokens would be too easy, an alternative method would be to create a means for the Killer to earn the tokens back, I would suggest earning a hook would reward you with one token in return, similar to Barbecue and Chili and Hex: Huntress Lullaby. The overall goal is to reintroduce Cruel Limits as an effective perk for limiting the Survivors' means of escape, whilst restricting it from being too powerful through the use of tokens in order to make the perk more balanced.

Do you agree or disagree with my proposed change for Cruel Limits? Support your thoughts and if you have other changes in mind, feel free to share your thoughts and share this idea in case the developers were to notice.

Credit for the Token system and Cruel Limits perk description goes to Dreamnomad, thank you for the improved description and explanation! 👍️

Post edited by ItzNobody on


  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Make Cruel Confinement great again!

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185

    Originally, I added in my post that they should revert the name back to Cruel Confinement. I love the name, it sounds much more fitting and devious, and the name is intimidating and gives a good idea for the concept of what the perk does.

    However, I removed that bit because my essay was already long enough, and it is difficult to ask others to read so much voluntarily 😅 but yes, do bring back the old name please! 😁

  • Levitika
    Levitika Member Posts: 226

    Wouldn't this effectively just be a much more powerful, automatic version of Bamboozle?

  • Luxoshamy
    Luxoshamy Member Posts: 31

    Recently i've came across this perk against a killer, and don't remember any time that the windows or vaults blocked. Oh, that's right, wasn't any, and if there was, running straight was a better option. The concept is great, but only works in certain gens on certain maps and you need to be there right when the gen pops to force someone to try vault a window.

    My suggestion comes from the show itself. Every time a survivor completes a gen, everyone nearby will receive deep wounds. or some status effect like exhaustion or broken (15 seconds at least), with a cooldown of 120 seconds. The idea is to pressure survivors, with deep wounds they'll force to mend, with exhaustion they won't be able to use perks to run away, and if it is broken, then anyone who was hurt can't take the time to heal. It sounds a little OP but is another option for avoiding gen rush tactic and also forces movement.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    No. Bamboozle is proactive and has additional utility due to vault speed.

    This is reactive and has a cooldown. If the Survivor uses the windows for distance then the perk does nothing, whereas Bamboozle can be used before the chase even starts and can help you catch Survivors that use a god window.

  • ItzNobody
    ItzNobody Member Posts: 185


    This perk has been added to the game... as Crowd Control for the Trickster. If my perk idea inspired Crowd Control, they're incredibly alike only Crowd Control is a Hex perk, then Behavior... can I get a thank you?

    Please? 😅😁