Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

'Remember Me' Perk needs to change.

Member Posts: 185
edited July 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Before I begin, I have made this post before on General Discussions and am posting again under Feedback and Suggestions in hopes of getting the attention of our developers of Dead by Daylight. This is not to say my proposed idea should be made, but rather to spark interest in making a change for the perk being discussed. Also I originally intended this post to be made in Feedback and Suggestions, that was my mistake. Still new to using the forums I feel. Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy the following.

'Remember Me' is a perk belonging to The Nightmare. You become Obsessed with one Survivor. Each time you hit your Obsession, you increase the Exit Gate opening time by 4 seconds, up to a maximum of 8/12/16 additional seconds. The Obsession is not affected by Remember Me.

Remember Me was once the most powerful obsession perk for killer in my opinion. When first released, Remember Me used to increase Exit Gate opening time by 5 seconds, up to a maximum of 20/25/30 additional seconds. The default gate opening time is 20 seconds, that means Remember Me used to increase that time up to 50 seconds when compared to its weaker 36 seconds it has today.

Why was Remember Me nerfed?

It was nerfed once the Endgame Collapse was introduced, specifically in the case that the Killer was to close the hatch to initiate the collapse timer. An added 30 seconds to opening the gate would be both discouraging and stressful to play against, hence why the developers decided it was better to reduce the amount of additional time Remember Me would add.

Unfortunately, a perk rework would be in order if we are to change Remember Me, as whether it adds 30 seconds or 16 seconds it is still a checkmate on the Killers favor if they discover the hatch before the survivor does. Reducing the additional time from Remember me would help the survivor, but this is a killer perk. Weakening it would only decrease its value more. Then again, other perks such as Hex: No One Escapes Death and Whispers can also be in effect when the hatch is closed, which would still result in the Endgame being in the Killers favor.

A quick overview of The Nightmare shows that he focuses on the endgame, improving his abilities over time and making him stronger as the trial reaches its climax. His action speed increases through each repaired Generator through Fire Up, and Blood Warden allows him to confine the Survivors into his world, refusing them of escape for 60 seconds.

Initially, I believed a rework of Remember Me would be focusing the Obsession Perk on reducing their progression through stacks, however this can already be seen in The Shape's Dying Light Perk. Then again, Remember Me increasing the Exit Gate opening timer does increase the Killers power over time in a way, while trapping the Survivors in your realm. In theory, Remember Me is the middle child of Fire Up and Blood Warden, adding both a mix of aggression and confinement to its arsenal.

So perhaps we can rework Remember Me while staying true to its focus, improving the abilities of the Killer and making them stronger as the trial reaches its climax. It should be important to note that Remember Me would technically be classified as an endgame perk and thus would fit in the same category as Hex: No One Escapes Death, Rancor, Blood Warden, Fire Up, and Bitter Murmur to a degree. A perk that would see its use in the endgame should be a powerful and patient perk, especially seeing how the endgame locks down the objective of the Survivors to opening one of two Exit Gates to escape death. Furthermore, the endgame is when The Nightmare is at his weakest, robbing him of using his Dream Projection power thus heavily reducing his mobility and map control.

How can we change Remember Me without adding frustration to the last survivor standing and yet keep it powerful enough to be worth using for the endgame, while staying true to its endgame focus improving the killers ability as the trial reaches its climax?

My idea would be this.

Remember Me: You become Obsessed with one Survivor. Earn a token for every successful hit not dealt on the Obsession. Each token will increase the Exit Gate opening time by 1/1.5/2 seconds, up to a maximum of 20 tokens. Sacrificing or killing a Survivor will remove 5 tokens. Remember Me loses its power if the Obsession is killed or sacrificed. The Obsession is not affected by Remember Me.

I believe that Remember Me has its place as an endgame perk, increasing the opening gate timer is a unique effect no other perk has and functions as an alternative way of hindering the progress of Survivors similar to Dying Light and Pop Goes the Weasel. My proposed change for Remember gives it the buff it needs, increasing its opening gate timer to a maximum of 60 seconds so as to truly lock the Survivors into your realm, robbing them of their hope of escaping. However, I agree with the decision of the developers in that Remember Me required to change so as not to be abused for the Endgame Collapse. So I offered a compromise, Remember Me would reach its maximum power if all Survivors were to be alive. This would give a fair chance to the last Survivor that remains in case of the endgame being initiated by closing the Hatch, while still allowing Remember Me of its power when absolutely needed. Of course, this change would also support perk synergy and flexibility, Remember Me would now be paired easily with other perks such as Dying Light or Thanatophobia, and would remain true to the Nightmare's intent of keeping the Survivors trapped in his world.

Do you agree or disagree with my proposed change for Remember Me? Support your thoughts and if you have other changes in mind, feel free to share your thoughts and share this idea in case the developers were to notice.

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  • Member Posts: 932

    One problem with it is vs a "Sweaty" SWF the Obsession could DC to counter the perk. Don't know why the obsession's death should instantly delete the perk. I get that Remember Me + hatch being shut sucks for the survivor but if the killer wants to bank a perk slot + make sure the last survivor isn't the obsession, he should be allowed to make that kind of decision for a better chance at a 4K after shutting hatch.

    IIRC the devs considered changing Remember Me so the obsession dying reduces your stacks by half when Freddy first came out but later decided against it, someone even made a flowchart for it.

    I like the concept of keeping the survivors alive and making some kind of ultimate end-game play with NOED, Remember Me, Blood Warden, etc. by hitting and slugging to gain stacks and never hooking anyone until the last generator pops.

    Neat concept either way.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Just make the value of each token scale with living Survivors. Each obsession hit grants a token up to 4/6/8 and each token slows down gate opening speed by 2 seconds per living Survivor other than the Obsession.

    This is a 48 second slowdown if every non-Obsession Survivor is alive but only a 16 second slowdown if it's 1 Survivor in the EGC.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    The hatch closing just shouldn't trigger the EGC.

  • Member Posts: 2,529

    Or maybe revert back to the old Remember Me, but add a condition to it? 5 seconds per token, up to 30, HOWEVER the last survivor automatically becomes the obsession (thus they are no longer affected by the perk).

  • Member Posts: 858

    I forgot about this perk... ahhhhh hahha... ahem. Anyways, yeah, this perk is effing terrible. Lots of killer perks suck. I appreciate you making your template or whatever you've done to make all of these posts.

    Unfortunately, we don't see many adjustments made to bad perks. Just look at monstrous shrine... who would use that? The effect it has on the match is 100% against the killer. It wastes your time by requiring you to bring people to the basement, then on top of that, you end up de-ranking because survivors undergo less hook actions.

  • Member Posts: 185

    My original idea for reworking Monstrous Shrine was later used for Hangman's Trick, and my post for Buckle Up which you can find in my profile was later used for Soul Guard. I label these as coincidences since I am certain no one would believe me, nor do I wish to take away credit from Behavior (though some aura cells would be a nice way to thank me *wink wink*)

    It is a shame, Remember Me was once my favorite killer perk and especially on classic Freddy. It was a decent counter to decisive strike as well before that perk was changed. I believe that we should look back at the perks we have and revisit those that are low in usage, we should ask ourselves why do we choose not to use these perks and are the effect worth their value? I do appreciate that we receive a new chapter every 3 months, but the more perks we receive the more difficult it will be to appropriately change or buff the old perks, not just for Killer but for Survivor as well.

  • Member Posts: 3,426
    edited July 2020

    And then we get the last survivor holding the game hostage...

    Edit: Forgot killer can open gates still.

  • Member Posts: 858

    I don't know if they're coincidences! I mean, it's always good to remain modest, but I believe you, and I think that's awesome. I mean, as evidence that BHVR listens to their community are the community outfits. There's nothing to be gained from those outfits other than to give back to the game's community. Also, I remember an idea for what we now know as the plague was in a post by a user on reddit.

    I agree, there are a lot of killer perks that I sometimes wish I could toss because they just take up space, but all of them have potential with a few changes. So, keep postin them ideas!

  • Member Posts: 185

    You make a good point and I appreciate you sharing the chart as well as contributing to my post through feedback. I would like to point out that the Obsession's death does delete a number of Obsession perks we have such as Rancor, Dying Light, Play with your Food. Save the Best for Last gets away as killing the Obsession does not remove the perk, only hinders the number of tokens you have to work with if you commit to a basic attack.

    That is not to say your point is invalid, I do agree with you in fact. Maybe Remember Me would be better if the perk was in effect despite the Obsession's death. The idea was to mirror Freddy's obsession with Nancy, his number one favorite in the 2010 movie. He tortures her and injures her but keeps her alive, while having no trouble murdering the other teenagers on Elm Street as he clearly favors Nancy above the others.

    One flaw Remember Me has is that it motivates the Killer to target one Survivor, which may not be fun for both players if the remaining Survivors focus on Generator progression. Perhaps allow the Obsession to die while maintaining the tokens, but in return closing the Hatch would remove a number of tokens to keep it even in case one Survivor remains? I'm not sure, but I am glad I managed to get other people like yourself to talk about Remember Me again.

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