Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

'Forced Penance' Perk needs to change.

Before I begin, I have made this post before on General Discussions and am posting again under Feedback and Suggestions in hopes of getting the attention of our developers of Dead by Daylight. This is not to say my proposed idea should be made, but rather to spark interest in making a change for the perk being discussed. Also I originally intended this post to be made in Feedback and Suggestions, that was my mistake. Still new to using the forums I feel. Thank you for your time, and I hope you enjoy the following.

'Forced Penance' is a new killer perk belonging to The Executioner. Survivors who take a Protection Hit are inflicted with the Broken Status Effect for 40/50/60 seconds.

Forced Penance has some synergy with the Mad Grit Build, allow me to elaborate. The Mad Grit Build requires the following perks: Agitation, Iron Grasp, Mad Grit, Hangman's Trick. Replacing Hangman's Trick with Forced Penance removes the tracking ability in favor of punishing nearby Survivors with the Broken Status Effect. It is entertaining and strangely effective from my experience.

Which is why I feel Forced Penance needs to change.

Mad Grit is a meme perk in my opinion, which I would define as a low-usage specific perk that rarely receives value. Monstrous Shrine, Hex: The Third Seal, Cruel Limits and Mindbreaker are several examples of what I would classify as meme perks, useless for victory results but fun to use for entertainment only. I strongly believe this perk would have value on the Oni, as applying the Broken Status Effect guarantees more blood in the future. However, Forced Penance has one fatal flaw in its design.

Its control is in the Survivors hands, not yours. Therefore their is a high chance you may see little to no value from Forced Penance in numerous games.

Forced Penance I feel needs a change, but my proposed Idea would be a complete rework. A quick overview of The Executioner shows that he focuses on torment through deceiving methods, applying the Oblivious Status Effect through Deathbound and gaining the Undetectable Status Effect through Trail of Torment. Why not apply the same effect on Forced Penance?

My idea would be this.

Forced Penance: When a Survivor rescues another Survivor from a hook, Forced Penance triggers and applies the Oblivious Status Effect on the rescuer for 40/50/60 seconds.

Though my idea is by no means powerful, it would allow the perk more flexibility for perk synergy and usage, while in theory remaining true to The Executioner's focus on torment and deceit. At least, in my opinion it does.

Do you agree or disagree with my proposed change for Forced Penance? Support your thoughts and if you have other changes in mind, feel free to share your thoughts and share this idea in case the developers were to notice.

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  • Member Posts: 518

    I mean you can already do this using FC and Nemesis.. also PH is about using his cages so weird to give him a perk that wouldn’t even work with his cages.

  • Member Posts: 858

    Mad grit was more useful when it was initially released. It was pretty common for survivors to stack on a hook to prevent a survivor from being hooked. However, they've added more perks since then that allow other means to be just as effective. So, mad grit has kinda of lost it's usefulness. As for forced penance... it is a bad perk. I don't see any uses for it yet.

  • Member Posts: 400

    Demo got Surge which doesnt work with his Shred. Cannibal got Franklins demise which doesnt work with his Chain saw. And a few others dont work too well in how they generally play with their common perks. Just because its not perfect for them doesnt mean much in DBD land.

  • Member Posts: 518
    edited July 2020

    Still have the FC and Nemesis combo, besides demo may be a argument but bubba isnt, they even said he was rushed, I personally think a better rework of this perk would be any time a survivor takes a protection hit, since the perk is about standing in the way of judgement. They are punished later by this effect. If a survivor takes a protection hit next time they are fully healed they are exposed for X time maybe even add a loud noise notification or a aura reading. That would make it alot more interesting

  • Member Posts: 400

    Your point? I never argued that, he didnt. But saying that you could just use 2 perks, that also does different things beyond that, to do one specific thing. Seems like a weak argument. Its like saying "Why should Hex: Devour Hope exist? When you could just use Rancor and Nemesis to do basically do the same thing". Just because a combination of 2 perks can do one thing, doesnt mean a weaker version of that combo cant exist, or a better version but with a requirement. Like STBFL is a 100% worse version of unrelenting.....until you get a few hits in on a non-obssession. Suddenly it helps a ton with not only missed attacks but also attacks that hit. And thats just one perk vs another.

    It becomes even easier when a perk does several things to make a different perk that only does one thing. Like Fire up vs Brutal strength. Fire up is a lot better than Brutal strength....but only towards the end of the game, where its basically too late, making it a worse perk.

    You can use Thanatopia to slow down healing and gen repair but not by a lot, or use Sloppy butcher and Pop goes the weasel for much slower gen repair but with some different requirements.

  • Member Posts: 518

    Point is the reworked offered is pointless, not the direction when the perks ideology is punishing those that interfere with the killers chase, he doesn’t need 2 perks dedicated to that effect

  • Member Posts: 185

    You mentioned Furtive Chase, that is one perk I feel needs changing. The effect is there but so difficult to read if it is effective or not, and it has been over a year since we have had Furtive Chase yet an online search can not provide me with any visual evidence of Furtive Chase in effect. The idea is interesting, but I feel as if I am playing with a placebo perk. Do you believe Furtive Chase is any good, and if so could you share some strategies, perk synergy and killers to use it with?

    As with the perk ideology you mentioned, I did highlight that in my post. It is an intriguing concept, but I dislike how my Killer perk is ineffective without a Survivors voluntary contribution. It isn't as easy or passive as A Nurse's Calling or Spirit Fury. I do appreciate your feedback and would like to ask, what change would you feel fits well with Forced Penance? Or do you feel the perk is fine as is?

  • Member Posts: 518

    Well I stated elsewhere in this thread maybe have it when a survivors takes a protection hit (Gets in the way of judgement) make it the next time they heal they become expose for x time and maybe give away their position, also for FC a niche combo I wanna enjoy is with any stealth killer using FC MYC and nemesis and go for obsession hooks, when they unhook they will get expose, oblivious and you see their aura for 4 seconds. I run it with MYC tier 1 for shorter cooldown and you kinda just chain myc down whoever unhooks the obsession. I have some fun with that.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    No. This perk is currently the only perk that applies the broken status effect, and protection hits are surprisingly easy to force.

    My current main Ghostface build uses this perk. If you ambush a healer, and unhooker or someone just working on a gen with an injured person in the general area it will proc the perk.

    I've had a lot of games where I was able to get all 4 Survivors broken simultaneously and from watching streamers I've played against I know that the 60 second window blocked them from healing when they would have otherwise wanted to.

  • Member Posts: 185

    Interesting. You mind sharing some strategies, such as perk builds or killers with whom you have a higher success rate utilizing this perk with? I have experimented with this myself, but if there is an oversight I would gladly like to approach it the way you have.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Basically the #1 Killers that work with the perk are stealth Killers, which is why I use it on ghostface.

    This is because stealth Killers can ambush Survivors going for saves or heals to force the perk to proc and also get more value out of injured Survivors than from healing Survivors.

    Legion and Spirit in particular can also get value out of the perk since they can easily proc it with their powers. Spirit is also a Killer that works well against injured Survivors.

    Some perk synergies are:

    Thrilling Tremors - Procing this perk means not only is the Survivor injured, but he is also unable to work on gens, rendering the Survivors practically incapacitated for the duration

    Surge - Broken Survivors will work on gens injured, meaning you can down them before they get far.

    Discordance- to find grouped Survivors to proc the perk on.

    And more

  • Member Posts: 75

    What? It is one of the most useless perks, at worst -- and is incredibly niche, at best.

  • Member Posts: 348

    This perk is kinda trash anyways since it basically forces survivors to work on gens instead of heal, but I have an alternate suggestion. Keep it as it is but make it apply to both people so you don't have to choose between tunneling that guy that was just unhooked with BT and going after the unhooker who you just applied broken to thereby making your perk useless. Other than that, protection hits don't actually happen that often unless people are about to escape anyways, so why not buff the overall time a bit as well? 60 seconds is really not that long when you take into account how long it takes to chase, down, hook, get a read on BBQ and finally go back and find the person you inflicted broken with a minute ago to capitalize on the fact that they are still injured and probably healed up by now. You could also add a mini stridor effect to make this person easier to find again. This perk could also be buffed if we make the broken effect a little more risky as well. Broken already prevents you from using a styptic agent to apply endurance (which doesn't happen all that often), but broken could also negate the endurance effect completely so that BT and Metal of Man (yikes) is useless. No Mither and MoM should be buffed accordingly to compensate for this.

    I think if we also buffed protection hit detection again, this perk would become even more useful while also having the side effect of making Metal of Man less trash.

  • Member Posts: 348

    Uhhh... BRUH, if they jump on gens then the f*cking objective is getting done.

    You do realize that one of the most common strategies at rank 1 is to just not waste time healing and rush gens, right? Even of you are constantly downing and hooking survivors, you can still get gen rushed. There's a reason why most killer builds include two or three gen delay perks!!

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