Instant Endgame Sacrifice (Disconnect?)

Ablutomaniac Member Posts: 23

Background: was using plague on the original Spirit map, incident occurred about a minute after the fountains reset due to full occupancy. We were not in endgame at the time, and I believe 4-5 gens still needed to be completed.

While carrying a survivor (and with one on the hook), I suddenly hear the sound effect that's triggered when a survivor remains on the map after the Endgame timer elapses. I'm booted to the endgame lobby and see a disconnect message. At least two other survivors received the same message and actually saw the entity piercing animation. One player appeared to still be in-game based on his end game lobby symbol.

I don't know what happened. We were still able to chat after the game's abrupt end, and my network connection didn't show any issues.

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