Why Do the Players Hate NOED So Much?

I think it's not a big problem. It is a end-game perk, so it don't do anything in early and mid game. Also, you can remove this thing with doing totems. I can maybe understand if you just say "No one Escapes Death" but it's a hex.



  • HarleyQuinn
    HarleyQuinn Member Posts: 247

    It doesn’t always bother me when I play survivor. It’s situational & I think it’s the same mindset as survivors having a key. I understand both sides tbh.

    As killer, say you play a flawless match, you’re hooking everyone twice & racking up BP, then all of a sudden you see people escape when the exit doors aren’t even open. Hell, maybe a generator is still left to complete. It’s disheartening as hell.

    Survivors, same thing. If survivors play well (not gen rushing because that doesn’t even get you good points) and then all of a sudden NOED activates and everyone is slaughtered, it’s a feels bad moment. Even though I am FULLY aware it could’ve been prevented. It still sucks lol.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    From my POV as survivor, I don’t care too much. Hearing “JuSt Do ToTeMs” is more annoying than someone running noed tbh.

    from my POV as killer, I just don’t get it. Watching someone play killer poorly, only to try to one hit down people at the end is agonizing. Play to win, don’t play to lose.

    People play this game too seriously, and that ######### more than anything needs to change. I don’t know if it’s because streamers popularized being toxic, this strange underlying mindset of getting off on other people’s misery, but Jesus Christ already.

  • Cheers
    Cheers Member Posts: 3,426

    According to the emblem system totems are part of your objective.

  • Warcrafter4
    Warcrafter4 Member Posts: 2,917

    It deters a gen rush which a lot of survivors do.

    Also another design issue is that cleansing dull totems does nothing to help survivors outside of countering NOED.

    This makes cleansing against NOED almost counter intuitive to survivors sense doing bones does nothing for them but that isn't an issue with NOED but an issue with totems in general.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Because totems are a pain in the backside to deal with solo. It sucks when you see a killer that isnt very good, does bad all game but manages to crutch a few kills at the end due to one perk, or a lame-o that tunnels one person all game or camps and then gets rewarded with a few more kills once NOED activates.

    We’ve been over this before but the whole totem thing is the discrepancy between solo and swf.

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Its a very strong tactical perk that puts a stop to survivors taking the mick late on. Annoying to play against for sure

  • xenotimebong
    xenotimebong Member Posts: 2,803

    Some people just hate it because they don’t want to do totems.

    Personally, I don’t really care about it in maps where the totem spawns are reasonable, but good luck “just doing bones” in Lery’s. If you miss one or two of the absurdly hidden totems there you just screwed the team.

    It’s also ridiculous when the killer is face camping. The counter to camping is to rush gens, but rushing gens leads to NOED. So you’re basically putting the survivors in a position where they’re screwed if they don’t do gens and screwed if they do gens, which I think is kind of bad design. But I guess this is more of an issue with camping than NOED.

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I've never enjoyed the popularization of being "toxic."

    I've seen low ranked survivors trying to be dicks to me and it never works out.

    At best they walk out with 3k bloodpoints.

  • EuphoricBliss35
    EuphoricBliss35 Member Posts: 875

    90%+ of games I two hook everyone and let them go after that. Even the annoying ones. On the rare occasion my feathers get ruffled, I might care to 4k. I’ve only killed a few people this month slowly working my way back to red ranks (I went through 2 rounds of rank reset for some reason; i don’t like 2 hooking green ranks because a higher % will give up; in red more people try and know what they’re doing, which is the only reason I care to be in red ranks)

  • BigBrainMegMain
    BigBrainMegMain Member Posts: 3,826

    I do that too.

    Hooking everyone twice grants you a lot of Bloodpoints and you pip.

  • Peace
    Peace Member Posts: 164

    Depends. With randoms, it can be very annoying, because they do just the 1-2 totems that are easy to find, so you end up with a NOED totem that is very well hidden, while another scared surv opens the gate and escapes immidiately. If one is getting hooked, you can get a hook trade at best, if the killer camps the totem then its over.

    In a swf it is often enough dont gonna happen because we get the totems, just a few times on certain maps where we just cant find it in time and have to let one or two die, because theres just nothing you can do if the totem is up (only if the killer is really dumb).

    Good killer dont really use it, because it is just a second chance perk that is risky to use. And a good killer doesnt need to run it, because there are plenty of other perks which are just better to dont get you to the endgame.

    I dont use it by myself, i used it as i started playing and it never felt satisfying to get 1 or 2 kills just because i have a instadown for playing bad.

  • Khroalthemadbomber
    Khroalthemadbomber Member Posts: 1,073
    edited July 2020

    Every time I see one of these posts I make this comment and it's usually lost to the masses but whatever...

    NOED exists to counter efficiency teams. Teams that it doesn't matter how good or bad you're doing, you're just going to be lucky to get a single kill.

    You can be one of the best Killers in the game against one of these teams and no matter what you do, how consistent you are with hooking and downing and slugging, you're not winning.

    The ONLY thing that can stand a chance against teams like this is NOED because efficiency teams only ever do what's required of them to get out and nothing more. Get in. Bang out 17 second generators. Get out. No totems no chests no ######### around. Just perfect loops and borderline instant generator progress.

  • CrusaderNella
    CrusaderNella Member Posts: 331

    The same reason killers hate DS, BT and Unbreakable. It punishes the opposing team for doing their job.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,080

    Because its Bullshit that I have to waste time to cleanse 5 Dull Totems for a Perk which the Killer might not even have. If the Killer does not have NOED; this time is wasted. Yeah, sure, Bloodpoints, but whatever. Those are Boldness, it will most likely be maxed out anyway. If Totems would award Survival Points, I am pretty sure they would be way better to cleanse.

    Also, if you dont get all Totems and the Killer has NOED, the time is wasted as well. If the Team manages to cleanse 4 Totems, Number 5 will be NOED and it will be the most hidden Totem.

    Let alone, finding all Totems with those improving Totem Spots. Sure, 5 Totems on Wreckers Yard are not that hard, but try that on Hawkins or Midwich. And when you are running around doing Totems instead of doing Gens, Unhooks or Chases, you are not helpful for the team.

    I really wish they would change NOED to a Perk which gives the Killer some ability based on how well they did, but remove the Totem Part. So the better the Killer was, the stronger the effect becomes.

    Would also make NOED unattractive for Campers, currently, NOED is basically a 2K for a Camper, because one person will be camped to death and NOED will activate, because there is no time to do 5 Gens (which is the counter against this "tactic") AND do 5 Totems. If it is based on the number of Hooks for example, a Camper only gets a really minor benefit from NOED.

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    I had this crap I played doctor on sheltered woods against ass survs had a ok 3 gen and I never went into a chase that took me away but I ended chases quickly hooked very consistently 2 people left a gen at each door split pressure both gens almost done got one girl the other used adrenaline as I picked the girl up but the door was open AND hatch was behind it so even if I DID make it she would have got hatch and if I closed it she would escape and I only 3k because I looked at a tree and still got a flash save done but I wasn't too mad because she earned the save fair and square and it shows without pop you basically suck and doc lacks lethality you have great cornering and zoning but you cant guarantee they won't still vault that window a second early whereas alot of m1 killers have lethal abilities docs just insures hits if I had pop oh boy they would have been upset

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    I, personally, me, myself, I, don't like NOED because I believe it is a crutch perk that many killers rely on when they can't pressure gens successfully. I believe this because I, personally, was one of those killers who relied on NOED as a crutch, and I recommend new players stay away form that perk for a reason.

    It damages their player growth and prevents them getting better at pressuring the gens, because their mindset will always be "its fine, I've got noed to rely on".

    I make every effort to cleanse as many totems in a match, but as solo that's pretty difficult unless I'm using detectives hunch and my team know how to do gens (which never happens lol).

    This could just be a leftover opinion from the times NOED wasn't a hex perk, but personally I despise the perk with a passion. More than most other "toxic" things in the game (except iri head huntress :/).

    I don't believe the perk is healthy for the game, because it punishes solo survivors much more than swf teams, who are the teams that NOED is "needed" for as they're much stronger. Swf teams can easily coordinate totems.

    I think NOED would be fine if solo survivors had a totem counter. Either base kit or worked into a perk like Small Game (even though I'd really rather not have another perk that give swf information when they get it for free, what can you do). This means it'd be less powerful as solos could more easily do totems, particularly on maps such as Midwich, Glenvale, Badham, or Lèry's.

  • Snapshot
    Snapshot Member Posts: 914

    Basically 2 reasons (and when you play survivor yourself, you will know them already):

    • Makes end-game rescues nearly impossible without trading hooks while NOED is active
    • Gives killer a speed boost turning most loops in the game into the killer's favour
  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    totems reward emblem too becase if someone spent time on cleansn while other repair and that person can't get emblem, wold be pointless to cleanse instead of repair

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786
    edited July 2020

    Honestly I don't understand it either. It's counterable and predictable, and most of the times it allows only one one-hit down before being cleansed, so not a big deal.

    The only problem I see with the perk is that it can make camping way more rewarding.

  • SquirrelKnight
    SquirrelKnight Member Posts: 951

    In reference to your point about it being countered by swf teams. Thats the full point though. If NOED doesnt go off cause they did totems, thats still about a minute or so extra the killer has to find and down people. If you cleanse, awesome the game is slowed a tiny bit, if you dont cleanse and rush, you get smacked and downed. Its one of the very few, STRONG perks killers have and even then they slapped it on totems because it has to be removable. Could you imagine, the sheer salt rage, if suddenly next update DS BT Adrenaline all could be deactivated by the killer by stomping on some glowing ball or something? Wouldn't that be stupid? Thats what killers have to deal with every day

  • Throwaway123
    Throwaway123 Member Posts: 183

    Because survivors can't stand that killer has a perk that lets them give an extra health state hit, even though said survivors have unbreakable, ds, bt, soul guard, dead hard all at their disposal which give them an extra health state.

    Noed isn't even all that good, at most it tends to net a +1 unless the survivors are super altruistic because it's only available at EGC...

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    People will have all kinds of reasons and personal stories about why its bad, but it really boils down to one thing: "they thought they were out the gates and then realized the battle was not over."

    Its like a boss fight, 3rd phase. As a killer main, I don't run noed except for meme builds, but as a survivor, if I get hit with noed I just move on, killer is running an endgame build, much like my adrenaline/hope/wakeup build.

  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    Ignore the "just do totems" experts.

    In many games you don't have the time as a team to search ands cleanse all dulls. Doing so would result in a lose for the whole team. So you don't do them safe the time, do gens, don't heal and maybe 2 or 3 are able to escape.

    But then the killer gets for free more movement speed and exposed on his basic attack. It becomes even more worse with other combination perks and on certain killers. And it feels a little bit frustrating that the developers and the killer expect from you to do dulls bc you can't with every team.

    But now I am gonna switch the sides.

    When you as a killer baiting right, lead survivors into misspositions and missplays, survivors got perks like Dead Hard. You chased right but well they still have E. Or you start slugging bc you see an opportunity to gain tons of map pressure or maybe a win. Because as a kilelr you should take any chase to your advantage to kill all survivors or at least make a certain amount of map pressure so that from a time efficiency perspective the survivor team wouldn't be able to switch it around anymore. But then they have Unbreakable. And all the pressure is gone and if their teammates were patient and stayed on gens, what you wanted to use to ur advantage, it's now their advantage and your mistake because of Unbreakable.

    Conclusion? That's dead by daylight. I don't think that I am wrong when I mean to say: The devs want this games where perks, addons, plays, switch around the whole outcome of the game. They want these perks where it seems like the killer or the survivors are losing but then THIS perk comes in and everything changes. So games become unique and different, exiciting, emotional.

    But you know, people wanna win in dbd. And if, always. So they hatetalk perks like noed or unbreakable because those perks crossed their masterplans, at least maybe or for this moment.

    Do I have noed or unbreakable? Oh I hate them both and I am always raging when Dead Hard, or Unbreakable or Noed or Enfury triggers. But at the same time I know why these perks are there and it's absolutely fine for me.

  • GoodBoyKaru
    GoodBoyKaru Member Posts: 22,767

    You say that final sentence like I don't play killer.

    I know BT and DS and Unbreakable are awful to deal with in combination, which is why I adapt my playstyle to deal with it. People trying to abuse bt, then I play freddy. People trying to abuse ds? The I just pretend to leave (it's funny when they jump out thinking their safe then die lol). The only thing that there's nothing to do against is the ds/unbreakable combo, which I agree needs to be toned down. I wouldn't complain at all.

    Noed has a counter which I've adapted into my playstyle- my regular build uses detectives hunch and I try my best to cleanse every totem on the map. Just because I try my best to counter the perk doesn't stop me hating it.

    Also, against a good swf, you need a lot more than an extra minute or so to win. You just kinda have to hope they're too altruistic or make a pretty massive ######### up, like genlock themselves.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    Well, I'm the mythical beast that ignores the generator I literally spawned next to in order to do bones.

    There are also the issues of zero input from the killer to activate the perk and the fact that the Exposed status, arguably the single most powerful effect in the game, is HIDDEN until first hit.

    I have literally died to this dumb perk more times than I can count or remember because the other 3 idiots I'm paired with can't do one simple thing. Dodged the killer all game, occasionally taking a hit and not being hooked once to now dying while they run off. Because THEY didn't do bones, yet I did and I have to face the consequences.

    That and I also think that if you are relying on an endgame perk in a regular build, then you either need to lower your rank and practice some more or swap to a perk that will work all game.

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    A counter to show the amount of totems left on the map would be the most welcome addition at this point. If you knew how many totems were left you might be inclined to search for them, instead of being completely in the dark about how many are left. You have no way of knowing so it feels pointless to just cleanse 1 totem that you find along the way, because there's 4 more that you have literally no way of knowing how many are left, and if you should keep searching for them.

    Hell even give them a small effect, like -2% repair speed per dull totem.

  • TunnelVision
    TunnelVision Member Posts: 1,375

    Which is easily countered by doing bones, making survivors equally as bad since they could have prevented it

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    would nerf totem perks even more than they are now. I barely ever run totem perks for this reason alone, its a gamble and can be countered in first 20 seconds of a match with no skill, just hold m1 you dont even get a skill check on totems.

  • MadArtillery
    MadArtillery Member Posts: 826

    Because perks that punish killer s for doing their objective us okay but perks punishing survivors for the same are not apparently.

  • Unicorn
    Unicorn Member Posts: 2,340

    NOED isn’t even a legit thing to complain about in my opinion. I’d rather go against a NOED than Ebony Mori’s.

    People just need to prioritize cleansing totems.

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,164

    I don't mind NOED, just take 14 seconds to cleanse a totem instead of ignoring it and you should be good. I wish they showed how many totems people did in the end screen so if NOED activates you can see who tried to prevent it and who didn't. 😂

  • ALostPuppy
    ALostPuppy Member Posts: 3,398

    How would knowing how many totems on the map need totem perks? It wouldn't tell you the location of them or anything, it will literally just tell you at the start that 5 totems are on the map and that's it.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    I think most people's problem with NOED, barring just straight up whiners, is how it rewards even griefing players. Someone who starts the game by face camping can easily 4k with NOED. The rest of the team realizes the face camp is on, so they hit gens. By the time the first survivor is down, 3 gens are done. The second chase ends with one gen left. The second face camp is on now. Last gen pops, killer downs another with NOED, and the 4th gets taken out at the door. Severely boring match where someone who is intentionally playing a very toxic/griefing style of play is easily rewarded with more ability to grief.

    In my opinion, I love end game builds and NOED is a crucial part of them. I'd like to see a simple change to NOED that would force a different play style in order to get it to work, yet reward the killer for efforts made during the match. In order for NOED to spawn, the killer has to get a total of 4 hooks. If he gets those hooks, NOED pops at the last gen. Perhaps a new totem is spawned for it even. So even if all the totems are cleared and the killer gets 4-6 hooks, a new totem spawns with NOED.

    The face camping troll does not get rewarded for sitting around all game and the end game builds continue unhindered mostly. There are flaws in it, I know, but I just don't want to see NOED removed, yet I hate seeing it reward people who just want to ruin other player's experiences. And yes, there are many people who admit to playing this game like that just to grief others. That is totally ok with the developers in this game, but calling them out is not. Just keep that in mind on these forums. lol

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    Not knowing how many or where they are leads to longer time the totem exists. Which most players can agree, is not long enough. I have never seen someone in this game say "dang those totems seem to last forever" the opposite is fact, most dont last long enough to even proc. Try running Devour Hope see how often you get it to hit tier 3. Totems life expectancy is usually "if it last long enough to proc" and survivors running around looking for them is literally the life span of the totem.

    Requesting that the time frame of totem life be decreased is a definite nerf.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    If you don't face camp, I don't have a problem with NoED. It's when the killer face camps, and then OF COURSE has NoED.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Because it feels cheap when you get hit with it. It's especially aggravating for a solo who cleanses 3 or 4 totems and gets hit with it because they couldn't find a single totem. It's not an unfair perk. But it feels bad.

  • grassdirtsky
    grassdirtsky Member Posts: 174

    Because it rewards the killer for losing gens?

  • dragobv
    dragobv Member Posts: 304

    i have no problem with it but when the killer just facecamped 2 people to death and gets a 4k cause noed i get why people complain

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870

    So let's say you run the killer for 3 gens and are camped did they fail to escape the killer Or did they waste the killers time?

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    The survivor want to waste the killer time i never saw a survivor trying to escape a killer when they get chase

  • azame
    azame Member Posts: 2,870
  • xTalon32
    xTalon32 Member Posts: 413
    edited July 2020

    My only issue with NoED is a lot of the haters refuse to do anything but gens. Because they've gotten it in their head "why should I do anything but gens scrub?"

    The problem is right now a lot of survivors don't want to do anything but gens and escape... They complain about NoED, but are perfectly capable of dealing with EVERY other hex perk? What people are REALLY upset about is they have to look for the totems and cleanse them because ANY of them could be NoED. And that's too much work for even 1 person on the team. If any survivor sees a lit totem you can bet your ass they'll at least try to cleanse it even if it's Haunted Ground.

    So the reality is that survivors don't hate NoED, they hate the fact it's not obvious where it's going to show up... I guarantee if NoED had a glow on the totem it would activate on if it did, people would cleanse it EVERY SINGLE TIME. And they wouldn't come on the forum to ######### about something because "they worked for it".

  • batax90
    batax90 Member Posts: 879

    That a bit boring on the long run sometime i feel like im playing mario kart double dash in the baby mario map when a survivor start looping around a pallet or when i play survivor.

  • Seanzu
    Seanzu Member Posts: 7,526

    Because it's not a fun mechanic.

    If you're solo, you have to waste all your time verifying totems are gone on the presumption the killer has NOED, or you have to hope and pray your team mates have done it.

    If you play SWF, then the killers cry at you in end game about it, and they're actively fighting to stop / nerf SWF as well so if you play with a team and a higher chance of being able to count totems you just get slated for it anyway.