Bridging the gap between solo and SWF

BoostedKateMain Member Posts: 51
edited July 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Hello all, this is my first post on here and it's going to be about bringing solo queue and survive with friends closer together.

Currently, whenever there is an obsession in the match, entity claws appear around the player's name, and when this survivor is being chased the claws move indicating to the other survivors that the obsession is currently being chased. As solo Q this is a good feature to tell survivors who are not the obsession to do objectives as they know this person is being chased however with SWF on comms they have this information when anyone is being chased at all times causing an evident imbalance.

My idea is in a solo Q game all the survivors should be able to know who is being chased so they can better coordinate objectives. By adding a little ‘tell’ to who is being chased brings Solo and SWF so much closer together as the information of someone being chased is one of the strongest features SWF groups have access to.

 Another change is one that many people in the community have wanted which is making the survivor perk ‘kindred’ base kit and by making this a feature this gives solo players the information SWF groups get for free without using a perk slot. Obviously kindred will need to be reworked if this was to be implemented.

I believe that with these 2 changes, the gap between solo and SWF will be much smaller and thus the game can be balanced much more effectively and the experience can become better for both sides now that there is no longer a massive imbalance between the two.

A counter point I can hear the devs bring up is something along the lines of “part of the experience and difficulty is not knowing who is being chased or who is getting the hook rescue” and to that, I say that solo Q players not having this information is what is causing a massive gap between solo and SWF and is partly the reason killer mains dislike SWF, so if they bridge this gap and balance accordingly then SWF will no longer be as much of a problem and killers won’t be encouraged to bring Mori’s and use unfair tactics such as tunneling and camping. If the game was balanced with my idea in mind then these “de-pip squads” wouldn’t exist anymore which could help lighten the toxicity within the game. Furthermore, SWF groups already have the information of who is being chased and getting unhooks and the game remains to be fun and engaging while also feeling way less frustrating.

I am aware that SWF teams will still have advantages such as synergizing perks but that’s why perks would also need to be balanced out as theses changes get implemented. Personally, I don’t see any other way of bringing solo and SWF closer together and if nothing like this is included in the game then the complaints about SWF are going to continue growing and this increases the chance that killer mains will leave the game or just become survivor mains. 

Please let me know if I have overlooked anything and the disadvantages of my idea so we can discuss alternatives, thanks for reading.

Post edited by BoostedKateMain on


  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    Theres a massive gap between solo and swf imo, swf is easy mode for survivor while solo is hard mode. If you want a challenge its solo, if you want to play gen simulator its swf.

    I like your post and ideas although and i might be wrong here but didnt the devs say a few months back that they couldnt see Kindred becoming a base perk.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235

    Anything you give "solo" will still be used by "Swf", only better.

    Ingame, by the rules and mechanisms in the trial, there is no difference between solo and swf. Swf put up to 4 people in the same lobby, after that its the same.

    The only thing to give solo to match swf is system to share information. Like voicechat or message systems.

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    he mentioned 2 things, that swf already have: knowledge who's currently being chased and information who's the next person to the one on the hook. As a solo player I'm running either kindred or after care to get this exact information - a perk slot that SWF does not have to waste due to their coms.

    I'm all in for buffing solo to a swf level and buff killers/ changes to the game (like gen speed) accordingly.

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    They should have a separate queue for SWF where its just them and 20 gens to complete, they will escape every time and get to do their favorite thing.

  • kahleesi143
    kahleesi143 Member Posts: 13

    I happen to favor playing SWF over solo only for the pure fun of my friends and I are very competitive when playing together. Killers are toxic whether I’m SWF or Solo. Recently I have had a glitch that has made it impossible for me to play SWF. I played all day solo and what made the game frustrating is playing with noob randoms when I’m a higher rank then they are or just straight trash toxic killers. People like myself prefer to play SWF to avoid those 2 issues. I don’t think of it as easy mode or hard mode. SWF is just my groups way to cut down wait time for a match. Some days we can get matches like 2min flat but as solo of partial party it can seem like a lifetime before a match is available.

    Ive also asked killers before why did you tunnel or ######### with a toxic kill. I’ve gotten answers like it’s your cosmetic or it’s just I don’t like Meg day. Never had a killer say oh I figured you were SWF so I was strategically trying to tunnel and take out your group. In fact there needs to be more penalties on killers for camping and tunnels. I hate waiting 15 mins to get into a match only to be tunneled to death in the first 5 minutes.

    As I mentioned now I have a glitch that will no longer allow me to play SWF. If I enter a friends lobby it kicks me right before getting a match. Sometimes it won’t show me my friends ready up so can’t look for match. If I invite they are invisible in my lobby. Can’t custom KYF due to cant see who’s in lobby or it will kick multi people out. Both SWF and KYF keeps giving Unknown error message. Doesn’t matter what character I play or what perks I use keep trying and it’s just an epic fail can only play solo for last 2 weeks.

    Not bragging I have all characters and I have just started to level them all up but now it feels like for what? If I can’t have fun playing with my friends it’s made me not even want to play the game. I bought my PS4 to play this game and it’s my main but if can’t SWF I may just leave the game altogether

  • BoostedKateMain
    BoostedKateMain Member Posts: 51

    I remember the devs talking about the idea of kindred being base kit but I can't remember what they said about it. I don't understand why they are against the idea.

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,235

    Swf/comms dont magically produce info, they still have to inquire and answer each other.

    Now imagine what swf/comms can do once they dont need to first find the info, but get it spoonfed by default?

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    Yeah bc it takes so long to just say "killer is after me" or "I'm near the hooked survivor"? Lmao

    SWF already talk about each important info, it's about equalizing solo to swf level -> solo gets _almost_ the same info that swf on coms get. SWF on coms is still going to be superior, communicating certain perks that the killer has equipped or totems done etc.

    Imagine voicechat/textchat build into the game, like you've suggested. Every heard of F13? How did that go? People blasting music and sound clips. Textchat isn't an option bc it would take console players way to long to type a single message.

    You act like this info would magically make SWF super strong, which is absolute bs.