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Hooked Survivor Bug/Unhookable Survivor

We were on a normal gameplay, in my party there were two friends of mine and a randomized person, not really sure what happened, but the person was hanged, their icon said they were downed, but with kindred we were able to see they were hanged, when approaching they were on a sitting pose, and no prompt to unhook showed up, in the end the game didn't end in the Entity taking them, but rather a disconnection, but at the end of the game they were still able to talk in the chat and wondering what happened. When trying to spectate them, there was a third-person point of view of the killer.
We were playing on PC!
This is the first time we've ever encountered an issue like this, and we are not sure if we can reproduce it, the killer was the Spirit, in case that helps!
I have some screenshots of the issue and the log file, but not a video, hope they are of use to you!