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Pyramid Head speed bug

Justanaccountname Member Posts: 1
edited July 2020 in Bug Reporting

While playing as pyramid head on the PC version of DBD I ran into a bug where pyramid head was constantly moving at a speed as if he was using his "Rites of Judgement" even when he was he was not. This meant that he was stuck moving slower than the survivors' base running speed for the whole game. Nothing I did could stop the speed bug. I even tried using "rites" again in hopes that by using it and then stopping, it would help "reset" me back to normal, but unfortunately it didn't work. It was essentially a game breaking bug as it meant that the whole game I was playing as a killing that was always slower than survivors.

I'm not entirely sure what caused this issue, but prior to it happening, I had used right mouse to start his "rites" and then attacked trying to use his ranged attack. Instead of his ranged attack, I did a basic attack so I am unsure if maybe what caused this was pressing the attack button too quickly before rites was properly activated. Only other detail I can remember is that the basic attack hit a closed pallet.

I have only experienced this bug once, but when I asked on steam, another player mentioned that they had ran into the same bug.

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