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Fastest way to derank?

Hey, everyone.

I wanted to ask if you know the fastest way to derank as killer? Im Rank 3 Killer for some reason. Im not good at killer. I got so often looped and get after games so mean flamed and I want to derank. I want to make the Adept Killer Achievements and it's easier to do it on lower Ranks.

Thanks. :*


  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    There is no "fast" way

  • CaiRuoyan
    CaiRuoyan Member Posts: 10

    If there's no DC penalty in the server you're playing in, then DCing is the fastest way.

    If there is, you can walk to a wall and face it (to prevent triggering chasing if survivors are running in front of you) from the beginning to the end.

    Or you can walk around everywhere and do not hit survivors even once, pretending you are a new killer and don't know how to play.

    Then you can derank to 15 in a few days.

  • Stehpflanze
    Stehpflanze Member Posts: 28

    I think you can get banned for this

  • hahadrillgobrrr
    hahadrillgobrrr Member Posts: 953

    Yes it is possible and deranking doesn't even do anything. Yes your rank gets lower but you still get same kind of matches because the way matchmaking "works".

  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    I also think you can get banned for just not playing the game. I like to do engdame builds with NOED/Bloodwarden on Wraith. Then I try to get some action in endgame and will also kill or 4k by entity if I get the chance. Gives the survivors thrill and they can't really complain about afk, as you get they still need to work for their escape. And either they get you outplayed or they die, and mostly you still depip or blackpip at most with some kills.

    Other way would be other builds that are known for being bad against emblems like Infinite Tombstone Myers (actually that is the only build I know beneath endgame Wraith atm, maybe someone else has other ideas)

  • Schlute6969
    Schlute6969 Member Posts: 129

    You shouldn’t derank first off because even though you say you’re at red ranks somehow it’s because you got there legitimately there was no big boost you got out of nowhere which means you belong there. Going down will put you against easier survivors and not only will you not get better but others won’t have fun since you’ll be playing not on their level. If you really want to derank don’t dc or go afk you affect a lot more than you think you do. I did it once since I wanted to climb back up but now that I know what type of negative impacts it has on the other players I’ll never do it again and am happy to just stay at rank one.

    IF you absolutely HAVE TO derank just play really badly. This not only gives survivors chases and heals so that they are not affected by dc or afking but also you are engaged and rather than spending all that time just to derank and hurting others you might as well act as if you play VERY poorly so that you aren’t bringing them down with you and so that you are earning points across the way. But please reconsider deranking Because yeah some matches are tough but you only learn from your mistakes and that’s what makes you better and you got there in the first place so you belong there.

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737

    Play Nurse.