Ruin and Huntress Lullaby should be normal perks and not Hex.

FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333
edited July 2020 in Feedback and Suggestions

Killer tools for slowing down the game shouldn't be as restrictive as they are. Pop, the current best slow down tool in the game, regresses a gen by only 20 seconds of solo repair time (11 for 2) in exchange for an entire survivor hook which can easily take over double or triple that time to actually acquire the hook to start with.

Ruin should lose the map wide effect and just make it so by passing near a gen it automatically procs. Something like 10 meters. double regression speed isn't nearly good enough to massively impact games and definitely isn't good enough to be tied to hex totems. Taking away the map wide effect still means that killers have to walk to and patrol every gen to use it.

Huntress Lullaby can be changed to a consumable token style. The effect is active from the start however it should only affect gens. People within your terror radius consume tokens to make skill checks appear that have a little bit less of a delay but the same amount of skill check difficulty as the current perk. Gen regression should be increased to 10% and an additional 3% per extra person on the gen. Only 1 person on a generator can actually proc it at a time. So if 4 people on a gen only 1 person is going to consume a token and get a skill check at a time. Tokens are gained by 1 per injure, 2 per down, and 2 per hook, and a maximum of 6 can be held at a time.

Huntress Lullaby makes the most sense to change from a hex perk because the counterplay is inherently built into the perk. If a survivor is good at skillchecks then the perk actually becomes completely useless, so it's stupid to top that off by making it a hex that can be taken out of the game at any point. Having a consumable token mechanic allows there to be down times and the killer still has to work for tokens.

Sure, it could and would be strong with a distressing unnerving combo, but that's just a bonus for survivors. That'd mean to build around the perk to make it really good killers would still have to sacrifice a total of 3 perk slots for a build built around actually skillful skill checks.


  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,826
    edited July 2020

    Ruin would be extremely OP as a normal perk. Lullaby would work as a normal perk, but I think it'd need a rework for that to make sense. For example you could buff the regression for missed skill checks a bit (from 6% to maybe 8-10%) but I'd add more tokens before you get to max strength (from 5 to maybe 8). I like your idea of making it a consumable token style perk assuming they can get the balance right. That could be cool.

  • notstarboard
    notstarboard Member Posts: 3,826
  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    Token rather than Hex Totem for Lullaby I totally agree with.

    Ruin on the other hand, leave it as is. Keep in mind that Ruin is a perk that initially belonged to Hag, and her playstyle is unique in that it's very defensive. You trap her totems and take down survivors attempting to remove them, while her three personal totems hamper survivor progress. Her entire kit rewards patience and long play. Devour Hope in particular rewards you for taking the time to get five hooks and allowing their unhooks.

    It's only when you attempt to use Ruin on other killers that you find the Totem harder to keep active. Combine this with the fact that due to unskilled killers crutching on NOED these days, taking out all totems in the trial has become meta more than ever, and this is something killers did to themselves. Rather than changing up Ruin, I recommend pairing it with Perks that make it more deadly. Hex: Retribution can reveal anyone who takes it out, Hex: Haunted Ground can give survivors a 66% chance of cleaning a Totem that ISN'T Ruin and Exposing themselves, and Surge can heavily compound Generator regression.

    As for your opinion that double regression speed isn't enough, don't know what to tell you there. If you're already versing heavy genrush or SWF yes, the regression won't do much, but in normal pubs it allows enough of a game delay for me to be effective-again, keep in mind the original owner is Hag, whose playstyle very much benefits from game delay so she can build her other two totems.

  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    I don't believe the argument that basing the perks balance around the killer they're attached to holds up. The vast majority of perks are useless. That's just how it is. And a good number of those perks are useless because they just don't synergize with anything and/or don't actually reward you with an effect that actually impacts the game. An even bigger problem is the fact that a lot of those perks also don't even synergize with the killers they were made for. Take a look at legions perks for instance. The only thing that kinda makes sense would be discordance because of your desire to chain stab. Huntress herself is another good example because none of her perks have anything to do with how she plays. Pyramid head is another killer that also suffers from 0 synergy with his perks. The list could just go on forever.

  • Deadnaught
    Deadnaught Member Posts: 40

    You are in fact correct with the lack of Killer synergy.

    But Hag is not one such example. I run Devour Hope, Ruin, Retribution, and Haunted Ground on her and it absolute rolls survivors in the most hilarious of ways.

    I don't believe it is on behavior to tailor every single personal killer perk "With the intention of them being used by all other Killers". Especially given that half the perks are DLC-bound and the Shrine of Secrets is RNG-based. I will personally admit to having bought DLC for teachables just because I don't have the patience for the perks I'm need of to come 'round on the Shrine.

    I know this is probably going to be Unpopular Public Opinion but the real base issue here is getting gud. The true show of skill is being able to perform decently (Brutal/Ruthless Killer) while using subpar or even "useless" perks as you call them. I have noticed, climbing ranks, there there is a tendency for Killers to crutch on perks rather than using them as icing on the cake. They cover poor game plays and lack of killer etiquette with perks that are overpowered, and then in threads like this complain that MORE overpowered perks are needed. While I will agree that there are many perks that are in need of a rework, this ain't it chief.

  • thefallenloser
    thefallenloser Member Posts: 1,277

    Or you could just make the perks stronger Hex perks instead of making them worse normal perks. :)

  • CashelP14
    CashelP14 Member Posts: 5,564


  • FootMan2893
    FootMan2893 Member Posts: 333

    You mean because the majority of killers are weak and underpowered? Yeah, in an ideal world killers can play well without addons and perks, but reality is not that nice. The fact is a lot of killers can barely keep their head above water without some sort of effective slow down and the current perks don't cut it.