There needs to be penalties for killers just tunneling or camping

Why is the not more done to the people who only tunnel and camp. I feel like the game is allowing people to just tunnel and camp as if this is normal game play. There is no icon that I would say falls in the category of bad toxic killer. These killers get all their points while players who have waited almost 20 min for a match get killed off in 5 to 10 min because the killer stays on the person making it almost impossible to get any objective or altruism points. The game is challenging but these sweaty toxic killers make it nearly impossible to play which then makes me want to find a new game


  • Nyxsie
    Nyxsie Member Posts: 39

    The max I have waited to get in a match was 10 minutes, including loading screens. Usually it's around 3-6 minutes.

    Who are you to say that it's not normal game play? People can play how they want. You are making up rules on how people should play.

  • kahleesi143
    kahleesi143 Member Posts: 13

    @Nyxsie so I would assume by your POV you are a tunneling killer? You have the freedom to play however you want just like I have the freedom to call you toxic. Now this is basically an assumption that you camp of tunnel do you not get more point if you make the match last longer going after the other players while you have one person on hook because when you make the game play go back and forth it does create a better experience. To also comment on the wait time when I SWF there are several reasons behind why we get nearly 20 min waits which are due to rank, internet as well as my friends and I notice when we play all night the waits get longer and longer. I think a penalty would be better because it will get the killer off of standing there as if afk and give the others more of a chase and altruism score because survivors lose points for not being able to save other survivors so is it not fair that the killer lose points for not even trying to engage in fair game play.

  • kahleesi143
    kahleesi143 Member Posts: 13

    @Nos37 I can not speak for survivors camping gens when I play killer that usually helps me cause I know what gen they want really bad so I can focus on that gen and down the survivors. As a survivor it’s not wise to camp a gen if killer is right there for the very reason I just said cause that lets the killer know where to stay on you. I mean the main objective is to finish the gen in 2 minutes so there would be no point on imposing a penalty on the games main objective.

  • Purgatorian
    Purgatorian Member Posts: 1,146
    edited July 2020

    Killers do lose blood points and emblem progress for remaining near a hooked survivor but the devs say it's a valid, although not very good, way to win. The problem is if it is solo and there is no kindred people assume no one is going for the hook even though the other two survivors could be waiting for the chance to unhook them. This can snowball into a 4k which this camping killer wants.

    Kindred should be base for survivors, not a perk as this would give solos at least a little information that swf have just by being on comms.

  • Nyxsie
    Nyxsie Member Posts: 39

    You have the freedom to call me toxic, but you are the one who is ACTUALLY BEING toxic. It is so unbelievably pathetic that you, and everyone sharing your opinions, get on a game and then bash players for player it how the developers intended it to be played! Camping and tunneling are both NORMAL GAME PLAY. It really is sickening how so many survivors want everything they don't like and everything that is challenging nerfed or changed. It's a shame that such an awesome game and community is plagued with such toxic and ignorant people (survivors and killers alike).

    I sure as hell hope you do actually go and find a new game, instead of trying to dictate and change this game to your liking. Get over yourself and go play single player Minecraft on peaceful.

    Wake up.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    match lasting longer?what game you playing because of survivor reason match are so short with gen rushing in every match.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142
    edited July 2020

    Oh... Right, because the killer's main objective is breaking pallets, not sacrificing Survivors. Almost forgot. So we should impose a penalty on killers who try to sacrfice in any efficient manner.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    If you dont have DS you’re screwed. It really should have been a free perk. Its an essential game mechanic

  • DBD78
    DBD78 Member Posts: 3,455

    Ok and for gen rushers also perhaps? Just a stupid idea.

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227

    if he kills you and wins the game he is a good killer

  • vector
    vector Member Posts: 227

    im literally shocked by logic of this community, killer must kill as much as efficently as he can , why should he care about your altruism points? If killer stays on one person it means all gens are free to repair. But this is not the point, actually what you say is killer does not allow you free unhooking and you are very upset because of it, you would like to without any thinking or tactics just rush straight for unhooking

  • TTVfbYTigTW
    TTVfbYTigTW Member Posts: 85

    This argument will never be resolved. The heart of the issue is this “I want to win at any cost” mentality, mostly unknowingly to the individual, to stroke their ego (disagree? See postgame chat to see who I’m talking about).

    People watch streamers, who teach that the only way to win as killer is to “patrol hooks, slug, force struggle in this situation, tunnel in this situation, eliminate a player as soon as possible, etc”. Then those very same streamers will play survivor and teach “here’s how you mind game a loop, here’s where you can string loops together, don’t use self care that’s half a gen, DO GENS!”

    Then mixed in you have this strange paranoia, where everybody is in a SWF, SWF breaks the game, team is good = 100% must be SWF. Lol

    I wish people defined “fun” in this game differently then “escape at all costs” or “4K at all costs.” The vast majority you play with/against are just going for a chill time, SWF or not. If I play killer and I Have everyone hooked 2x with 1 gen done...what’s fun about that? Most of that has nothing to do with me (bad part of the map, mind gamed and it worked in my favor when a lot of that is a 50/50 guess, etc). The game is over at that point. There’s nothing left to prove, so let’s screw around and get points (and I’m maxed on everyone, I don’t need them lol).

    Or, I get a rough map vs a good team. I could play super sweaty and 4k. Why though? What am I gaining or trying to prove by playing that way? No thanks. I’ll chase everyone, no tunnel, maybe 1 hook everyone. If someone’s hooked at the end, I’ll even make a silly play/get blinded/swing n miss just to increase the excitement of the moment. It’s all good. Who cares lol

    Dont take this game seriously. In the end, it means nothing