Why does everyone complain about second chance perks?

Imo there not even that strong.

I'd much rather run ironwill, we'll make it, spine chill, and empathy then ds, bt, ub, and adrenaline

There a bit frustrating to go against as killer but not that hard to counter

(Not a survivor main btw)



  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    Sluggings fine

    unless you slug all 4 and let them bleed out because thats toxic

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    I agree that combo is op, but ds on its on isnt that strong imo

  • Prex91
    Prex91 Member Posts: 764

    They are ok, but abused to make killer lose time, and make your team mates genrush. Matches have to return a bit longer, now are too fast.

  • Respectfulnancymain
    Respectfulnancymain Member Posts: 1,816

    The Survivors using ds...

    Weren't you talking about ds like your other comment?

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    No the other comment was talking about what would hypothetically give the same feeling as a second chance perk but as a Survivor instead of a Killer.

  • Dwinchester
    Dwinchester Member Posts: 961

    Only time bt is annoying is when they body block. That's when I tunnel.

  • Valor188917
    Valor188917 Member Posts: 649

    I won't even argue with you because there's no point, you're either brutally biased or trolling hard, so enjoy writing a wall of text that is ignored by most people in this forum.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2020

    I don’t even go in expecting to win anymore as a survivor because it doesn’t happen that often. Perks for survivors kinda suck 🤣 they don’t do enough. What little that they do people complain about. For instance you guys be like “why is DS one minute? That’s one minute of invincibility”

    well... that minute isn’t actually a lot of time if you consider other killer perks that slow down the amount of things that survivor can do while he or she is in injured one hit yet “invincible” mode 😂😂. Also slugging with infectious fright or other informational perks/auditory cues (with a good headset) to find another target. Don’t be afraid to go after someone else after you down this 1 minute invincible survivor . It’s never a bad decision as you are pulling other survivors off of gens to pick up/heal. Stalling their objective while you’re completing yours.

  • Name_Unavailable
    Name_Unavailable Member Posts: 519

    Lets be honest because they tunnel, We all saw Pyramid Head before last hotfix when they had a chance to tunnel, Most of them did it.

    So lets be real all the rare scenarios they talk about here about getting hit by DS unfairly is just nonsense, They just want to tunnel whenever they want.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I guess it all depends on HOW you use them, especially wiyh perks like DS.

    There is the INTENDED use, which is what I used it for, to literally just give tunnellers the middle finger or there is the "Hurhur 60 Seconds Invincibility" use which killers complain about. This is where you act freely because the "difficult skill check" really isn't. Combine it with Unbreakable and there's no punishing this sort of reckless behaviour.

    The perks themselves are FINE. But it's how people are using them.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Good survivors who can loop lmaooo please

    it’s funny that people will still defend killers by blaming the survivor for not looping good enough when :

    1) the total number of pallets have been minimized and the ones that are on the map, some of them don’t do anything to stop the killer because he just walks around the pallet Because there is no wall on either side 😂 just a stack of tires or debris

    2) maps have been shrunk

    3) most of the map is a dead zone where you are caught out of position. 🤣 enough said

    its just not hard to get downs as a killer. I’ll stand by that 100%. Ez 4Ks. Especially if you got infectious fright. It’s just filthy.

    so I think yes, second chance perks are very necessary. It’s too easy to get caught and too easy to go down. I swear they had to have done something recently to break hit boxes as well. Because now I’ve seen killers swinging at windows and actually downing people running by them. The hitbox seems a bit wide there.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    It’s not a minute of invincibility if you get slugged. You put on infectious fright and it now works to your advantage to simply use that person to down him in order to find another target. Time doesn’t matter that much because the killer should be going after the one that did the rescue anyways if the killer refused to go back out and defend generators .

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    DS time sucks imo. It’s too easy to wait out

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Honestly I wouldn't even call any perk a "second chance"... just hear me out

    Adrenaline: End Game Perk, activates once a match... (old insta-heals are second chance)

    Dead Hard: The condition of being injured means you have already gotten hit (or pairing No Mither)... so half the chase is done

    DS: Have to hooked in the first place and it's a one time use (so using it after your first hook is only a delay)

    Unbreakable: If it's used before your first hook then maybe it's a "second chance" but if not then no

    Also in saying those are "second chance" perks then:

    Self care: got hit... run to the other side of the map and heal yourself for free

    Inner Strength: same as Self Care but go into a locker for 8 seconds... but cleanse a totom before

    Deliverance: Free hook escape (also pairs well with DS)... but getting hooked again means struggle stage

    Flip-Flop: not being picked up till you've recovered makes it easier to wiggle off (Pairs well with Unbreakable, Tenacity and Boil-Over)

    Any more "second chance" perks.... I know there's more

  • TheMonadoBoi
    TheMonadoBoi Member Posts: 346

    Because they're poorly designed. One of the biggest problems in this game is the devs very often forget there's ACTUAL PEOPLE on the other side. It's not fun to do well in a game only to be punished cause "whoahh buddy you're a bit too good."

    Down and hook people too fast? Eat a DS.

    A bit too optimal on gens? NOED.

    Plus, they either have dumb and annoying counters or can be easily abused to get a cheap advantage.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347
    edited July 2020

    Maybe you should stream some red rank killer gameplay so we learn from you. EZ 4Ks. 😂

    This is the problem when people play one side, and have like thousands of hours on it, while never touching the other side.

    Also yes second chase perks (DS/Borrowed Time) are necessary, but they get abused way too much.

    How many times did a survivor with BT come to me to take a protective hit, protecting other survivor? How many times they did the same with DS, or they abuse DS by healing/fixing a generator right in front of your eyes knowing they are invincible?

  • IMhereRUN
    IMhereRUN Member Posts: 606

    The heart of any DBD gameplay experience is the chase. Sure hiding is fun, doing generators is too easy, too quick and very boring, being altruistic is fun. But the overall success or failure of a game is who wins the chase, and how quickly.

    With the over excessive amount of 2nd chance perks for survivors, this makes them Godly in a game that already massively favors the survivor side. In a chase, it’s about who makes a mistake first. Killer? Then survivor gets more distance and prolongs the chase or forces you to go elsewhere. If a survivor makes a mistake, he/she can use Deadhard/DS/Adrenaline(when applicable), etc. to cover their mistake and try again.

    And yes, killers have NOED, a perk that can be disabled (and IS most games) before ever becoming active. When not disabled, this gives killers a 2nd chance, but only during EGC when their options are limited. Survivors can use their 2nd chances (excluding Adrenaline) throughout the whole match.

    This is why many survivor players obtain a “cocky” dimeanor, because they know if they mess up or get outplayed, their perks will pick up the slack.

    Same for killer, if the survivors are dumb enough to just rush gens without worrying about NOED, than it’s only their fault if NOED ruins the match for them.

    Like everything else in the game, the survivors dictate the pace unless a killer successfully forces the team to play his/her strategy.

  • DaGreenBolt
    DaGreenBolt Member Posts: 453

    Lets be honest, camping, slugging, and tunneling wouldn't be so prominent if gen times weren't still too fast, if SWF wasn't so broken (3-4 man), if survivors didn't get so many second chance perks that can be stacked upon each other, nerfing Hex: Ruin while knowing gen times were short, and when top tier killer keeps getting a basekit nerf instead of buffing low and mid tier killers to at least A tier.

    So lets be real, all the scenarios that include camping and tunneling wouldn't have happened if the killer role wasn't as stressful, and if some survivors bothered to actually learn the game, instead asking any balanced killer or perk, cough cough Hex: Ruin, Basekit Nurse, and now Billy cough cough, to be nerfed.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Because it's a second chance perk and they feel as if they were cheated out of their sacrifice/escape.

  • PerkyPerky
    PerkyPerky Member Posts: 347
    edited July 2020

    Yep. Usually gamers should be rewarded for their skills and hard work.

    DbD though? It just spits on your face for doing a good job.

    They keep trying to make it easier and easier for survivors because they are mostly casuals who literally can only hold M1 button and "loop" killer. While playing killer requires you to learn his power which is a steep learning curve for each single killer (not to mention, micromanaging and the stress).

  • DetailedDetriment
    DetailedDetriment Member Posts: 2,632

    Killers complain about second chance perks but then survivors aren't allowed to complain about NOED, Rancor, or Spirit Fury-Enduring.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    You clearly misunderstood what I was saying about that. You slug them with infectious fright and you’re essentially using that guy as a way of giving you another target to chase. As long as you stay on someone constantly, survivors never win. They will never win. That’s why I say second chance perks absolutely have a place in the game. And good killers work around them too easily to where they are almost useless. Survivors need better perks that protect THEMSELVES. Most are all coop perks which is great! But usually the game becomes very sad to play when you’re constantly getting pummeled and left behind and there’s nothing you can do about it. It happens on solo and it happens when the killer camps you. Killers don’t deserve to get rewarded by camping. That’s not what you’re supposed to do! By all means go ahead, but NEVER would I reward anyone in a game I create for camping. Not ever. I’m not talking about points. Survivors should be able to defend themselves better without having to WORK for it first. THATS the whole point of a PERK! Killers have unlimited uses on their add ons and perks. Survivors have limited uses. Yet people still complain about survivors even having limited use perks? That’s really sad.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2020

    Yeah survivors are easy with the right perks that lock gens, slow repair speed, give you visual notifications all while wearing a good headset... yeah killers win most of the time. They have to keep buffing killers to keep the whining down because people are so bad at it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    I usually play solo survivor and it’s way less fun than killer. Because you lose so much more. And I see red rank survivors on my team. Communication has a lot to do with it. But I think killers are simply just too efficient by now. But like I said it’s sad when you play a game and can’t do anything but sit on a hook the whole game. I’m angry that they haven’t implemented anything to give survivors a chance to fight back against that kind of behavior. And I’m not talking about second chance perks. Even Deliverance isn’t good enough because like I said before WHAT good is a perk if you have to WORK for it first? Meaning.... you may not even get any use out of it. USELESS. Lmao. It’s a perk i Don’t mind limited uses but when you add on a requirement before you use up its limited charges that’s just ridiculous. That’s why deliverance gets an average rating on most sites. Survivors need perks that will allow them to defend themselves in versatile situations. Just my 2 cents.

  • PigMainClaudette
    PigMainClaudette Member Posts: 3,842

    I don't verse a huge amount of Infectious Fright, and it is how some people use DS. I personally don't and find it to be an excellent way to get targeted by the killer.

    Main thing was that people feel confident enough with both DS and Unbreakable to blatantly do stuff in the killer's face because they either stun them with DS, or ignore the slug with Unbreakable.

    If someone tries it with me, I'll eat their DS and put them on hook. If they calm me a tunneller, I'll let them know that they asked me to by abusing DS.

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    Im on Xbox. I main plague. She’s prestige 3 level 50. I have every single outfit on her. Sad thing is, she’s not even the best killer out there😎

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720
    edited July 2020

    Thats the thing, DS is a one time use and a minute is not that long. It comes in handy sure, but I don’t get use out of it every single game. I find myself left on the hook more than tunneled off the hook. I still don’t understand how someone can abuse a one time use perk? I feel like people come up with any excuse they can to hate on something that YOU shouldn’t hate on. That’s literally the ONLY perk that allows you to defend yourself and give you a chance at escaping. Otherwise it’s easy kills and easy abuse from the killer. Think about it, you have a killer who wants to kill you and only you, then you have a survivor that unhooks you unsafely, how is that YOUR fault? It’s not. Bad luck right? Bad teammates? Yeah. But No it shouldnt be out of your control unless YOU let it get that way. Things that can be avoided had you used this perk instead of this perk, you know? That’s why DS doesn’t make me mad as killer. BT doesn’t either. I could care less, I’ll go find someone else or play gen defense. Tbh you shouldn’t be feeding off the hook rescues anyways unless it’s to go after the guy doing the rescue! Best move you can make! But yeah, it should be totally fine for you to fend the killer off ONE time for 5 seconds if the killer chooses to tunnel. So as a killer I don’t get mad at that. Hell I don’t remember the last time I was even DS’d. I catch someone in my infectious fright 50% of the time. Most people try to counter BBQ by staying close or do quick hook rescues. Also... I think distressing helps infectious fright does it not? I don’t use it but I used to. It’s just such a game changer when you need to play catch up 😆

  • SurviveByDaylight
    SurviveByDaylight Member Posts: 720

    I mean, you act like it’s totally OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD to find someone who actually 3-4Ks playing killer. I don’t need to stream it to prove it.

  • bingbongboi90
    bingbongboi90 Member Posts: 576

    BT is a perk people say it counters tunneling or campers, but this perk is also OP in a swf. The swf knows their teammate have BT so if i want to go to the unhooker he bodyblocks me forcing me to hit him and wasting my time.

    But hey idc if you want to be tunneled or facecamped be my guest!

    I am mostly fine with DS it is only annoying with unbreakable.