The BIG problem with meta, which makes the game boring.

It is most of the time all the same meta perks on both sides. (ds, unbreakable, corrupt, pop and etc)

Here's how to fix the issue in a simple way:

Buff other perks and make them more useful, if they are too op tone it down a little or revert the changes, keep buffing random perks so there would be more actually useful perks as there are some perks in the game that people never use so they are never seen anywhere unless the person using them doesnt know about the current meta or is just meming.

(they may already be doing it as they have done new perk changes which are good and they should keep moving in that direction of updating/buffing perks)

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk, have a nice day.


  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,731

    We should start a movement.

    we can call it Make Monstrous Shrine and No Mither Meta Movement or the MMSNMM

  • Onyx_Blue
    Onyx_Blue Member Posts: 1,060

    The meta has been stale for so long. 'Slowdown vs Second-Chance' should be destroyed, and the new meta should be 'Rotation Pressure vs Chase Outplay'. Seeing perks like Head On, Quick and Quiet, Any Means Necessary, Breakout, Lightweight etc become frequently used. And killer perks like Enduring, Whispers, Fire Up, M&A, Surge be seen more frequently too. Less of PGTW, BT, Sloppy, Unbreakable, Nurse's, Adrenaline. See perks that encourage survivors to play their balls off in chase and killers utilizing the unique killer techs and power outplays to catch people. No more camping, tunneling, hook bombing, immersion, w-keying, 3-gens strats, safe dropping every pallet 10 seconds too early without looping etc. Otherwise this game will continue to just get increasingly dull.