Banning Mechanic - New Killer & Survivor Ideas

So as we all know, there's always problems with players dishonoring the game's code of conduct. To that I say we add in a sort of 'Ban Hammer' for this game (mostly for the fun of it)! Here's my idea of how this would work for both Killers and Survivors depending on the offending party's position:

New Killer Idea:
The Harbinger – The Entity's Wrath: Egregious/Cheating Survivor's Bane

The Entity's Harbinger will seek out and kill any survivor that has been marked for repeated dishonorable conduct of game play. This killer only comes into play when a Survivor player has been marked as an offending player of in-game rules (and all that it implies); it will have infinite range of Aura sight of the marked player and can only harm the mark. Survivors cannot see this mark. The Harbinger may be present in any game with another Killer, but they cannot interact with each other, including being unable to collide with unmarked Survivors or the present Killer.

Marked survivors can never be the obsession in any game where the Harbinger is present. The Harbinger can immediately knock down the marked survivor into the dying state and may be executed on the spot regardless of whether or not the survivor was hooked this game. When the Marked survivor is slain by the Harbinger, the victim player's account (or IP address) will be banned for the appropriate amount of time or indefinitely.

The Harbinger's Perks (exclusive to the Harbinger): Harbinger's Perks cannot be used by any other killer and cannot be removed nor replaced with other perks from other killers.

  • Wrathful Vengeance – Harbinger moves at 4 times the average speed of normal killers. Marked survivors have their auras revealed and are considered Exposed to the Harbinger. If struck, the survivor cannot crawl away or recover.

  • True Hunger – Harbinger may kill any Marked and dying survivors regardless of whether or not they've been hooked. If a Marked survivor is already on the hook, the Harbinger may cause the Entity to immediately sacrifice the survivor (this results in a ban for the Marked player).

  • No Time to Play – If Harbinger successfully interrupts the Marked survivor's actions (repairing generators, vaulting through windows, etc.), it will automatically execute the survivor.

  • Unseen Hand – Harbinger's Terror Radius is only 5 meters to Marked survivors. Harbinger cannot be seen or it's Terror Radius be heard by unmarked survivors (though they can see it's glimmer as it moves). Harbinger is immune to any Killer-Aura revealing perks or items.

Survivor Buff Against Egregious/Cheating Killers

Golden Items - The Entity provides all the Survivors with a random Golden item when a Marked Killer is in their game (any items or offerings brought in this match will not be consumed). Golden Items do not loose their charge. Survivors with Golden items are unable to be knocked down into the dying state and cannot be interrupted by the Killer (regardless of perks or items). When the Survivors successfully survive the game, the Killer in the match is automatically banned (this includes the Killer leaving/quitting the match).

  • Gold Toolbox: Increases repair and sabotage rate by 300%. Sabotaged Hooks are permanently disabled regardless of the Killer's perks.

  • Gold Flashlight: Killers are blinded for 200% extended duration. Killers blinded by the flashlight are stunned for the duration of the blind.

  • Gold Map: The location of all Generators, Pallets, Vaulting locations, and the Hatch are automatically revealed to all Survivors in the match.

  • Gold Key: The Killer's Aura is revealed indefinitely. The Hatch is also available at the start of the match and will remain opened indefinitely once the Gold Key is used on it.

Bear in mind that these ideas are SOLELY for the purpose of banning players who have been reported on a regular basis or have been caught cheating/hacking the game. I also release these ideas to "Behavior Interactive Inc." to use and/or change as they see fit.


  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    No one would play while under these debuffs. Too much work would have to be put into this type of implementation

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    Those are horrible ideas, no offense^^

  • Xamerzan
    Xamerzan Member Posts: 3

    Keep in mind that NONE of the players involved would be able to see the marks. You won't know you're marked for banning until after the Killer descends upon you, and even if you leave the game while being chased, it'll still ban you.