Tutorial - Time for an Update

It's time to take a look at the tutorial, and actually teach people how to play the game.

Let's start with killer side.

You have 5 free killers. Trapper, Wraith, Nurse, Hillbilly, and Huntress. But only Trapper is in the tutorial. The others should be included, and in such a way that teaches how their abilities work. For instance, Trapper. Make two parallel corridors, and a Survivor loops him between the two, so he has to set a trap to stop them. Make the Nurse blink through a wall to get to the survivor. Eventually, hopefully, you can make these tutorials for every killer, a mini "try before you buy", so a player gets a real feel for the killer they are going to spend money on.

Now, survivors. This is where the real gripe comes in. You don't teach rushed actions at all. I still have no clue how to fast vault vs medium vault. I know, I can watch a YT video to teach me, but I shouldn't have to watch a video to learn something the tutorial should teach me.

So, for this, we use some things you already have in play. We are sneaking around, trying to avoid the killer at first. We slow vault, but the killer found us. We have to sprint, and fast vault a window. Slow/Medium vaults aren't good enough, and we get caught, hooked, and have to start over.

It should teach everything about survivor. Like how to jump in or out of lockers fast, and how it's loud and notifies the killer, and how that can be used to possibly distract them.

How to perform every kind of vault. Searching chests, breaking totems, healing others, and anything else I'm missing.


  • starkiller1286
    starkiller1286 Member Posts: 889

    I think a tutorial on how mending works would be good. In low rank survivors I had a survivor nearly go down because they refused or didn't know how to mend.