Linked outfits are pure laziness and greed

Linked (can't be mixed with other outfits) are pure laziness and greed. From a design point of view, there's no reason that these cosmetics (the new nea one especially) can't be mixed and matched. The whole "we can't make bunny feng because its too difficult" was an excuse for ages and only ever got released when they had enough incentive to do so.

The new nea cosmetic though? That's just pure greed on BHVR's half. They know for a fact that when they design cosmetics they make one central piece to the outfit and then sort of throw the rest in as filler, and because of that, people will only pay the 400 or so auric cells to buy the one good piece. This time, they release a really cool outfit for nea that you are forced to pay full price for and can't even customize.

I'm sure the excuse here is that the pieces blend together and can't be separated, which is total crap seeing as pieces of the outfit are clipping into each other where the seams are for each block of textures.

I'm sure the higher ups are more than satisfied with the fact they'll be making more capital from the suckers that actually invest in these all in one sets- but in my opinion, its a shame seeing as every other cosmetic set in the game is able to be customized and this change that we're seeing for all new sets to be all in one is NOT user friendly at all.


  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    I'm sorry but making something can't be called laziness.

    Now is it greed? Not... really? BHVR maybe thought that this skin would be best if it wasn't mixed and matched with anything else. It doesn't lose it's charm (cause together this skin really looks cool) if it was paired with let's say the side bun.

    Tbh, they only screwed themselfs because they didn't release them from the beginning. If they did, people would expect them and (while still angry) understand that they will exist.

  • Schlute6969
    Schlute6969 Member Posts: 129

    I don’t think it’s lazy considering the work that is undoubtedly put into this cosmetic but greed is maybe. I do wish they would make it switchable maybe even only certain aspects of it I switchable would be nice. Already through a bug you can equip just the face mask and other than the unfinished back of the head part it goes really well with other cosmetics. The bunny feng was done on feng and maybe it was so much of a hassle they didn’t want to do it for nea for this cosmetic. If it’s the blending together or clipping they hate they could always have it that only the hood is up when equipped with the gas mask. It’s not a huge deal to me because it’s a really great cosmetic by itself but would like the freedom to mix and match. I hope as they go on with these (and they definitely will) start stepping outside the boundaries with these because for now you can see a little why they may not have wanted it to mix and match but also can see that we should be able to. Future cosmetics similar to this need a real wow factor that you wouldn’t be able to do with the ability to mix and match. Extreme example like nea again let’s say they have a horror outfit for survivor where they are able to look as if half or a lot of skin was pulled off them exposing like muscle or skeleton or something similar where there is different cutoffs to where usual cosmetics would start. This would help others see the need why it would be this way for cosmetics and out of it can get an extremely cool cosmetic that’s unique by itself. I’m hoping this where it can go because with it they can really make nice cosmetics with no worry how something sits or looks if it’s all it’s own piece. But like others say if you don’t like it vote with your wallet and don’t pay. I’m hoping this is their stages to see what they can do but if it goes on to be just outfits that seemingly could be put together separately then I’ll be right there with you how you are now not being happy with it and won’t be paying for it.

  • PsychoInTent
    PsychoInTent Member Posts: 9

    Allow me to explain how you combat this "greed". DON'T BUY IT. If you are unhappy with it, and the rest of the player base is unhappy with it, don't buy it, don't buy sets like it. Money talks. If the cosmetic set sells well, they'll do more like it, because fans want it. If the cosmetic set doesn't sell well, they won't make more, because it's a waste of time and money for them.

  • R52G
    R52G Member Posts: 257

    I wish they’d at least let us customize the legs tbh. Just to see if Nea’s other leg cosmetics would look cooler with the cosmetic.