A lot of issues and problems could be solved...

...if there was a replay system. Seriously, in a game like this where time and resource management is important, it desperately needs a replay mode. A lot of players who complain about getting gen-rushed or sacrificed too quickly could learn from their mistake once they re-watch themselves and others play. Like you can use use First person camera to free roam around the map, rewind, pause, etc.
I'm not saying this is gonna solve some fundamental or mechanical issues, however this can allow players to better understand what they did wrong and be better in subsequent games.
TL;DR: There should be a replay mode where you can rewatch your old games and learn from your mistakes. That way people don't come to the forums to complain about "genrush" or "the killer is too tryhard".
It would help a lot to have a replay system, you can also stream your gameplay and review that, but a legit replay system where you can swap views between players would be great to have an idea of what happened and where things could've gone wrong.
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Yeah I know about streaming, but it'd be much easier if BHR integrated it themselves
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I'd love that. There are lesser games that have many more QoL features, we don't even have a decent tutorial or a practice mode.
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As I've said previously on this forum, I would love a replay system...it would be a great help for players and for our ACM's who are the ones that deal with player reports. A replay system could really help them out - save people having to record as well.
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Yup I agree.
Thank you for the response, it would definitely be impactful. Hopefully that feature can be added soon.
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As a fairly new player (I got this game when it was new, but didn't really get into it until last week) I agree. I have no idea where or how I mess up sometimes, both as a killer and a survivor. Being able to replay a match and see what other people did vs what I did would be huge.