Can't play killer while stretched res exists

Chasing a stretched res user is literally pointless and removes all mindgames. Why isn't this being fixed?
Use killers that are good at chase like Nurse or ignore it like Hag until it's fixed is my only possible advice.
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Does stretched resolution still exist? Locking the .ini file was supposed to fix the issue of graphical modifications to gain unfair advantages, but I have no idea if the cheaters resolutions were reverted to standard, and I heard that there were ways of stretching your resolution without .ini editing
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I assume it is still possible since they are staring at the ground while looping.
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Stretched rez is cheating, its been proven and said many times even by tournament players. I only know 1 content creator who thinks it isn't and he pretty much only plays survivor now. :L
Just because you want something to suit your views doesn't make it not cheating.
EDIT: Because I need to provide proof apparently:
Ya no advantage, see? I can only see across the map with stretched. /s
Post edited by Mandy on25 -
it is proven that it DOES give a advantage.
Also how is pop a crutch perk?
Grow up or verwelke.
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You guys do realize this can't be fixed right? there is no possible system in the world that is gonna be able to detect monitors that have built in res changes good luck my advice is learn to play around the advantage. Literally nothing can be done.
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It doesn't remove anything. This is factually false and easily tested in a custom lobby. I suggest you stop listening to whiny content creators and do check it for yourself.
Stretched doesn't raise the camera, which is the deciding factor and is unaffected by res. If the survivor is hugging the loop, if they can see the killer on stretched, then they can as well on native and vice versa.
On the other hand, stretched does favor killers' pov when breaking pallets, vaulting, against 360s, during Nurse/Legion fatigue, etc. It can even give built-in lightborne for some obscure reasons.
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nicely summarized. Stretched res is my favorite excuse. Closely followed by "discord abusers".
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And of course there will be people who defend cheating and insult players who simply expect their opponent to follow the rules.
I guess that's my daily dose of DbD community for today lul
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But yeah, I love how killers say it is a advatange for survivors, when I personally USE stretched res A LOT on nurse with shadownborn and that's basically a free win, and I dont see survivors bitching about it
Post edited by Mandy on8 -
Still gives you an advantage, which is the problem. And you can see over loops, most noticeably autohaven jungle gyms.
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In case you don't know, the fix for this kind of thing is to make stretched resolution result in an actual stretched display which will ironically be the exact same display because stretched resolutions users aren't actually playing on 3:4 screens, but just stretching for the purposes of gaining an advantage. Although you gotta love the clear bullcrap arguments they give where they say it looks better for them.
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Really funny, cause probably OP lost a match against a decent team and he calls that team cheaters cause he didn't get the 4k :(
Maybe OP is the one who should git gud.
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Wasn’t this fixed a while ago?
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What advatange gives you seeing across the map?
Yeah, nothing, btw the survivor still can see the killer, so basically there's ZERO advatange, and you act like this is a competitive game lol.
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That res is tall enough to see over some if not most tiles, giving you an advantage.
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Dude, I tried 1080x1080 personally, and it doesn't give you a advatange as survivor, it's the same.... if anything it gives advatange for killers like nurse, legion, or the pallet breaking animation, but hey no one talks about this.
EVEN when im playing killer on 1080x1080 sometimes survivors are not able to blind me, that's why I stopped using it, that's straight up cheating for killers.
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Did you see the screenshots? How on earth can you call that not an advantage. Actually how?
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No I wont test as ive already got proof its cheating, but thanks for the suggestion <3
Post edited by Mandy on0 -
Yes, I did and I USED it.
And it doesn't give a advatange to survivor, as I said it is cheating only for some killers (nurse, legion etc)
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What kind of delusional thought process do you need to think that an extended field of view isn't an advantage? The ability to see killers over obstacles which you shouldn't be able to see killers over is an advantage no matter how blatantly ignorant you are of the obvious.
I can't tell if you're lacking logic or just making Fruedian slips left and right. Right off the bat you relate stretched rez to being able to see across the map which wasn't in the post you were replying to so it's your own thought process. And then you imply being able to see across the map isn't an advantage which is clearly ridiculous. Then the next statement is event worse. I'm sure you meant to type "the survivor still can't see the killer" but accidently typed out the truth with "can see" as has been proven numerous times before. Then you say there's zero advantage which again clearly isn't the case. And to sum it up, you go full Simple Jack and imply that a pvp game isn't competitive.
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It does, you can see further, and over loops you usually can't, just because that screenshot doesn't show that doesn't mean it doesn't.
That is an advantage, there's no other way to describe it. You don't have that on normal res.
Dunno about killers, however it is a bit strange how lots of good nurses use stretched.
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I couldn't care less if they get rid of strech res, what im discussing is that IT isn't a advatange for survivors, it is a advatange for killers.
I think you should try it yourself on nurse with shadowborn, that's basically a free win, I Stopped using it cause once I wasn't able to be being blinded by survivors, so I was scared to get a ban
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To those saying "wasn't it fixed?" and "they will fix it".. How do you expect them to "fix" or detect something like that?
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It does give you advantages. You only defend it because you use it yourself and dont want to seems like a bad player (which you are)
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Again, this kind of thing is fixed by making the amount of the view displayed the same in both regular and stretched rez mode.
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You're kinda avoiding my point:
I have basically shown that Stretched Res lets you see further and over loops, as shown by the screenshots. You can NOT do that on normal res. That is the physical definition of an advantage.
As for killer, I don't know if it's an advantage as I haven't looked into it, so I can't say much on that.
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No matter what you say, they will never understand it, or never accept it since they use it themselfs.
You even proved that it DOES give a advantage and they still deny it.
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So much butt hurted survivor mains here lol. Its incredible how people defend this kind of things. Getting unfair advantages in games that you aren't supposed to get is cheating and should be an immediate ban.
If you like cheating on games then go back to CSgo, there is plenty of cheaters there that will have the same opinion than you. Here in DBD is another history..
The community may be toxic, but almost everyone agree that cheating don't have a place here and luckily the dev team thinks the same and with their efforts through this years and the anticheat system we have a fairly protection behind the game. Of course it can be improved, but you don't see other companies improving so much in little time about cheating like that this days, most games only cares about money and have serious cheating problems *cough cough, PUBG, cough cough CSgo, cough cough Rust*
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The issue is now days there are monitors that allow people to just change their res its impossible to fix it.
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All right, allow me to try to explain this a bit more in depth.
Stretched resolution results from the player's computer requesting graphic information from the game for something other than the standard 16:9 aspect ratio. What they're usually requesting is for a 4:3 aspect ratio which has a greater height requirement than a 16:9 ratio. In order to make it easier for the display, the game offers extra vertical information so that the graphical information sent fits more smoothly for the 4:3 ratio. However, since people request 4:3 displays are actually most often using 16:9 monitors the recieved graphical information is then modified by the computer to fit a 16:9 monitor. This is done by certain vertical pixels being ignored or mixed by the display resulting in the squished flat appearance that you can see from example pictures.
In order to solve the issue at hand, when the player's computer requests the 4:3 aspect ratio, the game should send them the 16:9 visuals regardless. Because of how many manipulative steps stretched rez users need to get stretched rez, this would probly cause most of their displays to error out. But for the few that worked, it would comedically result in the game putting extra strain on the computer in order to compute the extra made up rows of pixels needed to be added to fit a 4:3 ratio to match default information for a 16:9 view that then gets sent to the display converter which then uses even more computation to delete/mix extra rows of pixels to be able to use 4:3 information on a 16:9 screen. And for the very rare occurences of people that are actually using 4:3 monitors, this would just make their displays look vertical stretched out; essentially the reverse of how stretched rez abusers have displays that looked vertically squished.
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You don't know what advantage means right?
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That helps you in a chase how? Also you can see the legion regardless of stretch or not so it is not cheating.
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It gives killers built in lightborn so should I stop playing survivor?
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how cute you forgot to add this
but yeah lets just think survivors only look to the ground so that's why you didnt use this one huh? or you wanna make everyone think you cant see across the map and over loops with normal resolution too?
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btw because that guy up there took screenshots making it look like normal resolution loop covers all screen, here's the full clip not manipulated :)
What he tried to make it look like:
How it really is:
anyone upvoting that guy never played survivor apparently
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KEKW so you're telling me he edited the picture!? LMAOOOOO
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I really liked one special moment he went around a tree on a loop (on cowshed, the one with the trailer and a big tree on the end), got "mindgamed" bc the huntress hid her red light and he said that he could have played this better with stretched res like all these tryhards. Or that he can look over these hills with stretched res. He doesnt really understand how this works but acts like he knows it all (like usual).
Stretched res shouldnt be a thing, just like using reshade to lighten up the game to spot survivors easier or a crosshair for gunslinger. But I dont think that all of these issues are going to be adressed any time soon or at all.
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90% of this whole entire forum dont play survivor.
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when diid I say edit lol he just took it a second before. In the clip the streamer is first looking down then up, this guy took it from the down view.
Another one who didnt watch the clip good
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yes that's the problem when talking about balance and why some of the ideas from here are stupid because people don't see the other side or want to make it look op like in this case.
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Yet he still wouldn't see the huntress, cause it is IMPOSSIBLE. is that so hard to understand?
btw you can still watch over normal loops with DEFAULT res.
wheres the "advatange"?
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Dude, apologies but I thought this discussion was already dead when ussylis did that stream, I dont remember that correctly.
So basically, he took the screenshot when ussylis was looking to the ground? LOL, how to get upvotes 101
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yknow, biased killer mains who get outplayed and call it a cheat
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Can you read my post properly? My example was about a moment where stretched res wouldnt have changed anything in his situation (bc a TREE blocked his vision and he got mindgamed, he blamed it on not using stretched bc he cant admit that he did a mistake). Just said that it shouldnt be a thing, bc everyone should play on an even field imo. Same goes for reshade or crosshairs. No evaluation of stretched res being an advantage or not.
"is that so hard to understand?" <- mah dude, thats a big yikes.
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The further I scroll down, the more stretched my monitor becomes.
Explain to me how you expect the Devs to fix this?
Get over it. People will be jerks and use anything to their advantage. Once it's official word that it's bannable, then you can start reporting and providing proof.
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How to report a stretched survivor:
Step 1. Open a ticket
Step 2. Tell them they're using stretched res cause you couldn't get the 4k
Step 3. Profit
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I wanted to point out something I've seen on these forums in recent days. There are arguments over whether or not stretched res is or isn't cheating, and I think people are failing to realize when they argue they are talking about two different, distinct things. Specifically, I've seen stretched res used as a term to describe both of the following.
- Modifying the display settings, which does not impact the game play at all, just how it is presented to you.
- Modifying the in game camera such that the the vertical axis covers x more degrees than it normally does.
The later of these is definitely cheating. If you don't believe it is, I'd advise you to think about how Shadowborn is a perk whose sole benefit is widening the killer's view by a certain amount of degrees. The second definition is literally doing just so as a survivor by modifying the game files, and would therefore be considered having an unfair advantage through cheating. I admit when I first heard about this, I thought that people were talking about the first definition given because honestly, I think stretched res more accurately describes it. Regardless, in the future I hope this sheds a little light onto whats going on, and how "stretching the resolution" is clearly a form of cheating.
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lol Oh my God.
"Survivor was looking down the entire time of the chase."
Stretched Res Confirmed.