SWF solution

As BHVR continues to do nothing with addressing the imbalance of survivors using SWF and communications for killers I have thought a just a crazy idea.
Imagine two killers in a huge map like the swamp is that balanced?
Well now imagine two killers using communications with each other, do players who can't see the unfair advantage of SWFs using comms see how fair it is yet?
BHVR, please fix your game. Simply add a gen slowdown only for SWF players (depending on size) and you've addressed a huge balancing issues in this game.
Lol... SWF is the only way to win against tunneling, camping, noeds and other killer stuffs. Its even hard with SWF against 1 killer and your solution is to add another killer. Survivors can play in groups, but mostly its the only way to get unhooked or win. Yeah i understand, that sometimes it is hard to win against good SWF group, but 90% of groups are losing every game. I know what im talking about, we are 3 friends, but we are losing like random lobby team. If you know how to play killer, SWF is not problem for you and if its problem for you, use noed, camp and tunnel like every 2. killer... Or, ehm, use Mori.
Have a nice day, Sulrii.
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Just because your team loses 90% of the time doesn't mean 90% of all teams lose. My team and I escape more often than not and we're just two people. Maybe the problem is you and your team, not the game.
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Another idea would be to simply remove a skill space just for those who are in a SWF group. Players who are playing alone but with that SWF group in the same match will not experience this effect.
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Well, good luck with your friend against 2 killers. Now really - Its about rank, we are not tryhards, so its hard for us even with SWF and when i played killer, many survivors had problem to win too with SWF, thats why i told 90% have problems with it. Its about rank, if you have full rank 1 lobby, its easy, but if you have 3 rank 12 and your killer is rank 2 tryhard, its impossible.
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Did you really say "the only way"? lol
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The biggest problem of swf (except for tunneling and camping) is overaltruism. This happy end attitude "We escape all together🌈" let's them make mistake/dumb plays.
Example (of course purely hypothetical, but has happen more than enough):
-Killer gets one on the hook and the other three refuse to leave.
-Camping is here a valid if not the only strategy.
-The survivors don't have bt and still bomb the hook.
-Killer gets luck and downs the hooked and one more.
-It ends with a 2k because they didn't want to leave the one behind to get their 3 ppl out and let the killer lose.
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Killers always have the advantage (Information, speed, easy to counter loops, doors in the walls now that counter any chance to gain distance besides using perks like lithe, dead hard, or sprint burst etc). This game has become hilariously easy for killers, and they still complain and get upset when they don't win EVERY match. A good killer usually does pretty well against any group, and bad killer the opposite. You are not going to win every game, there will always be someone better than you. This obviously applies to both sides.
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Same could be said about the killer against an SWF.
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In a game without any swf, neither side has the advantage and that is when it is balanced. SWF is the one that really has the advantage. I guess you have never faced an SWF.
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lets say SWF was removed, the killer still has the advantage. While SWF is active, the killer also still has the advantage. See what I did there? The only advantage SWF has is coms and a little information. If they are good and outplaying you with jukes, loops etc, that has nothing to do with them being SWF, it's you lacking in skill.
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I see that you always say that the killer has the advantage because "it beats you in loops, jukes" you definitely don't know how to loop to say these arguments. The SWF advantage is "a bit of information" Imao that little information destroys the killer's strategies and it is not that i lack skill, it is a FACT that SWF has the advantage. I'm not asking for SWF to be removed, needs a nerf.
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You should try to play as a survivor, cuz you sound like a triggered killer after not winning every game. For killers are survivors OP and for survivors are killers OP. Try to live with it, peace.
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Your swf solution just looks like another failed attempt to balance swf. I swear no one actually thinks before they post solutions.
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Increase gen times, my god do you want game to be super boring for survivors? A gen simulator. Maybe consider getting better at the game
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Players playing together via SWF shouldn't be punished for doing so. Like it or not, SWF is a massive part of DbD and implementing negatives for those playing in groups would cause people to leave.. hurting BHVR's income.
What needs to happen, is having indicators to lobby to show who's in a SWF group and then reward killers and solo survivors for playing with them.
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I've already played as a survivor alone and in SWF, i play on both sides :) if you want, i'll show you my statistics, i wouldn't go around saying "survivors op" besides, I don't know if you read correctly, I only mention the SWF.
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I stated that if the killer is being beaten, not me personally. I'm not sure what you are on about here. I said if the survivor beats you, not the killer. Comprehend what you read, please.
The killer always has the upper hand, and Behavior has given them more and more advantages since launch. It is a lack of skill, no argument. If you can't catch them, that's on you, not them. You are going to encounter players that are simply better than you. The game should not cater to your skill level, you simply don't meet the skill cap.
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I said it because of your arguments. You're not sure what i mean and i have to learn to read am i?
Anyway SWF needs nerf and I see that they are not experienced enough to understand it.
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They can even nerf all survivor perks, so there will be no chance for winning (y). Its + - fair for both sides, so i dont see point here for nerfing SWF. My previous comment was about being triggered after not winning a match... When survivors lose, they need to nerf killers, cuz they are OP... When killer lose, he need to nerf survivors, cuz they are OP... You get it? For us ( Survivors ) are killers OP with their noeds, camping, tunneling and other things and for you ( Killer) is SWF, Dec. Strike and other things OP. You cant make it good for both sides, because there will be always 1 side triggered after match results. SWF is good in some ways, because in random lobbies you will got random low ranks, russians, trolls and other trash players, so you will not be even unhooked and you will die on the first hook... Make better rank system and survivors will play solos, now its almost unplayable.
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Slowing gen speeds just hurts the random solo(s) matched with the SWF.
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I've been meaning to make the suggestion (along with concept visuals) for a kind of 'counter' to SWF.
Basically having a symbol between two or more Survivors that show that they're either friends or have played multiple consecutive matches together. That way, Killers can back out of lobbies before the match loads. They should also let Survivors and Killers see each other's Ranks again. That way if the Survivors see a Killer who's much higher rank (or vice versa) they can back out and see if they can find someone more suitable for their skill level.