Will Pgtw receive the ruin treatment?

FabsRinas Member Posts: 169

I'm genuinely scared for this perk, as it's use rate is probably really high like old ruin was, but I guess this means slowdown is really important, cuz without one, you're at a disadvantage.

What are your thoughts on this?

Do you think they will nerf pop at some point?



  • Akito
    Akito Member Posts: 673

    old ruin: you dont have to do anything it's just there and omegabusted

    pop: you have to chase down a survivor, hook them and find a gen and invest a kick which regresses 25% of the progress.

    nah it's fine

    i think thana + dying light is problematic. both should to different things like dying light regresses idk heal speeds only and thana objective speeds only. if you stack them and then run perks like pop it becomes mega busto

  • anarchy753
    anarchy753 Member Posts: 4,212

    The actual amounts thana and dying light add to gens are pitiful, especially once you consider how one person will always be unaffected by DL so the overall values that it slows for are cut by 25-50%. That and it takes a tremendous amount of time and hooks to build DL and thana is only effective if they don't heal. With Plague having a default fountain the only killer that it's good to not heal against is Legion, and who ######### cares what a Legion brings.

  • PrettyFaceKate
    PrettyFaceKate Member Posts: 1,776

    This seems likely. Maybe they'll add a cooldown similar to Surge.

  • CheyeneKL
    CheyeneKL Member Posts: 723

    I doubt PGTW will ever get changed, as a survivor main I do see it as a balanced perk. You have to win a chase, successfully hook, and then make it to the gen you want to hit before it gets finished to pop it. PGTW promotes good and fun gameplay, no matter how irritating it is to have your gen instantly regressed by 25%. And now there is a perk that directly counters it, so anyone who really has a problem with PGTW should just run Repressed Alliance (or whatever that new gen blocking perk is called)

  • Pawcelot
    Pawcelot Member Posts: 985

    Yep. It'll get its time on the chopping block pretty soon, I bet. I wonder if any survivor perks will get the same treatment, though?

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    Yeah, I see what you mean. It was strange for them to change an entire perk to just cater to newbies, especially considering Ruin wasn’t ever really used on low rank killers. And if a newbie was playing with their high rank friends, well, that’s their issue.

  • Tiyr
    Tiyr Member Posts: 52

    PGTW is strong , but with Silent update we have a counter if we choose to run it. Which is a much better way to nerf the strong stuff imo. Maybe they can tweak the timer if we ever get smaller maps but that's a problem for another day

  • bm33
    bm33 Member Posts: 8,159

    For killer to use Pop they have to chase, down, and hook a survivor and it has a limit to how many times it can be used a match. Not only could the killer be distracted after a hook and not use Pop but survivors are now able to use Repressed Alliance to block gen from killer kicking it. If they changed pop they'd make a new survivor perk useless.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    This is a good way to look at it. You have to successfully chase / down / hook somebody to even get to use it. I’d be more worried about it being changed if it was something that was always active, but as you said, I see it as a balanced perk. It rewards a killer for doing their objective.

  • Mew
    Mew Member Posts: 1,832

    wouldn’t be surprised if it got nerfed when the beginning game stall comes

    honestly hope it will get nerfed when that comes out

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    I have seen this "early game stall" thing mentioned, what is it?

    I do not watch the dev streams etc

  • mouse0270
    mouse0270 Member Posts: 849

    As someone who has run RA since this update... Yeah its kind of a ######### perk to "counter".

    • Pop last twice as long and you get it way more times per match then a survivors gets RA. The argument here might be that multiple survivors can run RA (I've legit seen like 1-3 other people since release where someone else had this perk and I have yet to see anyone other than myself actually use it in a match)

    Basically, RA sounds like an anti-pop perk, but really all it does is stop survivors from finishing a gen that is 99% because you used it when the killer with pop got near you. I think as SWF you can better utilize RA as an anti-pop perk, but as solo its basically useless.

  • BloodyNights
    BloodyNights Member Posts: 526

    I doubt the devs will nerf it. It doesn't need one at all really. The killer has to work for it, unlike old ruin.

    If they did decide to nerf it, the only things I could see them doing to it, is maybe adding a cool down to it, or lowering it's up time. Though it's really not needed.

    Also current ruin imo is still a very strong perk, potentially even stronger than old ruin in some cases. And imo the devs did a pretty good job on it. But Pop? Leave it alone.

  • EmpireWinner
    EmpireWinner Member Posts: 1,054
    edited July 2020

    I doubt it, it rewards the killer for winning and hooking survivors, ruin was the opposite

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    That would make it go back to being bad. That is a bad idea.

  • Facture
    Facture Member Posts: 284

    I think it is very possible. Now that they plan to include some sort of start of the game slowdown, once that has been live for a while, there is a good chance slowdown perks will be adjusted. Perhaps further killer adjustment will happen as well depending on how advantageous the slowdown is for killers overall.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557

    can anyone send me to more info on this early game slowdown you speak of?

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    Honestly old ruin was a lazy mans perk, just equip it and hope for the best. On low (meaning rank 10-20) it was really powerful bc they either cant hit skillchecks yet or are not experienced enough for the great ones. Against good red ranks it was less effective, due to them hitting great skill checks consistently.

    Also finding totems is not that easy on all maps even for experienced players. (mostly open) maps like auto heaven, macmillan, coldwind, red forest or crotus prenn its easy, (mostly closed/indoor) maps like hawkins, lerys, the game, dead dawg or midwich its pretty difficult.

    PGTW has a requirement and a max usage of 12 times. I think its in a pretty good spot rn, because of the hook requirement.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    I have a long documented history in forums of not running any hex perks tbh, never ran ruin, never relied on it. I only started to use Pop when pop came out because it relied on rewarding killer for playing good.

  • Sqrunk
    Sqrunk Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2020

    There is a possibility but I doubt devs will nerf it. It's a hook perk that motivates you to leave the hook. Going by the logic of BBQ never being touched because it "discourages" camping, I think it's safe to say PGTW won't be changed in the near future.

  • Dr_Loomis
    Dr_Loomis Member Posts: 3,703

    It's fine how it is.

    It's not a lazy comfort perk as the killer has to hook survivors in order for it to activate.

    It's also an anti-face camp perk which encourages the killer to damage gens after hooking instead of straight camping.

    It should not be touched.

  • ThisGuuy83
    ThisGuuy83 Member Posts: 1,303

    If they do then it's gonna kill there game. Thats the only perk killers have to slow the gen rush down somewhat, and nerfing it would cause a lot more killers to quit. Swf's is and HAS been dominating this game w the same Meta perks way before the ruin nerf, but ruin was used too much and the nerf was justified, right? 😂

  • Fiv55
    Fiv55 Member Posts: 350

    its alright, you do you :) I'm in general fine with everyone using the perks that they chose to use, bc at the end they paid for the game and dlcs not me ;)

    Just wanted to add, that it didnt really do anything against really good players and probably annoying af if you're just starting dbd.

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2020

    yep, long ago I think I was watching a streamer, dont even recall name, and his advice on ruin as survivor was "use it to get better with great skill checks, dont go look for a totem, just hammer through it," so I started to play survivor that way. THink it was Angrypug.... but maybe not.

    I also stayed away from using Whispers due to killers like Marth who said "you need to be able to track without it, sure it helps, but learn to track first or you run the risk of relying on whispers, "so I never ran whispers or ruin tbh

    BUt I did get better hitting those great skill checks LOL

  • Acromio
    Acromio Member Posts: 1,737
  • Zani22
    Zani22 Member Posts: 444

    Honestly no thana isn't permanent and

    Pop doesn't need a nerf the smarter play would be to sort out the other gen perk

    Like over charge over charge would be a great perk Excpet there's one problem

    The damm skill check does not work

    On newbies yes

    On a rank 1 who's used decisive for a majority of there games no

    Bringing those kinda perks up would be better as you can offer more variety like all I'm saying is how much better would be if you could say

    Should I use pop as it gaurenntees me 25% regression on a gen after a hook or should I use overcharge which has big risk but a huge reward

  • OutcastEric
    OutcastEric Member Posts: 495

    if they nerf anything else killer related before they balance their game im quitting for good. POP is my favorite gen regression perk because you actually have to accomplish something before the survivors finish a gen. It doesnt need to be touched but like everything else theyve done, itll probably get nerfed

  • Ghostwithaface
    Ghostwithaface Member Posts: 594

    Yeah wasn't pop in it's original form only good for speedy killers, who could get around the map quickly like Billy or say current Freddy? While being poor for your standard 115% movement speed killer that lacks any ability to get around the map quickly? Changing it back just seems like it would harm the basic standard movement speed killer the most and limit their choices when it comes to perks they can use and builds they can run. Like ghostface is a 115% movement speed killer when not crouching and simply can not teleport around the map or get from a to point b very quickly like BIlly or Freddy can.

    You bring up good points. It rewards a killer for doing their objective, of hooking survivors, to help with their other objective of stopping the gens from being done. In order to make use of pop, you have to be good at chases and still have gens left to kick. The perk is well design [maybe one of the best design perks in the game] , in that it rewards you by doing one of your objectives and makes your other objective easier. That and promotes a anti face camp style way of playing, if you want to make use of the perk.

    That and repressed alliance now exists, which can block off a gen and keep it from being popped.

  • RedditUser69
    RedditUser69 Member Posts: 193

    Pop should be slightly nerfed and other slowdown perks should be slightly buffed to encourage more build diversity.

  • SloppyKnockout
    SloppyKnockout Member Posts: 1,505

    Pop has a full on counter now. Why would it need a rework/nerf?

  • Kellie
    Kellie Member Posts: 1,328

    New ruin is better than old ruin tbh.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited July 2020

    The old version did not give you nearly enough time to consistently make proper use of it. There was a very real chance that you would not be able to find a gen you'd meaningfully want to kick in that time frame, and if you needed to chase someone down, you definitely were not getting use out of it. It was pretty much only usable on Killers who could zoom across the map to check the gens. The current Pop makes it so you don't have to choose between using the perk and chasing someone, which is a good thing IMO.

  • hanscardoso
    hanscardoso Member Posts: 83

    Pop is not a strong perk unless the survivors are making mistakes, like falling after 10 seconds or doing gens in group.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    If you think they’re going to nerf PGTW just because it’s popular and your reasoning is the Ruin nerf then you clearly don’t know the actual reason why ruin was nerfed.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    Because we all know how good new players are at hunting down totems. It’s not like NOED is top tier in the green ranks or anything.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    What happens when you down someone in an area and check the gens around that area, only to find that there's not a ton of progress there? You pretty much resign yourself to using Pop on a gen that didn't really need it because you now have almost no time to check a different area in hopes that there is a better gen to kick.