Move bloodpoints from BBQ to somewhere else

I'm gonna talk a lot about my opinion on this so I hope you can bare with my poor English for awhile (not native).


1.It would add a lot more variety to killer perk choice, which in turn means survivors need a lot more guessing (which is also part of mind gamin) to determine killer's 4 perks.

2.BBQ would aslo be a lot more decent if not the entire world carries it... Imagine having additional bloodpoints on discordance -- when every killer brings it, it's basically a useless perk. It's not as bad as on BBQ, but I hope you get my point.

3.It's also getting a little tedious to see the same two sets of perks on every red ranked killer. I'm really glad how the dev got rid of the boring hex: ruin meta, where we got to see more builds emerge -- and so I sincerely hope BBQ can be addressed next.

3.I understand the devs are making Barbeque always meta cause it kinda promotes none tunnel (4 stacks needed) and no camp (info on distant survs to go to) meta, but I guess that no longer works because BBQ is way too overused(which changes people's mindsets) and most killer gets 4ks anyways if they tunnel hard enough. Something like decisive strike is a great way to discourage tunneling and camping, and I don't think BBQ is:

YUMMY BP --> OVERUSE --> LESS EFFECTIVE BBQ = NO INTEL = MORE CAMP+TUNNEL cause your info perk sucked.

4.Why do so many killers slug at 2 men 1 down situation when they have BBQ? -- cause they know every survivor will predict BBQ and locker dodge it. Killers with whispers tend to slug less in the same situation, not too hard to find out why. I know some really insistent killer will only hook AFTER they find the hatch, but most are casual and lazy, it's the overused BBQ mindset making them "outsmarting" the game itself.

Info perks are essential - extremely. Please give more killers a chance to try something else.

P.S. one funny experience I had (swear I did not make up this one):

I had this game where a spirit face camped the first hook he had (the game did not even go bad for him + it's the hospital map), and later on that we'v checked his profile, there's more than 30 pages of comments saying this guy face camps every game and this is what he said in post game chat after we questioned his behavior : I hate looking for people, so i camp, that simple.

No one likes to waste time oon spine chilling urban evaders. Spine chill? no chill for killer D: