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PotatoSurv119 Member Posts: 8
edited July 2020 in Bug Reporting

I've had this issue for a while now while playing a survivor on mobile (iphone 8) where the music that plays while being chased starts for me when I'm not being chased by Legion and I'm no where near them. The rapid heartbeat also starts and this confuses me, causing me to run wildly until I actually attract Legion's attention and brings them to me. I've recently started making sure he's not around when the bug happens but I'd like this bug to be fixed asap please. I've had to disconnect in a few games because the bug got so bad to the point where the match was unplayable for me. This happens every time I play against legion. Here's a picture, I don't know if it will help but it's showing how legion is no where near me and has deep wounded two of my teammates who were on the other side of the map. Sorry I couldn't provide a video recording, I had no clue this would happen again today. I posted this in the other bug section, 4.1.0 PTB, but I'm not sure that's where it should have been.

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