Please don't listen to the vocal minority

I don't see what everyone is so mad about. So what if killer cant switch out? Everyone has been asking for different rating for killers for forever and now that they do it everyone starts complaining again? Pick you're poison people I'd much rather have different killer ratings then to be demolished every time I want to play somebody new for a change. The other changes are good too. Hope everything goes to plan and it makes it live.
The problem is that it's only being implemented for killers. Quick switching has always been a problem, and now that the Devs have implemented a system that locks characters... It only locks the killers. Survivors can still quick switch to whatever broken item they want, on whatever broken skin they want, and not give killers any time to react. It just feels kind of unfair, especially when you add in the cheating software that lets survivors see what killer they are going against.
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Vocal minority, reasons Billy got nerfed for no reason.
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You do realise that killers are different with different abilities and survivors are just skins?
About the items you can always change your build if you want to use franklins for example.
You guys need to stop with this whining thing im getting sick of it honestly.
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Wouldn’t it be easier if survivors met in a lobby together and be sent to offering screen and for the Killer to be sent to the offering screen instantly instead of the lobby? That way survivors can’t “cheat” and it’s all a surprise for everyone?
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I feel this would be a larger issue if the vast majority of the community did this. Personally I don't ever really see this but I'm not anybody else so what do I know. I play on xbox so people wouldn't be able to use that so I can't really say anything about that. People who use that are scummy and don't play for fun.
I agree with this. Survivors don't need to be locked. I personally don't see the point. That's basically saying that they wont be able to switch items which could be the equivalent to a killers addons. Locking away that would just bring frustration. As long as you can change your build its not that big of a deal
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Billy is something else but the vast majority of players have been asking for different ranks for killers so its very odd that when they do that, backlash is shown. how else would they be able to calculate your killer skill if you could switch
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It's not so much that the killer can't be switched out. It's..
A) Survivors can still last second switch, which has been an ongoing issue for YEARS, but they decide to lock killers.
B) There are cheats (that don't require the use of cheat programs, cause this info is literally in a text log file) that allow survivors to see who the killer is before the match starts. The only way to combat this was to switch, last second, as a killer, cause survivors would come up with the optimal kit to render that killers power useless. BHVR said they fixed this, but they half assed it like most things they tend to do. So until this is fixed, locking killers can't be a thing.
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I shouldn't have to waste a perk slot on Hag or Wraith to eliminate multiple flashlights, an item that completely guts their powers. Also, the issue is them being able to switch last minute so I can't equip Franklins or Lightborn before the match starts. I'm okay with being locked but I feel Survivors shouldn't be able to switch items last minute, which incidentally would prevent them from switching their "skin" with a different items already equipped.
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Don't worry, they don't. Survivors far outnumber the killer side of the playerbase.
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The learning new killer aspect of it will be an improvement, but does it also mean I'll need to sweat every game I play now with a killer I like. Given that you tend to be better with killers you enjoy simply because you play them more.
I think you are going to find more killers purposfully deranking just to get easy games.
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That's mostly cause your average survivor wouldn't be able to handle killer.
Aside from that, it's an *asymmetrical game*. It's designed to be more of one side vs less of the other. That's the entire point. One thing you fail to realize is, both sides need to be kept happy in order for a game to exist.
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Remember those posts about survivors wanting to see the killer? How being unable to plan a counter to to the killer was "unfair" since the killer could make acounter to the ITEMS the survivors held?
Well, thanks to the file survivors can minimize the killer's abilities and the killer can't really do much about it. Survivors can run any perk without indication while the killer has to guess except for what is in their hands.
That is why people are complaining.
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This exactly.
You can never prove anyone is doing it, but when you're about to run a Wraith or Hag game and everyone last second switches to Flashlights...or you play Doctor and everyone magically has Calm Spirit (which is almost as far from meta as Vigil is) etc, it's pretty obvious.
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BHVR is not doing much to improve what killers would like to see and I've yet to see survivors suffer a Hillbilly / Ruin treatment yet.
An example mentioned in this very thread is why are killers locked into their role when they press ready but survivors can last-second switch to a key-using Blendette with meta perks whenever?
If BHVR wanted to improve killer happiness, they could start by adding a Lobby indicator for SWFs.
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I'm fine with killer lock as long as they lock survivors too. Really everyone's load out should lock when they search for a match, once lobby is full it should immediately load into a match. No more last minute changes for anyone.
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Oh look, a man of reason.
But still, even without that. The fact that killer gets to see items at all before the match is already a positive for them.
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I see why killers are complaining, they can’t switch to their precious sweaty Spirit build when they assume it’s an SWF, or when they see a blendette, bunny Feng, Pink Nea etc.
Killers can still change their loadout when they pick a killer, so survivors should be able to as well. Also survivor is literally just skins so it’s pointless locking them out.
If you want to go down the route of locking out survivors from picking perks, items and offerings in lobby, then the same should apply to killers. But don’t blame anyone when you can’t pick your Franklin’s against a toolbox team.
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Why not? Every player has the right to voice their thoughts & opinions
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Broken items like flashlights? Because flashlights are op? Or no the evil keys that appear on every 10th game
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Billy got changed because he had to get changed lol
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I see keys almost all the time. Either found on chests or brought with them. The reason you can see the survivors and the item they bring is to bring counter perks like lightborn. Changing items at the last second negates that.
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How is a 4 man quick switching last second to all flashlights fair? by quick switching last second you cannot put on lightborn or franklin's
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Resident Doctor Main here,
That isn't entirely true. You can still change Add-Ons, Perks, and Offerings as a killer in a lobby still. Sincerely,
Resident Doctor Main
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I just wanted to add that with the upcoming midchapter that exploit of reading the Logfile to see which killer it is will be gone. The log file will be encrypted so those tools are useless. (there is a thread here where this was said)
Also as someone else already said: I am really afraid of heavy lobby dodging by killers now as the dont wanna go against a toxic nea or 2 toolboxes. I guess we just have to see how it turns out.
It is the first step for the new system. maybe survs get locked soon to. So just calm down and let us check it out please
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I'd like the Devs to address this, not a random making a thread saying it will be fixed (not you btw).
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Nobody is forcing you to read it?
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people say in the PTB it was already encrypted so I guess they will push it to Live soon. But yeah. an official statement by the devs to all that file reading would have been great :)
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If someone quickswitches, you can't change your damn build. That's the whole point, it's toxic people that want a huge advantage.
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That you consider an item rare doesn't mean it is fair.
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Killers dont have a problem with the lock, the problem is survivors can still just switch in last 6 seconds. Giving killer no time to react and now killer is literally locked in place.
I have no problem with everyone being locked.
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Where did I say you couldn't? If I implied it I certainly didn't mean to.
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You can change your base build but you cant swap for a quick switch at 6 seconds before the game starts and they can quick switch to 4 keys/toolboxs/flashlights/ item that you didn't expect them to bring because you haven't seen it for the past 54 seconds.
Make us stop whining yourself coward
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One can only predict that having killers locked in place, will in fact cause more 6 second survivor switch.
Devs have told us time and time again, everything they test gets abused by survivors, no doubt this will too.
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I just hope you can switch between killers with the same or similar mmr but not like killers with 2000 mmr and killers with 6
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You do understand the lock out is most likely because they are giving you a MMR value for each killer, because you may be better with one killer than another. If they allow you to queue up with a killer you are unskilled with you would get matched with easier survivors, but if they allowed you to switch, you would just have people queue up with a killer they are bad with and then switch to one they are good with...
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Although I don't like the fact killers are being singled out by the devs yet again, both killers and survivors should be locked, it doesn't bother me too much. I pick a killer, join a lobby then play, I cannot recall one time I switched in the lobby.
The one thing that would seriously bother me would be if perks and add ons were locked and could not be changed since killers may have to change these to counter certain items (keys mainly or three or four flashlights) the survivors bring.
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Precisely why we say whenever the player clicks "ready" to go into lobby they are ready, no need to change anything from that point on, either side. Maybe make survs loick first so killer can respond to build or items.
This issue clearly illustrates how one side can see something balanced and the other not.
IMO when you click ready you should be ready, no switching last 6 seconds.
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The reason killers are most likely being locked out
You do understand the lock out is most likely because they are giving you a MMR value for each killer, because you may be better with one killer than another. If they allow you to queue up with a killer you are unskilled with you would get matched with easier survivors, but if they allowed you to switch, you would just have people queue up with a killer they are bad with and then switch to one they are good with...
To my knowledge perks and addons were still changable.
As to you change once the lobby is loaded I actually do this a lot. If I get someone I know and they prefer a certain killer of mine or if someones name says "SPIRIT = DC" or something like "######### for Myers" then I switch to Spirit or Myers.
I do however understand why killers are going to be locked and survivors wont be. It rarely matters who you play as survivor, your skill is about the same. However, the same doesn't apply to killer. Like I am a fairly good Huntress, piggy, Oni, Deathslinger, Triangle Head and Myers killer, but pretty terrible at Billy, Nurse, Demodoggy, Doctor, etc.
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The difference here is that is not true for survivors. I've played many survivor games where I readied up and then saw that every survivor had a flashlight, so I took mine off. I've had other games where as solos we decided to run all the same meme perks.
As SWF maybe you are prefectly ready when you hit ready and start searching a match, but its fun to talk and change stuff as a solo with other solos. I do it all the time.
######### if I join the game and see three dweets, I change to dweet. I honestly change my builds less as killer than survivor once in a lobby. About the only think I change is, if I see windows store users I equip a mori or for flashlights I add light born... other than that the only other time I change my killer is if
As to you change once the lobby is loaded I actually do this a lot. If I get someone I know and they prefer a certain killer of mine or if someones name says "SPIRIT = DC" or something like "[BAD WORD] for Myers" then I switch to Spirit or Myers.
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At least killers get a heads up ...
I'd love to know when someone is bringing a mori into the game.
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I'd love for mori's to not be in the game. Well, except the yellow Mori. A flavourful finish is worth 4k BP's.
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There's not really any way I can think of that you could combine killer-specific MMR and the ability to switch killers in the lobby. It's a both or neither sort of situation. Just make it so survivors can't switch their loadouts out for the last 30-20 seconds of the lobby timer so they can't last second switch or something. Yeah you still can't switch to Plague if there's 4 medkits or whatever, but at least you get some time to look at what they're really bringing into the match and adjust accordingly.
Obviously if all 5 players ready up at the same time at any point before that, the game starts like normal. So if you insta-ready and then the survivors quickswitch and ready up before you can react... perhaps wait until they're locked from switching things up next time.
And yes of course this doesn't solve the issue of the lobby viewer/see-who-the-killer-is garbage. But the only way that can be solved is by patching up the source of that information itself, which I'm sure is doable. There's no way to justifiably ban anyone for it unless they admit to it themselves, as there's no way BHVR or EAC could ever detect it with the way it works, so the only way to stop it is to make it impossible to do.
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Its Behaviour so I’m expecting mixed results from this at best.
Who knows though maybe it will work out great, and all the 4 man swf teams will end up going against all the $500 headphone Spirit mains and the rest of us get left in peace 😌
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I was agreeing up until you said “broken skin”.
How are a set of pixels somebody chooses to wear “broken”?
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Like steve scoby skin where you cant see a key...
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Blendettes. The fact that there is a term for people wanting to have so many advantages they play a specific character with a specific skin so that they are much harder to spot and track really does qualify them, and to a lesser extent blendy Adams, as broken skins. That's not to say I want every survivor always wearing fluro clothing, but the fact that they can treat almost every map like it's Dead Dawg Saloon is stupid.
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You can't just put Franklin's on it. The whole point is survivors wait to the last second to switch to the character with annoying ass items so you don't have time too put counter perks or add ons. So now you can't even switch out to a different character who can more effectively deal with four flashlights, four toolboxes or op keys. I'd have a separate killer with franklins just in case but now they're removing that. Plus you might not even have those perks on that killer. Not everyone has every perk on every killer. So why is it so hard to understand that it would be more fair if survivors couldn't switch either?
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It's what survivor mains and devs think is fair therefore it goes. This is yet another oversight by the devs or they simply don't care.
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Isnt that the case now too? Survivors can do the same thing and what? You gonna change killer and its build in 2 secs? Yeah right.
You guys are searching every day for something to cry about. Sorry if i sound harsh but its the truth. And i mean that for both sides.
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would be impossible to avoid swf and dodge the lobby, and force you to afk and waste an entire match's worth of time if it turns out a troll team you can't do much against let alone make any decent points from. killer is the side that's alone, they need more information. they're already at a huge disadvantage with only set of hands and one attention span versus four potentially highly coordinated and experienced ones... that may also be set out to waste as much of his time as they can instead of finishing in a few minutes and getting it over with. It would be nice to be able to dodge if it feels like that kind of lobby, rather than play russian roulette with it or beginning to embrace alt+f4 if the 5 minutes (when that comes back) seems like it might turn out to be faster than entertaining a bunch of trolls you run into.
This isn't going to magically fix the trolly swf problem, it's just going to make it less likely to happen for some people. Which is a good thing, but it could still happen due to "smurfing" and it would be nice to know it was gonna be that kind of lobby Before having to eat a queue penalty once those come back. checking for idle sync, looking at friend list if possible, watching for the hallmark "everybody but one guy readies up so we can all switch to toolboxes and fleshlight last second" behavior etc. If you can't do that it's not worth playing killer no matter what they do.