Please don't listen to the vocal minority



  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    I mean there are reasons. Just because you disagree with them doesn't mean they don't exist.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    I am 100% in favor of this change so long as it applies to survivors, too. I may be a filthy survivor main but I know damn well people will abuse the last second switch to bring flashlights or their decked out p3 survivors. This will make it so you simply do not press the button to queue up until you have decided your load out completely. That's how it works in DBD mobile and it's just fine.

  • NursesBootie
    NursesBootie Member Posts: 2,159

    There's a difference between a blendette and just dwight.

    If people quickswitch six seconds before the match starts you can't react as killer.

  • rglarson13
    rglarson13 Member Posts: 205

    I actually like this idea -- get killer ranks, and you have a narrow band of eligibility when you join a match, but you can select any killer within that band.

  • Sweet_Feng
    Sweet_Feng Member Posts: 72

    So items are unfair, broken, op etc but killer add ons are all very fair? Infinite tier 3 Myers, mori Myers, fake pallets of Freddy that you can't even Distinguish 1% to normal pallets, slowdown add ons of Freddy, exhaustion add ons, all add ins of killers are fair because they're on killer side right? 90% of survs add ons are trash.

  • shakala
    shakala Member Posts: 30

    As a survivor main, I would agree to lock both sides. Mostly I'm tired of killers dodging lobbies just because I'm holding something that killers consider offensive to them. Or because some random teammate wears bright colored outfits. I mean if I can't dodge your moris (I get mori games every few matches) then killers shouldn't be able to dodge me just because I'm holding a (broken) key.

    Sometimes when I'm playing SWF, we'd ready up slowly in order for killers not to feel threatened by readying up too quickly and leave lobby. Lol.

  • SilentChill
    SilentChill Member Posts: 39

    I dont like this, but at least they haven't locked down perks ... If that ever happens Im done, that or franklins is permanently in my loadout.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    So now I'm 'crying' cuz I think that something isn't right about the game that's taken this long to change its rank system. If people didn't 'cry' as you put it we would still be at square one with god loops, huge maps, broken mechanics. I'm going to hold dbd devs accountable to the mistakes because I genuinely want this game to get better. But it isn't if we keep turning a blind eye to all the crap choices made by the devs. There doing good things now and when they do I'll praise them when they do dumb things I'll say something about it. It's not crying, I just want a fair balanced game. I'm so sick of people saying crap like oh stop crying, it's toxic people like that who bring this community down.

  • Chicago_Prime
    Chicago_Prime Member Posts: 14

    And literally tell me that the matchmaking penalty wasn’t implemented for mainly survivors. Go ahead I’ll wait. Everyone knows killers RARELY AND I MEAN RARELY EVER DC. And you salty over not being able to spam to character? Grow up lololol

  • Chicago_Prime
    Chicago_Prime Member Posts: 14

    Ima killer main and I don’t see a problem with this at all, killers are the biggest cry babies on this game hands down. They complain about EVERYTHING.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited July 2020

    Sorry 90% of the community and yes, even the DEVs would agree, that he is a fair and balanced killer.

    Also very sorry you can't play against a balanced character bud.

  • KRG
    KRG Member Posts: 96

    No, its you actually who bring the community down. This is a good thing and that's why i said you are crying. You wanted better matchmaking? Well i guess this is the way to make it better. It should be like this. Killer is locked and that's it. If he's good with that killer he gets better team and vice versa.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,793

    Lol what a leap you took there. Awfully defensive. You don't even know my opinion of the changes. Nice try, tho.

  • SleepyGrizzly522
    SleepyGrizzly522 Member Posts: 1

    I don't mind the killer lock, maybe it will make it more interesting than a group of rank 17 survivors going against a rank 1 killer. (Happens a lot to my group or at least high rank killers) I personally don't think survivors shouldn't be locked right away. The reason behind this is because if I load into a lobby with three Bill's, I don't want to use bill at all then and want to switch. Also locking survivors when they hit look for lobby is a crappy idea ai think. This is due to waiting at least four minutes looking for a match that I go through my survivors to level them up and change their outfits and stuff.

  • cacao1
    cacao1 Member Posts: 89

    survivors should not switch anything when the timer is past 30 sec. 30 sec is more then enough time to set everything.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    The issue is say you're in lobby, and then during the last few secs everyone switches to a char holding a toolox or a flashlight, you can't equip Franklin's and now you're probably in for a very unfun or tryhard game.

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507
    edited July 2020

    You could still switch perks/items/add-ons, just only for the survivor you queued with. Which isn't much different than the killer lock, they'll only be able to use whatever killer they picked plus whatever perks/add-ons they have on that killer, you can't switch to another killer with Franklin's if you see a flashlight or toolbox squad and your current killer doesn't have that perk, can't switch to another killer that might better deal with a full blendette squad, you either gotta roll with the punches or dodge.

    It should be for both sides or neither.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited July 2020

    Doubt you play him that much

    Not saying your opinions on the matter, don't matter. But not as much as someone who actually plays him.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    I am genuinely lost. What is your argument? Are you saying that DCing is acceptable, or that killers... What? "Spam to character"? Can you please reword that entire statement so it translates into reality?

    Hang on, matchmaking penalty? What's that?

    I am so genuinely confused by this entire post. I'm neither kidding nor being sarcastic, I have no idea what you are attempting to say other than some variation of me being childish.

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    The whattaboutism is strong with this one.

    We're talking about quickswitching and pre-game lobbies, please do not attempt to change the discussion. If you would like me to point out the invalidity of some of those, then fine, I shall do so below. But first we must reach the conclusion of the previous topic, so I would like you to reply to what I said instead of coming up with a completely different argument.

    Now, onto everything else you said... Infinite T3 isn't that strong, or else Plague would be meta. Tombstone Piece is extremely overpowered, however Judith's Tombstone is more of a self-nerf given the drastic reduction to your base movement speed. I would rather go against a pallet Freddy than a normal Freddy any day because they are extremely weak, although I dislike Freddy and would like to see him made more difficult to play as so he's less popular. And no, most killer add-ons are actually extremely weak bordering on useless. The few killers with exceptions are Plague, Huntress, Spirit and a few diamonds in the rough for the rest of the cast, most of which are greens or pinks (although most pinks are worthless as well). One example is Ghostface's cooldown add-ons.

    And I'm not sure why you subscribe to the whole "[blank] main" philosophy, but I certainly don't. Both sides have some extremely unfair things, such as the ever-threatening keys and mori's, or SWF and soundsnipy Spirits. That one side has broken shite doesn't detract from the others equally broken shite, and should not be used as a counterargument.

  • DaFireSquirtle
    DaFireSquirtle Member Posts: 188

    So then why can't survivors be locked into their choice therefore stopping them from switching into characters that have flashlights or toolboxes therefore preventing the killer to switch to someone they have perks that can counter the items? I wouldn't mind if both were locked I'm but this seems like an oversight. As for me bringing this community down. I do like that it's getting changed but for something that has taken years to finally do I expect there to be no big oversights like this. I'm not 'crying' I'm simply suggesting something to make a decent change better and more balanced. Don't know how this brings the community down when you're the one saying people are 'crying' when there discussing and giving opinions. Feedback in other words. Your just acting toxic and like a 5 year old attacking people for trying to help the devs make the game better fairer. We can give our critiques and opinions when we want to and shouldn't expect to be name called for it, like seriously? I understand when a survivor complains about a killer being op when they have plenty of counter play can be like whining or as you put it 'crying' but the critique I and many other people are bringing up is valid. Survivors can bring in items without fear of Franklin's, lightborn etc. Because of the new system. The simple fix would be making it so survivors were locked in to.

  • snozer
    snozer Member Posts: 776

    Let survivors switch skins, but their perks and loadout are locked in.

  • slim0b
    slim0b Member Posts: 551

    You're missing the point.

    I wanna have the option to switch to an actual viable killer if i suddenly see 4 people with toolboxes in my lobby, rather than just trying out one for fun.

  • itsDman3504
    itsDman3504 Member Posts: 23

    "please dont listen to the vocal MINORITY" and then a sentance in "i dont see what EVERYONE is mad about"

  • Dr_doom_j2
    Dr_doom_j2 Member Posts: 869

    You're literally being sooo stupid. If you're saying it should be even, you basically agree with every killer in this thread.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Yeah survivors shouldn't have control over the match before it starts. Lock them down too. The game should be about adapting with whatever you have when playing survivor.

  • Robotman200
    Robotman200 Member Posts: 49

    The only reason for the lock is to benefit killers so they can get to learn new characters and get better with them. There is no point to locking survivors because the skill level doesn't change with different killers. As for cheating software, I've literally never heard of that until this post

  • RizeAki
    RizeAki Member Posts: 1,209

    Im with you on this needing added but two things really need address with it

    1. Survivors should not be allowed to swap either it is unfair at 5 seconds they swap to characters with a key or flashlight and killer has literally no way to bring anything to counter that now
    2. On pc there is an app that allows survivors to see what killer you are playing So say I pick doctor they will throw on calm spirit now but if I pick doc and swap fast to Spirit then they can’t cheat to win unless this part is addressed no one will play most killers on pc anymore Well actually come crossplay people won’t play most killers in general