Please note: Although we may stop by occasionally, this is not a developer Q&A.

Can we get the Xenomorph in DbD

This is a question for the hard working devs constantly working on DbD.

Would it be possible to have the Xenomorph in DbD?

I feel like he'd be a unique enough killer and a speed based one at that.

Using claws and tail to deliver devastating attacks on survivors.

Mori would be the infamous head-bite.

Would be able to scale certain walls and surfaces to get to survivors.


  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,709

    Copy of my answer from a similar question:

    This is the „ask the community“ section of the forums.

    there is a „feedback and suggestions“ section as well as „share your work“ where you can post own chapter/killer concepts.

    afaik there was no case where the devs directly took a suggestion solely from the community for killers though..

  • DezzyTV
    DezzyTV Member Posts: 99

    I don't want the Xenomorph in DBD. He's not a scary killer in my opinion.