Most Survivors think they're better than they are

gatsby Member Posts: 2,533

The majority of mid-low rank Survivors rely on stealth and perks like Sprint Burst, Decisive, Urban Evasion, Spine Chill and/or Self-Care. They DO NOT want the Killer to chase them and are willing to waste tons of their time avoiding them. Its just true. I can usually tell within the first two minutes what ranks people are just based on their playstyle. Survivors that aren't objective focused with their time management aren't very good and unfortunately that's A LOT of people.

It shouldn't matter a ton if the Killer will chase you. Avoiding gens, spending tons of time trying to heal and letting people hit struggle phase is more detrimental than ANYTHING the Killer could do to you. It also just builds bad habits that are hard to break



  • Deadeye
    Deadeye Member Posts: 3,627

    Agreed that sneaking should be a legit strat. But people that dont care about chases and fast vault always to not lose the one second and stuff and like being chased always argue that sneaking people are useless. I like to argue "don't chase around hooked people or 80% gens". Chaser guys simply tend to die faster than sneaker and they expect gens to fly by so that their fast deaths are compensated. Expectations vs reality... and most people aren't aware that there is a difference between stealth play and crouching around pointlessly. If you can avoid a chase, that's a won chase. And for example Oni snowballing might be easily broken by hiding. If you stay on gens... gl or happy dying. Not saying stealth should be meta, but it is definitely underrated and frowned upon for wrong reasons.

    In general, people also like to judge about gameplay without even knowing all they need to know to do so. Sometimes in chat I read such hilarious accusations that I just can think "dude, you're so oblivious..." Seeing a glimpse of an aura, thinking he knows everything about the situation. Just got hooked? Seeing 3 people not working on gens -> "that's why we lose" while everyone might probably having a gen done to 50% and then being chased off, searching a new gen. But gen progression is not visible on the hook. Or seeing that guy healing somewhere -> "Selfcare, that's why we lose" not knowing if that guy found or brought a medkit, or just finishing the last 20% after being interrupted from a team heal.

    Btw also agree on "a stealth survivor is better than a dead survivor". No arguing about that. You can call them useless, but they do gens and they do unhooks. Maybe not as efficient as others, but if they can't loop well, they just die, do nothing and keep others away from gens constantly by forcing them to unhook. If that's how they need to play to be of more use, let them do it

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,147
    edited July 2020

    I can pretty much tell alot when I'm up against a player in a chase. If second chance perks are gone the other will rally to the person. Just like @Peanits said both sides are like this. Killers tend to dc due to not taking losses just like survivors. If gens fly by they blame swf and survivors blame other if gens aren't done quickly.

  • lucid4444
    lucid4444 Member Posts: 682

    I love when people use the phrasing "they rely on xyz perk" as opposed to "they use xyz perk". As if next week no one can use perks any more, and the pro people who don't use those perks will finally shine!!

  • LqF
    LqF Member Posts: 56

    damn, i found peanits' post so ######### funny, because it's EXACTLY, just as described, how it goes. survivor gets downed at the exit gates with with noed while teabagging and gets hooked. if you leave it´s your fault, you suck and you´re not a team player. killer literally spends 5 minutes in a chase and 3 gens pop? toxic genrushers. teammate sits behind pallets dropping them without looping the killer, wonders why the team goes down so fast.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    True. And most killers think they are better than they are. So when they don't 4k it's not due to lack of skill, but the game being balanced against them.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    Sneaky survivors that never engage the killer hurt their team in that they do not share hook states. It’s why you will see an urban Claudette die on 1 hook to end the match while the good runner is long gone because hook states aren’t shared. I’ve seen this so many times as both killer and survivor

  • MeatBycicle
    MeatBycicle Member Posts: 756

    I feel the sense of ego and thinking they are good stems from them probably playing in SWF groups only, and get carried by communication and the fact that they are in an SWF. When those same players are playing solo and can't rely on all that they will be much much weaker than survivors who only play solo.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    True. Its always the medicore survivors that tbag the most.

    I see so many run Blendette with sprint burst. They pick the character the killer wont spot, and if they do get caught they have a free escape. Its such a no skill playstyle yet they all think they’re gods.

  • Dead_by_Gadfly
    Dead_by_Gadfly Member Posts: 3,772

    Unless theyre also good in chase so when the killer does commit its a long one. Who wasted more of the killers time? The person the killer had to spend 20 seconds looking for, 15 seconds cstching up to because of sprintburst and then another 30 seconds in a few tiles, or tge guy that ran tge killer for 45 seconds?

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Most survivors need to run Iron Will because I always hear "How did they find me?!?"

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    The same can be said of killers. Many of them end up here on the forums complaining about how powerful survivors are in the red ranks. Why? Because they leveled up easily through the ranks using lazy tactics like tunneling/camping and NOED only to get a dose of ice water in their face when they cross that threshold from rank 5-20 to rank 1-4. I'd even say it is more in rank 1-3. This game is filled with boosted players on both sides. It is what it is.

  • Science_Guy
    Science_Guy Member Posts: 2,004

    I had that reaction too, and to give credit to the OP, I like that they said simply that bad players rely on those perks and not that only bad players use them.

  • TheVVitch
    TheVVitch Member Posts: 224

    I mean, the perk is just too strong not to imo. When I play killer, audio clues are the biggest giveaway of a survivor's location. If your goal in a chase is to have a prolonged chase and then escape, Iron Will is extremely beneficial.

  • Tactless_Ninja
    Tactless_Ninja Member Posts: 1,791

    Blood trails are even more damning. A killer following blood trails can't be shaked.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337
    edited July 2020

    Sorry, I have to disagree here.

    I'm probably the one that just got 1/2 the team off the hook multiple times while the other teammates are on a gen or off healing themselves or each other while someone (maybe you) is left on the hooked dying. I'm also sneaking around doing gens here and there too. Usually alone, and getting terrible points for being alone doing gens. :-(

    BTW I am also the one that when EGC happens and you're hooked ... if there is a chance I can get you off ... guess who often takes the hook for you and you get the exit? Yup the stealthy one that can't out run the killer worth beans - but - when everyone else have left you dying on the hook at EGC... I'm the one coming for you and I stand a good chance getting you too.

    You're welcome for my services to the team :-)

    Although TBH I'm not exactly sure what you mean by shared hook states. Can you elaborate for me please?

    I am getting better at chases but @Peanits is exactly right. I am well aware that I am terrible in a chase. (getting slightly better - slow, very slowly) I am far more helpful to my team alive because while doing gens - I am also trying to keep them alive - and stealthy enough to save them when the rest of the team doesn't bother.

  • TheVVitch
    TheVVitch Member Posts: 224

    I feel blood trails are a bit easier to hide since you can make use of dark grass, bushes, or blood-painted environment. Audio you have very little control over when injured unless you run Iron Will.

    From personal experience when playing killer, there is so much to take in visually that I usually resort to audio clues to help track. Blood spatter is what I track with after scratch marks and audio so it's more of a triple check to my hunt.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,309

    That isn't a survivor thing. Or a DBD player thing or even gamer thing. It's a human thing. Just think of all the "80% of drivers think they're in the top 50% of drivers" style statistics. People generally overestimate their own ability at things and it takes a surprising amount of self awareness to realize "wow, I'm actually kinda trash at this thing that I enjoy. but I can improve!"

    But yeah you're not wrong.

  • OBX
    OBX Member Posts: 854

    Each survivor has first, second, third hook. If 1 survivor never wants to engage the killer by hiding the whole match, that removes 2 of the 8 savable hook states. The other three survivors then have more burden on not getting caught because a “stealthy” survivor avoids all interaction.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337
    edited July 2020

    Thank you for taking the time to clarify that for me. While I see your point - it's not exactly accurate. If you've gone past the 1/2 way mark on that first hook, or are failed to heal - that second hook leaves you wide open to either insta death or quickly fading.

    More games than not, if I'm stealthy, I prevent you hitting that 1/2 way mark on the first hook, giving you a third.

    If one teammate is dead very early on, it is much tougher when there are 5 gens left and you are one soul down. Most games I've been in like that end really badly for the team.

    From a killer's POV - if they hook 3 times - they get more blood points. From a survivor's POV - teammates are in the game longer helping and get more BP too. In cases like this whether we have escaped or not - everyone has more fun. Proof of that has always been in after chat. It's a win-win.

    An example of this was a few days back when I was playing Cheryl. Blonde hair - stealth. The killer commented after the game that the only time they saw me was at EGC. They also said they were about the lambast me for being "immersed" until they saw the points and realized I'd been hard at work. I credited one of my teammates who was running right for me, saw I was finishing the last gen and ran the other direction taking the killer away. When they got hooked and the rest of our team got out of dodge - I went back for them. Got smacked hard but got us out.

    Where were my other teammates you ask? Glad you did. At the gate - healing one another - and then left.

    I may not be in many chases but I've always got my teams back. Full stop. It's always about that team and what's going to be the best for them. We all have our strengths and weaknesses. That's what makes a team.

    That killer had no idea how close they had been to me at least a dozen times in the match and I did not have any kind of Blendette cover on me. They were surprised that I only had on Kindred and Urban.

    It's just been my experience with it.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    As a sneaker, my experiences say far, far different. Mostly what kills the team - teammates that don't care about the team. Every - single - time.

  • thetaRama
    thetaRama Member Posts: 22

    Yup, why do you think red rank survivors are the saltiest of all the ranks?

  • Snowbawlzzz
    Snowbawlzzz Member Posts: 1,419

    Depends on the stage of the game when I'm survivor. Early game I'll stealth in a bush until the killer leaves so I can focus on my gen. Once a couple gens have been done and people have been hooked, I'll think "Ok, time for me to take a hook for the team" and try to get the killer's attention at a good loop.

  • WheresTheGate
    WheresTheGate Member Posts: 575
    edited July 2020

    I think most people on both sides tend to overestimate their own abilities as well as their own play style. If someone doesn't play like they play or like they think they should they are a bad player.

    If your personal style of play has you being chased by the killer more frequently than others so be it. But it is your choice to play that way. Criticizing the person that is knocking out objectives while you are being chased is nonsensical. Someone has to knock out the objectives or no one is escaping.

    If your personal style of play is to be that stealthy survivor that is doing objectives while the killer chases others that's fine too. Again, it's your choice. If you are going to complain that the survivor who kept the killer busy in chases didn't help with gens is just as nonsensical. Those people being chased kept the killer off your back and allowed you to get the objectives done.

    Differing styles of play are actually complimentary to each other. That's why I always find it so baffling when people presume their personal style of play to be the DBD moral high ground and condemn those that don't play like them. Telling other people they are not good players because they aren't good at the things you are good at is like the goalie on a hockey team telling his teammates they all suck as hockey players because they aren't good goalies.

  • CertArn
    CertArn Member Posts: 78

    Cool. Maybe you can explain why often im last one survivor? And all those amazing loopers need to be saved all the time? :/

  • AVoiceOfReason
    AVoiceOfReason Member Posts: 2,723

    I've had survivors UE across the map against Billy to unhook me at Rank 1 and tried to grab me at the last second on second hook then talk to me at end game for not doing more gens. Those are my favorite teammates.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337
    edited July 2020

    Have you lost you mind lol don't ask that - you'll be told that you are playing immersed, doing nothing at all and are useless. ;-) Hide the whole game and that's why you're alive. shhhh

    oh yeah, and why does it feel like we are the only teammates willing to save them most of the time? :-) (Or try to and fail lol)

    BTW I am still rarely the last one alive - even with UE. lol I die - A LOT.


    but you have to laugh at it as anytime anyone uses UE - they are automatically hiding and not doing anything. So not true. Not true at all.

    Honestly that's sounds like a clueless teammate issue not an UE issue. ;-) Don't hate the scooch!

    but seriously, don't you love it when your teammates pass judgement. I'm gobsmacked by that all the time. It's a head scratcher.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    Most survivors are better than they are when I’m killer.

  • Khakuate
    Khakuate Member Posts: 287


    Btw OP, it goes both ways, what about you leave your bias aside?

  • Freudentrauma
    Freudentrauma Member Posts: 1,053

    Yeah, people underestimate early game stealth. When done well, it even wastes the killer's time and give the survivors a bigger headstart on gen progress until the first chase get's even initiated.

  • Nobody95
    Nobody95 Member Posts: 93

    This is what happens when the game rewards those who press M1. They think they are very good for pressing a button and space. The worst thing is not that they think they are good, it is that after they 100% will stand at the door to laugh at you.

  • Kolonite
    Kolonite Member Posts: 1,346

    *Most gamers think they’re better than they actually are

    fixed your title you’re welcome

  • ImighthaveDS
    ImighthaveDS Member Posts: 18

    Completely agree. Only 3 things you should really ever be doing. Gens, in chase, or unhook. If players would just do gens instead of hiding or healing, they would escape almost all games. That strat plays right into the killers hands. Why play stealth and hide? Because you know you are bad at looping and will get downed right away. How do you overcome that? By practicing chases and not hiding. Bad behaviors are enforced when these bad players spend time hiding and manage to escape even tho they probably didn't do any objectives. These are the absolutely worst players you could ever match with. I know right away when I'm on hook and I see zero players on a gen that we will not escape. If the killer isn't chasing you, you 100% of the time need to be working on a gen. Killer can only chase one person. Even if your a bad player and aren't sure what to do, if you just work on gens you help your team tons and are valuable. Claudette's are the WORST! Lol

  • ImighthaveDS
    ImighthaveDS Member Posts: 18

    Sneaking and playing stealth is a great strat for some. As long as you are using your time to do objectives. Not just hiding in a corner using urban evasion and self caring. 99% of players misuse self-care by just running off to heal when they get hit.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    this how most my game are i save them i Sneaking doing thing like gens totums saving people i do my job i don't always need to be chased all game to be a good teammate.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337
    edited July 2020

    That was me the first week, s I totally now understand why people are suspicious of UE. I tell you - learning the game was hard. I couldn't find the gens, didn't know the LOS of the killer (still don't entirely) and there was a lot of getting the helk out of dodge every time I heard a heartbeat or saw the killer. I would go cower in a corner, and go back and try to find a gen again. I swore every time I finally found a gen and was so excited and then - oh here comes the heartbeat again. hide

    Second week, less and less. By the second week I was doing gens and saving teammates.

    I tell you - I see a blendette I might dodge the lobby. I see two. Yup gone. It never seems to end well.

    Self heal. I hear you. Wear Kindred for a while and you just wonder about the state of humanity lol

  • MadLordJack
    MadLordJack Member Posts: 8,814

    Don't forget the fact that you can sneak away in the middle of a chase thanks to the chase music completely drowning out a sprinting survivor. Stealth is useful even for non-stealthy players.

  • hillbillyclaudmain69
    hillbillyclaudmain69 Member Posts: 1,528

    They aren't slower. Good players will typically be injured the whole match.

  • RayrafLPP
    RayrafLPP Member Posts: 621

    you can tell what ranks they are? im sure thats a lie.

    I had people who played like a rank 20 but they were rank 1. Rank has nothing to say in this game

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    When I say I am good at the game, that secretly means that I managed to pull off some trick on a 2,000+ hour killer that you would only see a rank 20 do by a pallet and live to tell the tale

  • Koukdw
    Koukdw Member Posts: 279
    edited July 2020

    Most survivor know they are bad, just have to watch fungoose or ayrun play to know you aren't at the top level yet. Doesn't mean some things aren't cheap.

    I think it's quite the opposite. Killer think that because they reached red rank against boosted red survivor somehow they think they are at god level, instead of improving they whine constantly on this forum. Anything goes SWF, ds, keys. Anything that can allow them to not question their own skill level.

    Like all the swf they face are somehow elite gamers with 5k hours. When most of the time it's just 200 hours swf that can't loop for more than 20 seconds that are easy to defeat

  • H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3
    H3xB0rr0w3dT1m3 Member Posts: 189

    You aren’t slower when injured, who told you that? But anyways, OP is talking about the type of players who will go to the corner of the map and selfcare avoiding any and all objectives until they are healed. This usually includes not doing gens and or going to save teammates. And the problem with these players are also the exact same type who insist they can’t do anything just because they are in the killer’s terror radius. And you shouldn’t be scared to do stuff in the killer’s terror radius as you’ll later learn that sometimes getting hit/downed in order to get a gen done is a fair price to pay

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    OP, that's not stealth. Stealth isn't sitting in a corner doing nothing. Stealth isn't avoiding objectives.

    Stealth is much more than just hiding. I can approach the hook without being seen or finish a gen without the killer finding me. I can cleanse multiple totems - including Hex totems - without ever being found. I can heal without the killer ever knowing where I was. I can survive until the end because most loopers think they're better than they really are* and go down easily. That is stealth.

    *Thinking you're better than you are is a human problem, not exclusive to survivors or even gamers as a whole.

  • ImighthaveDS
    ImighthaveDS Member Posts: 18

    Couldn't agree more. That was 100% me in the early stages as well. I was always so terrified to go near a gen. I didn't even know I left scratch marks lol. Once I learned it was ok to not escape to have a good game, things changed.