Most Survivors think they're better than they are



  • ImighthaveDS
    ImighthaveDS Member Posts: 18

    Couldn't agree more. That was 100% me in the early stages as well. I was always so terrified to go near a gen. I didn't even know I left scratch marks lol. Once I learned it was ok to not escape to have a good game, things changed.

  • Hallowgeek
    Hallowgeek Member Posts: 107

    I can be stealthy and also put up great chases. Sometimes you need that stealthy player who can work on gens, get unhooks and heal survivors. I’m often the one having to leave my gen to go for a save as the other 2 teammates got spotted on their way. I can stay out of the killers sight, but make no mistakes. If / when I’m found I will not be an easy down. I’m not making a killers job easy for them. If they want me. Come get me.

    I have to hunt down survivors when I’m playing killer, so let everybody else do the same.

  • Doctor_Grizz
    Doctor_Grizz Member Posts: 85

    Let's just say, if they run small PP build they are bad.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    Which would you prefer:

    Two scenarios for you (and there is more but here are two)

    Would you want:

    A) The UE person who is doing gens here and there but stops to come get you off the hook quick because they are faster and keeps the other teammates on the gen.

    B) The teammates that stay on the Gen, or self heal while you are on the hook, near dead, first hook and already in struggle phase and someone who can't last in a chase is the only one trying to help you, they get hooked too, and now you're both dead with 3-4 gens up?

    My experience: Teammates are too immersed on the gen of self healing or healing each other to both to help the hooked one. Their BP's are more important than the team. They are just as bad as the Blendettes IMHO. Maybe worse. A blendette might escape but they get next to nothing for it if they've made no efforts.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    See not for me. Sneaky for me is their are two main things escape and with team. The latter to me takes priority. Gens we can do - the is no rush - saving a teammate - yeah that's kinds a time sensitive. Watching a teammate go to second phase on their first hook - irritates me. Especially when wearing kindred and see what's going on.

    But see we have to understand - it's a play style. For me, I'm not a blendette, I multitask, but I am sneaky as helk. If I get into a chase - I know it's going to be a quick end. That does nothing for the team really. ME on the hook for a bit can help - as I often where Kindred for the team. Too often I'm left on the hook far to long, unhooked, killer comes back and I'm instra dead. :-(

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    I wish you'd have played with me - I'm really good at saving my teammates and I love doing it. Even it bad spots. Not always - but more often than not.The longer they are in the game, the more enjoyable it is for them. Killer gets my points too if they hook again - so kinda a weird win for all.

    I sometimes wait and if near a totem and not a gen - I do the totem while waiting to I see where the killer hooks my teammate. Then plan accordingly.

    It is weird how we all have different experiences isn't it?

    Interesting and frustrating.

    I agree hiding in a corner is not good. If you're new - I get it been there, done that the first week. If not new - gah!!!!!

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337
    edited July 2020

    It's why I like to wear Kindred often. (Though you also see things that can be very upsetting too. Big catch22) I'm so crappy in most chases that at least that is something that can help my team see each other and know where the killer is so they can plan.

    Next time you are in a match with someone you think spent the game in the corner. Look at their score, if it's low but reasonable you know they were doing things and trying. If it's really low, talk to them. Nicely. It's all in the approach. If they aren't open to a chat - move on. If they are, especially if they are new, you could really help them in the long run.

    Even if 1 out of 10 is open to discussion (don't tell them how to play the game though - helpful suggestions etc) then you have helped to make the problem better and possibly the game better for them and perhaps their next teammates. If they are obnoxious about it - walk away.

    Someone help ed me when I first started by doing just that. They were in chat and asked nicely who was hiding in the back. I raised my hand and said 'It was me" and they had a chat with me about why I was and I explain I was new and didn't know LOS of killer and such and they were very helpful. By the next week I was doing gens and saving teammates.

    Sometimes now I get accused of being immersed and ignore it as it really makes me mad - I think to myself, look at my points - I did okay. Gens give you very little BP when you are on your own and what they don't realize is that I blew up a totem, did two gens alone and saved a teammate. They someone have tipple my score - but I worked along with the team. I wasn't lazy and I wasn't hiding.

    I have to admit - it is pretty hurtful when it happens.

    I hope you get more teammates that are sneaky and helpful :-)

    I can't say I've not dodged a lobby with two blendettes in there - I have. So I get it. Totally.

    BTW I don't do blendettes myself. Normal characters.

  • KingFrost
    KingFrost Member Posts: 3,014

    I know I'm not a great survivor. But I'd say a lot of people overestimate their skills.

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    It is hard ooh this I know too. I have my moments where I want to reach through the screen or yell at them in chat but I try to remember that that's a person on the other side and I'm not in their head. If they are a jerk - I block them. If I'm in a lobby with them again - I ditch the lobby.

    Yup PC. 😊

    I feel bad that you got tunneled every game but after experiencing many of the P3 clauds personally - I kinda understand why the killers do it. It's a bad assumption they make but - it's what we experience that changes things. My hopes for people is that in the end - they get more good experiences than bad.

  • wildcardyo
    wildcardyo Member Posts: 125

    Most survivors think they are better because to win against top killers you just need a moderate amount of coordination and average looping skills.

    The reason killers ever win is due to lack of coordination or lack of fundamentals on part of 1 or 2 of the survivors.

    The game is balanced as such that mediocre survivors can beat godlike skilled killers.

    It's a shame devs dont give a ######### about the game state beyond $$$$$

  • MaybeShesCrazy
    MaybeShesCrazy Member Posts: 337

    Me too. I think we'd have fun and thank you - that's is super kind.

    In your honor I spent 10 games no dodging a blendette in a lobby. 8 out f 10 were actually helpful and decent. Two -well - let's say they pretty much let us all die and took the hatch each time lol. But 8/10 didn't so... not bad. :-)

    AS for this thread. I laughed and I laughed as I remembered I said I was really, really good at saving teammates. Well Murphy punch me in the nose for saying that and those same 10 games - omg EPIC fails on saves. I ate me some humble pie - a big helping :-) Once I apologized to the universe - all seems okay again. Oh man lol

    Much love to you too and I hope your week goes fantastic!