New Matchmaking on Xbox SUCKS!

So for the past 2 or 3 days all I get are potatoes as a surv. I have carried my teams, just to be left to die. I have been put up against good killers with trash teammates. Only few games were decent and this forced me to play swf to actually have fun. And today I finally got good matches, FINALLY. But as killer I played huntress and got rank 20 and I don't get it. I played legion today for a ritual who I usually do ok with so I thought I might have good matchmaking due to the mmr changes. No potatoes were what I got. Then I play Wraith to get adept since I have been getting potatoes and fyi I HATE WRAITH. So I dont touch him and I've only got maybe 1 or 2 potatoes and thats it ive been getting gen rushed and pallet drops like crazy so no matter what I cant even get my damn adept. This matchmaking is trash and I know this is new but it is already pathetic and needs fixing. I shouldnt be held back by survivors who can't loop or do gens and I shouldn't get gen rushed by red ranks when I dont even have skill with wraith.


  • TheFrumpyHoodie
    TheFrumpyHoodie Member Posts: 6

    I agree! I’m a new player and it’s not working. It frustrates me because I’m trying to learn the game but can’t survivor long enough to learn the mechanics/strategies. It must be boring for killers to kill us all off in less than a minute by just making all of us slugs. Its obvious they have worked the grind to get where they are so give them others in equal ability.

    It’s been like this all morning - it makes me sad because all the people I watch on twitch make it look so fun but it’s not. I don’t want to quit because I have had previous matches that were great (few weeks ago) . I think the ranking that has been planned would be okay if it was able to accurately choose players for you by ability - but it isn’t happening. When I play killer it’s been a little better but survivor is a no go.

  • player101
    player101 Member Posts: 1

    Could be worse, just did a killer game and this was the end...

  • Komodo16
    Komodo16 Member Posts: 1,488

    Dont worry I understand but it just sucks in general for almost everyone