Standoff suggestion

I heard in Q&A session 4 that the devs wanted to make the end game more active by letting the generator get powered up followed by the survivor having to survive a min before both exit gates are open. The catch is the killer will be able to see his/her aura during that time which make the end game an exciting conclusion.

I love that idea and I would prefer if the hatch still spawn as per norm but the killer has a chance on closing it. Closing it will cause the generators to get powered and the survivor is revealed to the killer on and off. Like a 5-10 seconds interval and the killer would have a min or so to down the survivor before the exit gates automatically opens and he/she manage to gets away. In that way, the last survivor that happen to come across the hatch first gets the win and the killer that happen to come across the hatch first gets a chance in downing that survivor and that survivor needs to out skill the killer to get that escape points

What are your thoughts on it?


  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    I prefer the devs idea

    It will get rid of hatch camping survivors