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Let's Just Buff 9 Survivors non-unique Perks
Most of the standard survivor perks (and Killers too) are very weak and need a buff, as times go by, everything changes, but the perks are not, how so?
Dark Sense
Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading abilities.
Each time a Generator is completed or any other Survivor is Hooked, the Killer's Aura is revealed to you for 5 seconds.
When the last Generator is powered or any other Survivor is Hooked during the collapse, the Killer's Aura is revealed to you for 5/7/8 seconds.
Déjà Vu
Something unknown connects you to generators and other survivors and allows you to benefit from them
Unlocks potential in one's Aura-reading ability.
The Auras of 3 Generators in closest proximity to each other are revealed to you.
While you are repairing the generator, you can see the auras of other survivors repairing the generators.
The growing odds of a successful escape fill you with hope and give you wings.
After completing the generator repair, you get a 20/25/30% boost to the speed of healing, sabotaging, unhooking, cleansing and searching chests for 60/70/80 seconds.
As soon as the Exit Gates are powered, you gain a 7% Haste Status Effect for 180 seconds.
Your running is light and soft, making your tracks harder to follow.
You leave Scratch-Marks 30/40/50% more transparent and wider.
Scratch Marks stay visible 3.5 seconds less than normal.
(why didn't I muffle the footsteps sound as many suggested? I think it would be better suited to fixated, why not?)
No One Left Behind
It is inconceivable to leave someone behind.
When all generators are repaired, the Perk activates.
While the Perk is active, your altruistic actions speed is increased by 30/40/50%.
The Auras of all other Survivors are revealed to you.
Other survivors within 6 meters of you gain gain the Haste Status Effect, moving at an increased speed of 5%.
You have the undeniable capability to sense danger.
If you look in the direction of the Killer in a 45° cone within a range of 24 meters while not in chase, you will get an auditory warning and your movement sounds are reduced to 0% for 7 seconds.
If the Killer has an Undetectable Status Effect, you see the Killer's aura for 3 seconds.
Premonition has a cooldown of 35/30/25 seconds each time it activates.
Slippery Meat
(updating the icon is needed)
You have learned to break free from the Killer's grip more effectively.
When you are in the Killer's grip and another Survivor takes a hit, you gain an additional 10% to the wiggling progress.
When you break free from the Killer's grip, your Scratch-Marks and Bloodtrail will not appear for 10 seconds.
Small Game
You have the undeniable capability to sense danger.
Get an auditory warning and a visual bubble when looking in the direction of Killer Objects and Totems in a 45° cone within a range of 8/10/12 meters.
You make no sounds when you disarm a trap or interact with totems.
Small Game has a cooldown of 15/12/10 seconds each time it activates.
(the visual bubble will not clearly show the object itself, it will just be empty of something like this, giving the survivor only the location of the object)
This Is Not Happening
You have taken into account all the mistakes from your past and now you know how to make it easier for yourself.