Make Survive with Friends give more bloodpoints to killers and let them be seen.

Just read an interesting idea from a comment in general and thought it'd be a good idea with some expansion. Let SWF be seen and marked in the pre game lobby. Each player in a SWF squad will have a marker next to their name and it'll be color coded as a team to which ever SWF they're in.
So lets say there's 2 teams of 2 then 1 team will have a purple dot over both members heads and the other will have a yellow. Simple.
Then to give an incentive to killers to fight them give a blood point bonus that also increases with rank. 25%+ per person that is queued together with another person, then starting from rank 10 give an additional 5% bonus per rank of each person.
So if you have a squad of 4 rank 1 players that's a total of 300% blood points to give the killer the motivation to play the match. If you have 2 rank 1's and 2 rank 8's that's 220%.
If you really want to kick your killer community in the teeth that badly then atleast add in the bloodpoint bonus and making everything only visible in the post game lobby instead. SWF Is straight up not fun or fair to killers that aren't try harding their ass off, and even then a good SWF will still win no matter what. Killers should have the option to choose if they really want to dive into shark tank against a SWF and should definitely be rewarded for it.