Do you think hatches should be removed?

On paper it sounds like a good idea- allowing the last survivor an easier way out- but way too many times I've killed 3 survivors only for the fourth to instantly use hatch. Some of the few times I've managed to get a 4k forced me to run NOED and mori, which made me feel pretty dirty, and also forced my to camp the hatch which reduced everyone's enjoyment of the match. Maybe it should have a much easier generator which only becomes available when 3 survivor die, or the hatch can be locked by the killer before three survivors die/ escape. What do you think
No. This game isn't competitive. It gives another thing to try for/worry about. There's no harm in 1 person escaping from hatch.
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Until the last person who escapes type ez in chat
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I kinda get what you're saying, but it is still so annoying to succesfully track down and kill 3 survivors, only for one survivor who did nothing but camp the hatch all game to escape.
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If they remove hatch Moris should be removed as well. An ebony gives a non brain dead killer the free win. I went against ebony’s 4 out 5 games I played today and it’s ridiculous how overpowered it is
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Who even cares if someone types "ez"? Lmao ..that's such a babyish thing to rage at. Just like people who get triggered by people who teabag.
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People always want to say that it is the survivor who did nothign who gets hatch, but that's not always the case.
And trust me, it's even more annoying when you get a sweaty killer who slugs because they want the 4k.'s a game. Just hook. Who cares about a 4k? it's not that serious and to make someone sit and wait on the ground for 2minutes because you are a sweat bag is silly.
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Its not just that though. Its the fact that a brain dead survivor suddenly thinks they're the best because they camped a hatched, then said you had no skill after you manage to capture and kill him
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Simple Idea = If you sit on It for too long It'll be like Pyramid head's cages and respawn somewhere else
5 - was just a joke. You need to stop taking everything seriously. We all know why the hatch mechanic is there. Usually, the killer is denied a 2 pip if the last survivor escapes the hatch.
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Yeah, but that is the problem. It is just a fun game, so when one survivor camps its not fun for anyone. Its the same for killers though, so I'm not discriminating. I also know that it is not only survivor who did nothing, but maybe the hatch gets unlocked after the last survivor has done 2 gens or something.
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Good Idea!
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It should only spawn when all 5 gens are done or only a single survivor is left alive, it should be hidden all game long otherwise. Also put a timer on using a key on the hatch, boom balanced just like that.
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Again, this still doesn't change the problem. Again, someone can camp hatch and do nothing all game while geting carried then escape. This doesn't help all that much.
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Did you not read the part where I said hatch should be HIDDEN until it is opened?
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From both perspectives, the hatch mechanic is THE WORST mechanic in the game.
- It promotes slugging for the 4k, which is horrible for everyone.
- It promotes survivors to play like dicks and just wait for each other to die which is unfun for both sides,
- and it also is an undeserved escape
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And bring back games where the last Blendette would creep around the map, going from locker to locker to try to force you to dc so they don’t die? No thank you. Hatch exists for a reason and it’s fine how it is, the problem is keys.
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If hatch is hidden until only one survivor is alive then no one can camp it. While this doesn't fix slugging for the 4k to be fair nothing will fix that other than removing hatch completely, which will never happen.
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Oh right. But this is still assuming it does move around the map randomly so no one knows where it is.
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According to one of the devs the hatch has its spot picked out at the start of the match, it is simply invisible until the conditions are met for it to spawn, but its spawn location was already picked during the loading screen. Either way, you can't camp the hatch if you don't know where it is, this would at the very least make it a big gamble to let your final teammate die instead of a last desperate attempt to finish the gens.
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Alright, that's a step in the right condition.
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Nothing and no one “forced” you to use NOED, Mori or to camp. You did that on your own buddy simple as that, you wanted to camp and use Moris and noed
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There should be 2 hatches
wait hear me out
There should be 2 hatches, 1 lets the survivor escape , the other leads the survivor to be hooked in the basement, the survivor dosnt know which is which, so you have a 50/50 chance of escaping.
This will mean having a key doesn't mean an automatic escape.
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When did I say I camped? And also I wanted get enough shards to get a another killer, so I want to win.
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Interesting concept. Of course to some degree that could be more annoying, since he got away because of luck, but it would be super satisfying for someone to try and get an easy escape and instead get hooked- I honestly don't know where I stand in this case.
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Hatch is necessary to avoid wasting time. You guys wouldn't enjoy the 30mn hiding games if the hatch disappear. Hatch is a fair fix to that.
You are faster, you don't have to hide so you have a better chance to find it. And it gives survivor a little chance so they don't spend their time hiding hopping to complete gen or that killer afk out of boredom.
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Keys should be removed I agree but not hatch.
Hatch lets the last survivor stand a chance at escaping when their team are useless. Example throwing all the pallets too early and still going down in 3 seconds whilst never doing a single gen. Solo survivor is way too unpredictable and as such that should remain.
A 3k + Hatch is as good as a 4k to many people who play dbd, especially if someone uses a key. It's fine as is
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Nope. Keys should be removed as @GoodBoyKaru said.
Perhaps moris should only work on death hook.
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Some of the few times I've managed to get a 4k forced me to run NOED and mori, which made me feel pretty dirty, and also forced my to camp the hatch which reduced everyone's enjoyment of the match.
In your OP post, unless you worded it with a different meaning.
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It's not like killers write ez too when they basically got reckd. my last game was a legion who typed ez after killing me with an iridescent mori and NOED and iridescent addons even tho he only got 2 kills, wow. Should we balance the game after douchebags now?
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A key should just not trigger EGC and complete all gens if being used while gens are still to be done, that would be enough of a nerf.
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It 100% is competitive lol.
But still, no. If changes need to be made to balance hatches, so be it. But they don't need to be removed entirely...
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it’s a fair mechanic. Besides, you can just slug if you really want 4 kills.
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I think the hatch is fine but keys are the real issue.
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How is it braindead ? You still have to do the exact same think, you just need to hook them 2 times less but besides that you still have to chase, down and hook them. Nothing different. So how is it braindead?
But i would agree if hatch, moris and keys get removed.
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The people who react to tbags are babyish but the ones who tbag arent? Oh boi
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Did I even make a comment on people who tbag? No. Stop putting words in people's mouth. That's a bad habit.
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It really isn't. There are only a small portion of the playerbase that takes it competitively.
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,, Just like people who get triggered by people who teabag"
Yea i put words in peoples mouth.
Maybe read your own comments before posting?
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Okay, got it. Your reading comprehension just sucks. I only talked about the people who get triggered by "ez" and getting teabagged. Nowhere in that post did I make a comment on the people who teabag.
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Oh boi go reread every of my responds to you.
I guess i just stop talking to you.
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First of, i had a game as killer yesterday where i got a 4k, and survivors still gave me an "ez". It has nothing to do with the result, they just want to use it as an insult.
As killer, i dont care about the hatch. i hook people as i get them, and i never slug for a 4k. I just hook the 3rd survivor and race the 4th for the hatch. if he knows where it is and i dont, good for him. In most cases i get there first. But a 3k is a win for me just like a 4k, so i dont really care.
As a survivor, the hatch is what keeps me from suiciding/dcing in a lot of games. I play solo most of the time, and there are dcs and hook suicides for no reason a lot, as well as the tunnelcamping mori-killer. In all those cases, the survivors are at a serious disadvantage. But i know even if we mess up, one might still get the hatch. It whats keep me playing the match in those situations, otherwise you could just throw the game and go on to the next.
And sometimes it works out for all survivors, because we get the gens done and escape, sometimes i am the last one (because i am stealthy ^^, ), and sometimes, though rarly, you have a survivor who left you on the hook and hatchcampes while you just got found because you were doing the generater and he wasn´t.
Keys change the game a little, because if someone is already dead, i try to find the hatch AND the other survivors and try to escape with them all (sometimes we just finish the gens despite the key), and the dynamics different, because you have to find the rest, so you expose yourself, while still try to hide from the killer. Sometimes it works out, sometime it doesn´t.
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I know you're being sarcastic, but yes. Douchebags are the ones that abuse the strongest things for the easiest time.
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the number of time i black pip because the last survivor escape with the hatch is stupid. if i had that single hook i would have pip but because the survivor camp the hatch i lost i know im not the only one those thing happen so when you say theres no harm with the last survivor finding the hatch i cant agree with you
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Honestly, if you depip that frequently because of hatch...view it as a good thing. It gives you an opportunity to drop a bit in MMR so that you can learn to have greater map presence so that this doesn't happen. Lower MMR players will get gens done in a much more delayed fashion, so you'll have more time to think and react.
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I would be for removing the hatch as long as there are changes made to the way gates are placed and/or operate. Exit gates are often close enough together that not only can a killer get between them in an extremely short amount of time, but they can many times stand between the gates and see both of them. Take a match I was in yesterday for example: 2 survivors left and we needed to get a gate open. They are extremely close together. Huntress standing between the 2. Considering opening the gate requires you to not be able to move for several seconds there was no way to open either gate. We tried running up and tapping the gates and backing off. Just didn't have time.
I'd be all for a system that does one of a few things:
- Make a minimum distance between gates that at least makes it a challenge for a killer to prevent you from opening a gate.
- Ensure when you have a killer like a huntress they can't stand between the two gates and just pick off anyone trying to open either gate with a hatchet
- Have the mechanism that opens the gate not be right there with the gate. Even add skill checks to it
- Make the process for opening a gate be something that doesn't require you to stand still for several seconds
Again. I'm not saying anything should be implemented that prevents a killer from being able to pressure both gates. I'm saying as things are now there are often times where zero effort is required to pressure both gates. If they can implement something that changes that I'm all for removing the hatch. Until then sometimes the hatch is the only real opportunity you have to escape due to gate placement.
Just for the record I also think there are still times that gates are too far apart for the killer to be able to apply adequate pressure. That doesn't happen as often as the ones where they are extremely close together, but both should change in my opinion.
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I'm fine with the hatch existing but a few things should be changed.
1. No keys.
2. Less points.
3. Points for killer on hatch escapes.
Reasoning is as follows:
1. Super unfun to get totally screwed by a 3 or 2 man hatch escape and you have 0 counterplay to it.
2. It's mind boggling that you get more points for the easier way out. You should get less points for a hatch escape.
3. A lot of the time when a survivor uses the hatch it's a last ditch attempt at escaping. The killer put you in this desperate position and you took the easy way out. I believe the killer outplayed you if you end up taking the hatch and should be rewarded for it. Not as much as a hook/sacrifice, but something decent. (Also might end with more killers giving the hatch to people.)
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Absolutely not.. because there are certain RNG situations where its basically impossible to escape as the last survivor alive. If doors spawn right next to eachother, if the killer plays trapper, ect.
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Yes, and while we are at it, let's remove the doors and gens too. We can just play hide n' seek until the killer catches us. Would this finally please the killer mains? Probably not, because they'd want to remove lockers at that point due to long matches.
I hear so many gripes about keys/hatches, but they are not easy and not a sure fire way to escape. The 4 person escape is a unicorn unless in a very well coordinated swf with key/map and even then it is no guarantee.
- You have to use or find a key
- The key bearer has to stay alive. key bearers can be hooked, sacrificed, mori'd (contrary to what killers would have you believe)
- You have to find the hatch(huge waste of gen time and are all 4 teammates looking for the hatch? I thought everyone gen rushed all the time)
- You have to somehow hope that your teammates have found the hatch or read your mind that you have found it when you wave at them, but they usually ignore you to go back to their gen.
- To escape with 4, you have to 5 gen at which point your teammates are going for gates(not hatch) and the killer lost anyway.
- To escape with 3, you have to 4 gen, and someone is usually on the 5th at this time.
I've hatch escaped many times as last survivor (no key), hatch escaped with one other teammate a few times, never hatched with 3, and still searching for the unicorn that is the 4 man hatch trophy.
I challenge all killers to solo survive and hatch escape with more than 2 people. You will waste a lot of keys and lose a lot of matches searching for the hatch without doing gens. Is the ire really from multi-hatch escape or because that one blendette that brought a key got out with only 2 gens done while you were on a complete rampage against the survivors?
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God forbid