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Do you think hatches should be removed?



  • Member Posts: 13,036
  • Member Posts: 3,772

    Hatch being there for the last survivor is fine, good in fact, but keys need to be reviewed, they suck

  • Member Posts: 192

    I feel it should be restricted to the last living survivor still in the trial.

  • Member Posts: 5,613

    This still happens though if survivors have a gen or 2 and its the last 2 they'll play hide and seek i was stuck in a game for 40 minutes against 2 blendettes.

  • Member Posts: 914

    Simple solution: Finally fix the idle crows survivors get. Just make it so when they do not do objectives in a fixed amount of time (e.g. 3 minutes) they get crows so killer can find them. They should not be able to lose the crows just by walking or running.

  • Member Posts: 1,310

    Mori on death hook would make it useless.

    I also don't believe in nerfing/removing keys. I just simply believe hatch shouldn't spawn until all gens are done for 2+ survivors honestly.

  • Member Posts: 2,287

    Give two hatch option. One is freedom and the other is death. The guy who said this was thinking.

    if only one hatch, it should allow only one survivor and then EGC begins.

  • Member Posts: 47
    edited July 2020

    I like this, but think it should be 4 and not 5. Prevents a lot of Blendette hiders from 2 gen escapes and the not as common, but doable, 3 gen, 2 man escapes. I think 4 gens for any number is a good compromise(still 5 gens for all 4) because at 5 there is no point in carrying a key. It would be a wasted item slot knowing that you can open the gates at 5 without having to look for a hatch. The key bearer still has to survive through 4 gens, has to find the hatch, and somehow get teammates to follow. There has to be some incentive to carry a key, and 4 gen instead of 5 seems reasonable to me.

  • Member Posts: 3,014

    Hatch is fine. Keys are a problem, but hatch is perfectly balanced otherwise. It prevents the game from going on too long, and it gives the last survivor a chance to escape rather than just disconnecting. (After all, if there's no chance for escape, why bother continuing to play at that point)

    Yes, there's still the problem of survivors being super immersive and refusing to do gens. But the solution is not the often-touted "Stillness Crows" solution which is unfair to survivors. The solution is that if no survivor has been hooked or hit, and no gens have been completed for 6 minutes the killer can go into the basement and power the exit gate themselves. This STILL gives Survivors an opportunity to escape, but also prevents them from holding the game hostage. Six minutes more after that without a hook/hit/gen completion, survivors themselves can go into the basement and use the same mechanic. (This prevents killers from keeping the game going too long)

  • Member Posts: 636

    Wah I want 4k!

    Nah. Leave the hatch. It's not the end of the world if someone escapes. Move on.

  • Member Posts: 1,013

    So basically. Ya all wanting to have is, 3 hook, sacrifice kills, Times 4 (survivors) and deny a Killer their base instinct to kill.

    While 4 Survivors all having to do are 5 gens with all the power and tools been given to them already.

    That's pretty boring for a Horror Game.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    Seeing as how gens are faster than ever to complete, why don't they go back to the whole "X gens complete vs alive survivors" hatch spawn mechanic.

  • Member Posts: 696

    It still works exactly the same as it did before.

    The only difference is the hatch spawns regardless of the number of generators completed when there is only one Survivor left alive.

    It's perfectly fine as it is now.

    No hatch = no way to trigger EGC and end the game, not sure how some of you don't understand this.

  • Member Posts: 914

    Why should one survivor get an additional chance escaping? Isn't that unfair to the killer? Also this would make slugging one survivor and looking for the last unnecessary which is both boring for the survivor slugged AND the killer...

  • Member Posts: 14
    edited July 2020

    Just change every single hatch spawn and nerf the hatch sound

  • Member Posts: 400

    I am not saying this to defend his suggestion. But if neither the killer or the survivor have found the hatch for 3 minutes then there is a bigger problem. I think only swamp maps is this possible.

    But while I dont see it as a terrible suggestion, I would probably add that the hatch close automatically after 3 minutes, to avoid killers waiting on top of it instead of closing it. If neither survivor nor the killer does anything hatch related for 3 minutes the EGC just starts and the hatch dissapears. This guarantees that killers just waiting on the hatch, have to waste 3 mins, while a survivor can do gens for that amount of time, or wait at the exit gate, while the survivor cant pull out a key after the hatch automatically closes.

    Ok granted that last bit is mostly because I hate keys.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    I think that, if you dont killrush with mori and allow the hatch to spawn, infinite long sacrifice and gates in the same corner is good enough for killers. If anything, killers end game can only be nerfed.

    The topic starter skipped the difference between solo and SWF, so I dont care to discuss all details, too.

  • Member Posts: 1,962

    When the 3rd survivor is sacrificed start the end game collapse and power the gates. Make sure the gate spawns fairly and the survivor's chance to escape is dependent on their skill rather than the RNG of who finds the hatch first.

    There should be very little chance for a survivor in this situation to escape, so it shouldn't be given for free nor should it be easy.

  • Member Posts: 4,172

    You just contradicted yourself.

    It cannot work "exactly as it did before" if it doesn't actually work as it did before.

  • Member Posts: 507

    No, two different hatches, one leading to insta death would be hella unfun. Also they do that they're gonna have to rework achievements, because 4-man hatch escape is one. Same as mori-ing four people.

  • Member Posts: 507

    Mori on death hook wouldn't make them useless, and it would probably discourage tunneling off hook just to mori them. Do you know how unfun that is? Very, very unfun.

    I mean if killers wanna play hide and seek for 30+ mins because the survs didn't finish enough gens and the last guy left alive has no other out except the gates (which can spawn super close together anyway, so the possibility of being ######### is high) and therefore has to try to finish enough gens to power the gates and still probably die, so they're gonna be stealth-ing from gen to gen trying to survive. Sure, I'm sure killer's will have loads of fun with that and not complain at all because the survivor "wasted their time."

  • Member Posts: 7

    But... That Already happens, Mr. Dev. I don't expect many of you to understand as you're more Survivor sided then Blizzard favored Alliance back in 2005, so I'll try to explain the best I can as a Killer main

    Listen, whenever there are 2 Survivors left and they KNOW they're outmatched, the morons play hide and seek because they're trash, waiting for the other to die so the one left can just hop down hatch.

    How is that fair at all to punish the Killer for OUTPERFORMING the Survivors, which is his goal?

    Why don't you all add either a countdown timer (if no gens are worked on within 3 mins, the Survivors automatically lose because they're clearly holding the game hostage) or if you wanna be a lil more fair, have Crows hover and FOLLOW survivors that are pressing forward every 30 seconds so they're not declared AFK

    Like really... You guys made a great game, but you keep punishing Killers, who are the harder role to play and master in your game. You keep nerfing our killer powers and our add-ons while Survivors still get to abuse keys and have free escapes out Hatch for playing badly.

    Meanwhile your Killer playbase are dropping like flies because what the hell is the point of playing Killer anymore if all we ever get is punished for outplaying the Survivors?

    I can't even count the amount of 3ks I've gotten where I should have had a 4k, but the last trash Survivor had hatch open up right by them and immediately escape once it's activated.

    Ridiculous and ofc Survivor crybabies are going to rally against this post, but they're in denial regardless because they play the easier role.

    Do you Devs want to have to implement Killer bots and effectively kill your game? Because you're quickly going down that path. Be thankful for 4 years alive in a dog eat dog industry, cause if you all don't change, DBD may not make it to 5.

  • Member Posts: 649

    So the killer beat the survivor team and you and another teammate hold the game hostage as a survivor by not doing anything, should the killer just give up just because you are good at playing hide and seek which is btw not the objective of the game?

  • Member Posts: 539

    Hatchets need to be removed, yes. The Huntress needs a reimagining, she too OP.

  • Member Posts: 115

    I totaly agree to the Idea of the hatch being removed, but there would be problems, but they could get around them somehow. Killers dont get a free kill if everybody escapes. Its just dumb.

  • Member Posts: 36
    edited July 2020

    A 4k v a 4 hatch escape. Seems fair to me on keeping it. And 1 on 1 at end is simply a race unless a surv is camping it of course.

  • Member Posts: 2,632

    Lmao. I misread this and thought it said Hatchets. But no, I just think using the key should be an animation which can be performed by multiple survivors to speed it up.

  • Member Posts: 879

    Its easy 1 dc 2 kill themself on first hook the hatch spawn on the last survivor this is a depip its rare but it happen. But in most case i could have pip but because the hatch spawn on the survivor i black pip cause i miss 1 hook or the chase this could give me

  • Member Posts: 926

    Would you feel the same way if someone gave you the middle finger then called you trash or ez in real life? A teabag/ez is meant to be insulting. It's an F U.

    Something to keep in mind is that someone giving you the middle finger might not bother you but it would definitely bother others.

  • Member Posts: 526

    They don’t. They just want you to be mad. It’s working it seems.

  • Member Posts: 220

    What if the hatch wasn't revealed until there is only one survivor left... If you have a key, you can see the hatch when you're suppose to (like normal), but if not you don't see it until you are the last remaining survivor.

  • Member Posts: 250

    No it wasn't that. I did not camp any survivor- I had to make a mad rush to the hatch as soon as I hooked the last survior.

  • Member Posts: 250

    I know killers and survivors can be brain dead, I didn't say it was just survivors

  • Member Posts: 429

    If your team is filled with hollow potatoes and you're the one doing a decent job and surviving, don't you deserve something for it? Like a second chance to not get screwed thanks to them.

    That's pretty much what the hatch is if we take the keys out of the picture, and now that it can be closed, it's not as much of an issue.

  • Member Posts: 250

    I would like to point out that aside from the title, I am not straight up saying to remove them, or that some people use and deserve them. What I am saying when survivors who do nothing but sit on the hatch until it opens solely for free bloodpoints get a free escape. Maybe survivors who have fixed 2 or more gens or at least participated in chases and saving other survivors will be able to open hatch.

  • Member Posts: 5,929
    edited July 2020

    The hatch just creates the same problem but before the last survivor is killed. The last 2 survivors play hide and seek and wait for the other one to die so they can get the hatch.

    Most games killers slug the 3rd guy and go hunting for the 4th, again playing hide and seek.

    In order to stop the problem you mentioned, is that when there is only 1 survivor, all the gens get completed, the exit gates are powered, and endgame collapse starts.

  • Member Posts: 250

    Do you reckon we should be at least allowed to grab a survivor that's mid jumping down the hatch?

  • Member Posts: 543

    You have over 4000 comments on this forum and you think in this current patch, 4.1, gens are faster than ever to complete?

    Penalties for stacking gens were increased.

    Toolboxes were nerfed.

    BNP was nerfed. (Remember when it used to insta complete a gen?)

    I love hyperboles as much as the next guy, but c'mon.

  • Member Posts: 434

    or just start the end game clock when the third survivor died

  • Member Posts: 274

    The hatch at the end is fine. It's when it spawns at 2 gens and the Survivors all escape through it.

  • Member Posts: 3,089

    Shards are earned on how long the game lasts not bp pr kills

  • Member Posts: 1,505

    The only change hatch needs is it shouldn't appear, ever, until only one person is left. This would fix keys as well. Two birds, one stone.

  • Member Posts: 1,209

    You know I never thought of that yeah I’d rather give them a free escape chance over an endless game especially if you get a map like sanctum of wrath and it’s Claudette

  • Member Posts: 183

    Oh now I like this. I like this a lot. Bad winds are blowing for you, Blendette, bad winds indeed. Let’s do that.

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