NOED should not be allowed on InstaDown killers

I'm just gonna put It simply If you run NOED on an InstaDown killer you are bad. You shouldn't have to waste a slot for an InstaDown perk when you have a free one with your power. It should not be In the bloodweb of InstaDown killers and only In the bloodweb of killers like trapper and all the others who don't have Instadown.
If you can't do bones then you deserve the NOED
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You do realize you can just not run the perk right? Thats a thing you can do, nobodys forcing you to run it.
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I literally just got a game with a Bubba who has chainsaw and ran NOED how Is that fair?
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How about no? On someone like Meyers, you can be all stalked out and not have your insta down.
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Trapper does have an instadown, step in the trap, and down you go. And what if they have conditional instadown like Clown or Huntress? Or should NOED only be for killers who only m1 like Legion, Wraith, or Freddy?
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why? why would you want killers to run redundant perks you can activate at useless times? would you want it blocked on NON-insta down killers?
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Still you don't need Instadown and they have lot of stalk the only way you'll lose your stalk Is If you spam Tier 3
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Well I don't think survivors need so many second chance perks. I also don't think adrenaline should give you a speed burst if you're already exhausted.
You can't always get what you want.
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True but just saying If you use It on those killers It's kinda sad
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then let's not allow DS/UB/DH/BT to be used together. and only one of each per group of survivors.
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This men spam tier 3 LEL honestly noed is fine who cares, u cant exclude perks from killers thats saying only bill players should be allowed BT
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Why? All instadowns come with a drawback m1s don't have. Why would giving a killer an alternate way to instadown be sad?
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Mainly you just look very very bad If you run NOED especially with Bubba
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Then learn how to use his power to its maximum potential ; enhance your skills instead of relying of a fail safe.
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How is that unfair ?
Get good boi.
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Not really, as I've already mentioned all instadowns come with a drawback m1s don't have. Combine that with increased move speed and the perk is perfectly fine on instadown killers.
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What now survivors kinda need those due to no self defense while killers can get you down easy that makes sense Noed Is only pathetic with InstaDown killers
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DS/Unbreakable/BT shouldn't be allowed on SWFs.
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Why are people not happy knowing that there is a perk that makes you have 3 perks all game and can be disabled before it even turns on?
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No self defense on survivors allows those perks
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Lol. Do you have that same advice for survivors that run ds, unbreakable, dead hard, and adrenaline?
Fact is, I will run any perk combination I want, if survivors are dumb enough to assume an instadown killer wouldnt be running insta down perks, that's on them.
No one ever expects haunted, devour, and noed on a bubba.
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or learn how to play and stop cry kid, if you dont know play better leave
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Survivor is also the easier game mode with less strategy involved.
I'm not going to disagree that using NOED on someone like Billy is either memey as hell or you're just a bad killer, but saying "you shouldn't be allowed this thing because it's too powerful combined with this thing" is silly.
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That's not my point my point Is you look absolutely awful If you run It on an Instadown killer It's not required but most people do that
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######### now not all killers can use NOED?
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You telling me you think a bubba with a chainsaw that all he has to Is rev It up and NOED Is fair
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No I'm just saying It's really dumb that they let killers who basically have a free one run It
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Are you telling me a 4 man SWF, all running DS, unbreakable and BT is fair?
And no "survivors don't have defense" isn't a valid argument.
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can you please stop crying? if dont liked, is not us problem ,
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Not crying bud literally just pointing out InstaDown killers don't need It
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Bad survivors need those when they can't loop or predict. Play with one of them, cool. Play with all of them? Oof... Probably better to switch to a different game, eh?
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I cleanse ... noed gone. Simple. If not just seek it out before opening gates and then go back for saves.
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Bubba barely counts as an instadown killer, at least pre-rework(haven'y played new Bubba yet). If you got chainsawed, you were likely out of position or greedy with your pallets
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If you can't do bones, the easiest objective in game, you're garbage
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so you are gonna tell us what perk can use? wow this kid stop crying wont you? if you cant play with that are not us problem
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"Survivors have no self defense"....apparently pallets, vaults, windows, flashlights and loops don't exist.
This guy is just a bad survivor. Every bit as bad as the killers who use NOED. Probably even worse.
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It's funny how everyone here doesn't get the point It's not If you get rid of noed It's literally about the fact that InstaDown killers have a free NOED and It's quite pathetic If they run It It's literally that I'm not saying It's toxic or anything when Regular killers use It I don't mind when I see a InstaDown killer use It It's like man your awful
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I'm not even saying NOED Is toxic I'm just saying InstaDown killers shouldn't be allowed to have It.
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I love NOED on my Plague. If they manage to pop gens, then they're obviously going to cleanse. NOED is a fun surprise, because they don't expect it.
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Tell me how it is unfair.
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So... You don't want to discuss anything and just came on here to trash people who use a specific perk on specific killers?
Someone had a bad match. Gotta love that salt.
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to bad for you but no one are gonna listen a kid who is telling us what perk can we use just for you
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And survivor should not be able to stack those second chance perk
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It's a waste of a perk slot for instadown killers. If survivors know how to counter NOED, killers can't rely on it. Do bones and take away one of the killer's perks, or don't and accept the consequences of your actions.
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Do bones.
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It appears that someone just died to a NOED bubba. Stop crying and do the bones.
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Yes waste time doing bones
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if you are not willing to do bones you dint have the right to complain about it.
NOED is only strong because people like you exists.
Grow up kid
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Its not that it shouldn't be in their bloodwebs, the perk just needs a nerf altogether
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Just do bones lol. It literally takes 14 seconds to cleanse one