leather face


If you want such a strong character, why did you nerf the hillbilly?hillbilly wanted talent at least,you press right click, you come from behind one of the satts, the same speed is going to the left side, the same speed is going to the right side, the same speed is going backwards, the same speed is not the slightest difficulty in turning left and right controls.you are doing your best to make the game worse day by day.I leave game it until a new arrangement comes into play(forever if no new arrangement comes)


  • Merc123
    Merc123 Member Posts: 2

    This recent buff with leather face makes no sense. He was already a known character for camping people. Now you increase his speed and distance with the chainsaw. This makes it easier as a killer but requires no skill and even survivors with experience almost have no chance unless there's a palate or window. Might need to rethink the buff! Not the best update, I honestly am sitting this out until there's a fix.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,253

    The buff makes a lot of sense he was terrible and its alright to have a killer that catches you in the open thats literally plauge, myers, ghostface, wraith or any other main m1 killer but he just capitalizes more on it. Maybe just loop him better because his main counter is being prepared and using map resources

  • ProveKa
    ProveKa Member Posts: 172

    Even if you jump through the window, it catches you very comfortably without giving a quick reflex(because your character doesn't need reflexes, waving her hand and catching you)

  • Merc123
    Merc123 Member Posts: 2

    Not going to lie, I'm not the strongest at looping and that's where I know I need work. But the game loses it amusement when you have camping Bubba's. Why as a survivor must I be skillful but as killer it should not require skill? I love a good challenge but that should apply to both sides. Everyone wants a easy win and that's why everyone is running Bubba. I still don't agree with the buff and never will I change my mind. I play both sides and struggle every now and then. With Bubba its too easy and honestly no fun.

  • bjorksnas
    bjorksnas Member Posts: 5,253

    Bubba is not an easy win people just don't do well in situation where 4 solo queues have 1 being face camped, even buffed he is about 8th best with no addons and maybe 5th with addons, he still gets hard countered by most pallets windows and jungle gyms