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Devs changed LF's addons again after the patch ?

Member Posts: 3,676

I've just noticed that LF's addons don't read the same as when I last saw them yesterday. Here's what they were exactly like in patch notes.

But now I see this ingame, different effects and I can't find any patch notes about this.

Did something break or are these the yet another new designs ? And if so were the old/new effects of the primer bulb and the grease completely scrapped ? I kinda enjoyed the fast tantrum even when it was pretty underwhelming, still it would be nice if some common addons kept those effects alive.

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  • Member Posts: 2,187

    There was an unexpected update last night so it was probably this.

  • Member Posts: 356

    It’s common for them to change things from PTB to live, this is most likely what happened as the PTB versions of those add-one were, to be frank, pretty damn useless

  • Member Posts: 5,944

    That so sad, i actually liked that addon combo with the increased movement speed while in tantrum :(

    Now the grease addon is completely dead.Why would anyone use such an addon?

  • Member Posts: 2,187
  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    We've raised it with the team. It's still too early to say if anything will change on that front at least for this first hotfix, but we've brought back a lot of feedback on the auras. For comparison, these add-on changes were being prepared before the release of the mid-chapter, but they would not have been ready for the initial release.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    Small suggestion. For billy add-on "Mother's Helper", Change it so that you get 5% movement speed extra when revving billy chainsaw. Just remove the condition for needing to be blinded by a flashlight. A lot of billy add-on can be fixed by just removing the drawback of the add-on.

  • Member Posts: 4,082

    Yeah, I read the Add-On's but I was pretty confused because when using the Add-On's I didn't feel that it gave me the Effect which was described.

    But the Changes seem nice, they'll pretty much be all useful in some Way or Meme'ish Way like the 4.4 m/s Add-On for Billy.

  • Member Posts: 156

    Does this mean that Mother's Helpers still currently speed you up when a flashlight is on you? I didn't want to miss my opportunity to spend an entire match shining a flashlight on a Billy's butt to speed boost them.

  • Member Posts: 6,807

    Now is only sometimes a speed limiter

    No longer increases your movement speed while standing still and instead does other stuff

    Charge time stuff instead of poinless flashlight interactions

  • Member Posts: 5,897

    I really hope they can fix them soon. They're really awful to try to see anything. And pretty much impossible for our color blind players.

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