[switch] A couple things...

I've been playing on the switch for a while now, and I've run into a couple things I feel could be looked at.

1. Hit boxes: I've noticed the hit boxes seem quite large. Many times I've run around a corner or through a window and been hit. Sometimes it feels right, but other times it feels like I should have been clear.

2. Pallets: I've noticed this a ton. I'll throw down a pallet, stun the killer, and they'll still get their hit. I really feel like if you stun them successfully you should be in the clear.

3. The doctor: I know there's a lot of discussion on how OP he is so I won't dwell on this much. I feel like the electric shock should be smaller and should not travel between floors. Playing meat plant or the elementary school against him is nearly impossible and just flat out not fun.