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[Missing translation]: PC - "invite received" - Friends - italian language

Description: I click on the "Plays as survivor" on the main menu and i click on the "Friends" button at the bottom-center side of the game. The game shows a list of my friends and i click on the "Requests" tab, here there are some friends where i've send an invite but never accepted as friend. Here there is a text isn't translated into italian language (Screenshot 1)
Step by Step:
1)I login into my account
2)i'm awaiting which the main menu is loading
3)I click on the "Plays as survivor" button on the main menu
4)i click on the "Friends" button at the bottom-center side of the game.
5)The game shows a list of my friends and i click on the "Requests" tab,
6)here there are some friends where i've send an invite but never accepted as friend. Here there is a text isn't translated into italian language (Screenshot 1)
Missing translation: "Invite Received"
My italian translation: "Invito ricevuto"
Platform: PC + Steam
How often does this occur: 100% of the issue.
Version game: 4.1.0
Language: Italian
ID player: 08e37500-61c7-11e7-955a-b9b7a6281662
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