"You had no map pressure"



  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Counting very rare addons in my statement isn't quite accurate. You will not have that every game.

    I also said M1 killers, Demo isn't an M1 killer.

    Going for consistent insta downs as Ghostface will lose you game unless you are against potatoes.

    Myers has no map pressure and a very weak early game. You described how he wins matches, but that isn't what I said. I said he has no map pressure, which is a true statement.

  • NovaDuck
    NovaDuck Member Posts: 10

    ??? Wraith gets windstorm from yellow and up. I get around 2-4 of them every bloodweb, as well as 1-2 black wards. That's plenty to run windstorm almost indefinitely if you are a regular BBQ user and put points into wraith.

    Demo is practically M1 half the time since his shred can't be used on super tight loops.

    If you are not stalking as ghostface, there is literally 0 reason to play him over wraith. Wraith does hit and run twice as good as ghostface when add-ons are involved (and they should be).

    Myers is a snowball killer. He is weak at first, and then turns into one of the strongest killers in the game. If he had map pressure as well he would be overpowered (aka Oni).

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    I'm talking the better quality windstorm, the yellow isn't enough to make his map pressure where it needs to be.

    Demo is not an M1 even remotely. Those tight loops are shreddable with enough practice. Shred will actually glide you along a wall if you aim it correctly and not collide.

    I also did not say zero stalking. However, against good survivors you are getting very little stalks. Ghostface is definitely better than Wraith.

    "Myers is a snowball killer. He is weak at first, and then turns into one of the strongest killers in the game."

    Not even remotely. Myers is not that strong. You can have perma T3 Myers and you are still a loopable M1 killer. Groups that know how to loop will eat that alive.

    You also didn't bring up all the other killers with no map pressure, IE PH, Plague, Bubba, Doctor, Legion etc

  • NovaDuck
    NovaDuck Member Posts: 10

    All it takes on an M1 killer to turn them mostly unloopable is enduring and bamboozle. I feel like if you are going into red rank matches with a a low mobility killer, so you have to commit to chases, you should be confident in your mindgames/anti-looping or be running some chase perks. It's entirely your own fault for running around with 3-4x slowdown perks and not enough chase power to actually get the downs to use them.

    I think wraith is miles better than ghostface once you get into green add-ons and above. If you are considering the "best" ghostface build of just chewed pens, then you should be considering some of the best wraith add-ons as well. They both get a free hit at generators, and then are exactly the same chase-wise after that. But wraith can get great mobility, free sloppy butcher, aura reading, silent bell, etc; and has no cooldown on his power. He can bounce between survivors applying sloppy butcher much, much faster than ghostface.

    PH, Plague, Doctor, and Bubba all have very strong chase potential to get their map pressure. It's up to the killer to be good enough with them to get downs fast enough to apply it.

    Legion I will admit is just meh, unless you get a really good frenzy off at the start in which case he is OK.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    "All it takes on an M1 killer to turn them mostly unloopable is enduring and bamboozle. I feel like if you are going into red rank matches with a a low mobility killer, so you have to commit to chases, you should be confident in your mindgames/anti-looping or be running some chase perks. It's entirely your own fault for running around with 3-4x slowdown perks and not enough chase power to actually get the downs to use them."

    No, Enduring and Bamboozle doesn't make you unloopable at all. As soon as they know you have Enduring they will drop pallets slightly early. You are greatly over valuing how good the games chase perks are.

    "I think wraith is miles better than ghostface once you get into green add-ons and above. If you are considering the "best" ghostface build of just chewed pens, then you should be considering some of the best wraith add-ons as well. They both get a free hit at generators, and then are exactly the same chase-wise after that. But wraith can get great mobility, free sloppy butcher, aura reading, silent bell, etc; and has no cooldown on his power. He can bounce between survivors applying sloppy butcher much, much faster than ghostface."

    I'm basing on no addons.Wraith doesn't get nearly as many free hits at generators as Ghostface does. You can't stack all those addons at once and you're mentioning an ultra rare..lol. Ghostface is also better in chase because of his size and crouching at loops.

    "PH, Plague, Doctor, and Bubba all have very strong chase potential to get their map pressure. It's up to the killer to be good enough with them to get downs fast enough to apply it."

    Their better chase isn't good enough to make up for their lack of map pressure. Your statement here summarizes into a "just pressure the gens". If you play killer at rank 1 regularly you would know how exaggerating you're being here. Against average survivors sure, but against good survivors it is not playing out that way.

    Also, Plague does not have good chase even remotely. She is quite literally THE worst chase. Tallest and most loopable killer in the game.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Actually it gets worse. Replace Bond with Spine Chill for an extra 6% when he look towards y'all and extra great skill checks.

  • NovaDuck
    NovaDuck Member Posts: 10

    I have played at rank 1 for years now? If you are M1 and don't respect pallets, it's inevitable you are going to eat quite a few during the game if the survivors are running tight loops. I consider looping running the same tile over and over again, not chaining strong tiles together. You should know not to chase a really good survivor through a super strong area early game by now; while 3 people pound gens in the background. But bamboozle alone shuts down jungle gyms / shack / cow tree / god windows; which are the biggest time wasters in the game for M1 killers still.

    Considering no add-ons is almost a moot point. Anyone running BBQ and doing well in their matches is probably getting 40-50k+ points a game, which is plenty to be running green / purple add-ons regularly. Stalkless ghostface can basically only use 3 add-ons (unless you like crouch speed) which arguably makes him the most expensive killer in the game to be playing.

    Fast downs are the best pressure there is in DBD. You can't do gens if you have to save / heal your team.

    And plague has great chase, considering everyone is a 1 shot at all times. And it's not like legion where you are giving them a speed boost to get it. She's still M1, but I use monitor and bamboozle or enduring to help me close the gap and stop god loops. Proxy camping a hook with her literally forces survivors to cleanse because they can't make a save while they are injured.

  • ClickyClicky
    ClickyClicky Member Posts: 3,536

    Seriously Gatsby don’t be discouraged by this. Instead look at it from a different angle.

    You got a team so dedicated to genrush they were willing to bring streetwise, a junk perk nobody uses just to get those extra few charges out of their toolbox.

    Commend their sweat and salute them. Then ask if you can join their swf team 😂 I would love these kind of survivors rather than the ones that go sightseeing around the map before starting their first gen 10 minutes in.

    Its like when you had Omegablink Nurse slugging at 5 gens. Was it fun? Not at all, but you had to appreciate the absolute sweat in that player.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181
    edited July 2020

    I want to start off by saying I'm a killer main before anyone comments as if I'm saying this as a survivor main. Gen rushing is a legitimate tactic. To act like it's scummy would be like asking survivors to not do their job. Why wouldn't survivors gen rush if it wins them games? This is the big difference between gen rushing and face camping. Face camping does not win you games. It only opens you up to more losses which is why it's so scummy. Your sacrificing possible wins just to be scummy. That's not to say camping alone is bad. Camping, just like gen rushing can be a legitimate strategy when done properly. Survivors and killers both need to realize there are annoying strategies each side can use, but if they work as intended complaining about them only makes you look like trash because you're just complaining about what your enemy is literally suppose to be doing.

    All this being said sfw is extremely unfair. It's like playing with wallhacks. Genrushing with sfw is extremely scummy just because of how inherently unfair sfw mode is. sfw has absolutely no place in a ranked mode. Rank 20 survivors could get rank 1 with a 4 man sfw easily.

  • mentalpopcorn
    mentalpopcorn Member Posts: 181

    Nobody can really win the game playing fair against a sweaty sfw team. And sweaty sfw teams don't deserve fairness because sfw itself is unfair.

  • yobuddd
    yobuddd Member Posts: 2,259

    When 3 gens pop that fast, just head to an exit gate lever and play on your phone. They want to work on gens that badly? Let 'em! I'm sure they're having a blast. They're so focused they may not realize you're not chasing them until they've done all 5. When EGC starts immediately afterward, they'll realize that you weren't hunting, they just did all the work, and that the gen rush didn't frustrate you. I'm sure they'll have had a blast.

    Other hint. After you open the exit gate, move forward and put your face between left side of the switch and the brick protrusion, and play on your phone again. Now they can't blind you or initiate chases. No boldness or altruism points for them, daaaarn. Hope the gen rush was worth it.

  • IronKnight55
    IronKnight55 Member Posts: 2,933
    edited July 2020

    Meh, you win some, you lose some. You should try using Corrupt Intervention.

  • SIeepWaIker
    SIeepWaIker Member Posts: 47
    edited July 2020

    I was thinking the same.. that is a lot of points for survivors that just did gens, and the killer still got 1k... cannot expect 4k every match. I played a couple of days ago as survivor and 7 of 8 matches were 4k. Maybe we can nerf tools/perks/gen speeds so that could be 8/8 4ks with no escaping.

    And to their comment, I'm glad I'm on PS4 and don't see post game chat garbage. They know what they brought, they knew they were going to be able to increase their odds, and they are just trolling POS's. Be happy that you got one cause I guarantee as a 4 man sweaty SWF, the one that did not get away was super salty, and his team feels bad for losing him/her in what they thought would be a sure-fire 4 man escape.

  • Waffleyumboy
    Waffleyumboy Member Posts: 7,318

    They weren't saying "you were either patrolling or chasing", they were saying that OP either patrolled wrong or took a bad chase. Big difference bud.

  • Customapple0
    Customapple0 Member Posts: 629

    Wow, encouraging unsportsmanlike behaviour....

    It’s not the survivors fault that you give them no reason to get off gens.

  • Psychobeastz
    Psychobeastz Member Posts: 164

    I am pretty sure someone said this or rather your familiar with it, but you need to scratch out those names bud. Its a rule of the forum unless I am mistaken and you should edit it as soon as possible.

  • TattooJake
    TattooJake Member Posts: 158
    edited July 2020

    Now show us the last 10 or so games before this where you 3 or 4k’d in a row. Gen rush meme build by a swf. You got wrecked. Say gg and move on the the next.

  • Sadsnacks
    Sadsnacks Member Posts: 677

    I don't bother with "pressure" anymore. All that does is stress ME out, not survivors.

    If the match is over in 5 minutes, whatever. I'm focusing on my fun, not trying to be some bot that exists to provide amusement for 4 other players.

  • CosmicParagon
    CosmicParagon Member Posts: 1,070

    "bro why aren't you chasing me clicking my flashlight while my team genrushes, I want my sick blinds for my ochido fanpage!"

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    Honestly they are just tryhards.

  • MigrantTheGreat
    MigrantTheGreat Member Posts: 1,379

    Outside of their builds that's the problem! Survivor's don't have enough objective's compared to what killer's have to do to get the ball rolling! Killer's have to predict and hope that their prediction is right, chase and down a survivor, than hook them. By the time the killer get's their first hook, 2-3 gens can pop and if the survivor has second chance perks, than that extends chase time and gives the other survivor's more time on gens. If the survivor is a top 1% player and the killer had to drop the chase, guess what? It's back to square 1, and not only that only 3 killer's have the map pressure for that, but survivor's want them nerfed or call them boring.

    While I agree what your saying, the problem is that survivor's don't have enough objectives, and killer's can't be at 4 places at once

  • jayru
    jayru Member Posts: 64

    That seemed to me like that was a SWF group seeing as all 4 of them had a sneak build and a full arsenal of the best gen completion addons/perks. I'm not saying it's the wrong way to play survivor, but when a match is 3 minutes long USUALLY survivors get a safety pip and a pat on the head. This may not be a good example but gen rushing is real.

    It's not survivors fault and killers can't help it unless they focus on the hooks instead of the gens. But noooo hold on, if a killer focuses solely on killing instead of gens that's toxic even though in situations like these it's the better option. See how thats a two way street?

    It just boils down to BHVR being incompetent, problems like these shouldn't persist in a game this aged.

  • YumiiXO
    YumiiXO Member Posts: 97

    Yeah because I can patrol 3 separate gens being worked on solo with toolboxes with bnps.

  • mike1288mccarthy
    mike1288mccarthy Member Posts: 78

    Ghostface isn't a bad killer it's just he has be very stealthy to get 4ks he's low B tier with good perks but his map pressure is crap compared to killers like wraith hillbilly nurse spirit Freddy even doctor has better map pressure. But that build is crap STBFL and Pop are complete opportunities Pop you need to hook people so using save the best for last with it and leaving chases is counterproductive. Just me I would have run ruin, surveillance or corrupt instead of STBFL

  • mike1288mccarthy
    mike1288mccarthy Member Posts: 78

    Prove thyself doesn't stack so if 3 people have it they wasted a perk slot, it's not a bad perk but it has too much need for having multiple people on a gen to even make it work which in theory makes it useless. Toolboxes are crap and so are BNP toolboxes don't even last a gen anymore

  • XCheekyNuggetX
    XCheekyNuggetX Member Posts: 12

    I get you, it's very frustrating but it's not much different to us killers bringing moris. There's nothing you can do as a killer against that and very little a survivor can do against a Mori unless they're sweaty tryhards so.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393
    edited August 2020

    Agreed. I've felt for some time that BHVR is just at a lost for how to move forward. They put themselves in a corner and empowered a lot of toxic play styles as well as ignored huge issues. If they tweak gen times they could destroy 80% of the survivor base while creating some balance for red rank killers facing constant SWF with gen builds.

    It's a mess.

    @MigrantTheGreat that is a very solid point. Survivors need more objectives, which will grant more BP. That said, some would need to be done at lower ranks. Lower skill survivors barely escape as it is, now they would never do so. That is the overall problem with the game. Most of the player base is in the rank 8 to 14 range. Killers are very strong in that range. New objectives would completely cripple them. These are mostly casual players who soak up the cosmetics and bring in lots of money. Destroy their enjoyment and the game withers.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    how many mistakes can survivor make still get out? i say a lot also what if they all good in chases give up every chases i mean with swf or really good solo game pointless to play as most killers.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    You'll never hear me argue that SWF is not powerful. You are right in the fact they can make more mistakes. Personally, I still have fun playing, and I prefer Trapper; so not exactly a powerful killer. The feeling of having no room for mistake is much more prevalent as killer than survivor. There are no easy fixes though. I don't want to damage the game. I don't want 1 hour que times because we drive survivors away from the game. Tweak gens too much and you destroy the casual mid rank survivor game. Mid ranks already see killers winning in big numbers with lazy tunneling/camping tactics. Make that worse and you drive players away in droves. Bad, bad, bad idea.

    There are so many tweaks that need to happen, but it has to be with a scalpel.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    just saying survivor to easy where killer much to hard and shocked not driving more killers away with out killers survivor can't play.

  • Pryzm
    Pryzm Member Posts: 393

    I would caution against an us and them attitude. It is bad for the game. We all enjoy this game, it should be a binding factor. Also, keep in mind, without survivors, killer's can't play the game either.

    I've gotten in the habit of saying "thanks for playing and best of luck" at the end of matches. Trying to show a bit of appreciation for my fellow gamers. Not going far, but at least I can say I'm not part of the problem.

    I should add that though I still love playing killer more than survivor, I can't play either right now due to the horrid auras. I'm colorblind and can't see gens, totems, traps, notta. Frustrating!

  • Aneurysm
    Aneurysm Member Posts: 5,270

    It's that team healer build that scares me more than the toolboxes honestly.

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    thing is i play both sides 50/50 just saying tho survivor is easy i have first hand play solo not as hard as people say swf i played few game with 2men to 3men group and it broken but killer is harder then it should be i mean there are time killer got the upper hand but not easy.

    and i'm killer who think 2 kills is good and i count more on how many hooks i get them kills so when i get like 3 hooks and all get out t bagging flashlight clicking not happy camper

    btw survivors are the most sore winners i every seen in an online game in my life.

  • Thatgurl_again
    Thatgurl_again Member Posts: 287

    They said he had no map pressure as they brought brand new parts. I mean really?

    I didn't mean to sound rude

    GET_MEMED Member Posts: 5

    i played a game as ghostface and 2 gens popped before i even found anyone. When i got my first 2 hooks, there was only 1 gen left. Thankfully the survivors 3 genned themselves, but since ghostface is a low mobility killer, it was still really intense. Too intense for my wifi in fact (my wifi cut out)

    I havent been playing for that long, so the only real gen pressure perks i have are thrilling tremors and pgtw. but should that really be a reason that i cant play the killer i want to play in fear of getting genrushed?