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Doctor and nerf

In the recent days of playing on both sides, the amount of how toxic and cancerous people can be, has taken a massive rise in this game especially in red ranks (aka Cancer Ranks). However one person took the prize and he was playing the Doctor.

The pulse ability he has that can be modified with addons is game breaking and quite literally. The fact that it can be made to pulse practically the entire map on some levels is top tier garbage. The ONLY reason the doctor got buffed was more than likely because one of the heads of the game (you know who) plays him.

As of now though, gameplay against him tanks quickly if you are playing against someone who would rather play like a jerk than play to have fun.

This is a small thing for the suggestion of changing that stupid ability to maybe make the game more enjoyable-ish. Now if you excuse me I have to TRY to get the tome challenges done why having to worry about toxic Leatherfaces now on the rise again because someone thought it was a good idea to make another Killer more powerful than they need to be.


  • LazyPayday
    LazyPayday Member Posts: 420

    Doctor isn't overpowered and he wasn't changed because a dev mained him. Survivors complained that the doctor required no skill in the beginning of the match (which was completely true) and he was quite weak other than that, so the devs decided to rework him. They removed the stance mechanic because it was outdated with his new ability and decided to be dumbasses and make it so that he couldn't do anything for around 3 seconds after shocking a survivor (which was reduced after the outcry of doctor mains).

    The static blast was the new more skillful version of his field before the rework, which would automatically alert you of a survivor in your terror radius in the beginning of the match, making it impossible to avoid.

    At the end of the day, Doctor is an anti-stealth killer, just because with the right build he can static blast the whole map, doesn't mean he still doesn't have to chase survivors. I'd say he's B tier at best and C tier at worst and doesn't require any changes at the moment, they should prioritize other things instead of changing doctor and nerfing Billy's base kit.