The Dead by Daylight team would like your feedback in a Player Satisfaction survey!

Hiatus Time Again....maybe forever

With the way things currently are in the game, its not fun, period. Some people may differ but for me its not a fun game anymore. With the way things currently are, I either face 4 survivors who gen rush the hell out of the map and then leave, despite the fact I'm using anti-gen rush perks OR as a survivor I get placed against a killer who is either better than me, or plays like a complete and total douchebag.

That's it, that is all I ever get, even when playing with friends. The updates being made to the game are far from balanced and after 4 year of NO PROGRESS to improve the game, gameplay wise, it's just a bad game. If anyone were to ask if I would recommend this game, I would tell them no, save your money for something good.

Maybe and that is a BIG maybe, I'll come back when the game isn't in the current boring and ######### meta state that its in. So my feedback is make the game fun, don't let people who play like douchebags play against people who aren't, and hell fix the dumb idea of a rank system in this game because playing with/against toxic people kills the game. I'm going to go play an enjoyable game now where I won't have to worry about that stuff, its called Monster Hunter World. You know, ran by a good company that actually cares about their community.



  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    ... Alright. Have fun. Hope you do comeback one day, maybe all of this is just because of burning out.